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Sport Offers

The range of sport activities for students in Aachen is organised centrally by the University Sports Centre (Hochschulsportzentrum). With up to 100 different sports from Aikido to basketball and climbing to high diving and yoga, there is plenty on offer for every sport fan.

You can find more information here.

The range of university sport in Aachen includes...

...up to 100 types of sport
...over 2,000 instructed courses per year
...more than 800 exercise instructors
...14 major events per year

The university sport facilities are divided into various locations.
The main area is located at the Königshügel sport facilities, near the Westbahnhof railway station. There you will find the Königshügel stadium, various gymnasiums, six tennis courts, a multifunctional beach sport facility, the RWTH GYM as a fitness centre, three soccer boxes as well as an all-weather field.
In the Ahornstraße area, there is a sports hall complex with a swimming pool.
At the Rursee in the Eifel, you can also try out various water sports at the "Wildenhof" venue.
An overview of all facilities can be found here.

Throughout the year, there are numerous sporting events and a diverse programme for summer and winter.

Whether it's the Lousberg Run in summer or the popular annual Ice Hockey Uni Cup with a colourful accompanying show in winter, the university sport department has a lot to offer.

Find out more here.