Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Diversity and Equity of Opportunity

Recognition, appreciation and perception of differences as well as the active development of commonalities are characteristics that FH Aachen applies and continuously develops as overarching guidelines in all areas of the university. It is an intrinsic goal of the university to understand diversity as an opportunity and to create an environment in which diversity and equal opportunities can freely develop and evolve.

As a place of learning, teaching, research and critical thinking, FH Aachen addresses the increasing diversity caused by heterogeneous biographies of all status groups by actively designing diversity management structures.

In doing so, it uses cognitive as well as value-based differences and diversity of perspectives in all areas of the university as a resource for learning- and problem-solving-oriented action as well as for promoting creativity and innovation in teaching and research and in the organisation as a whole.

FH Aachen is a leading university of applied sciences with a focus on technology, economics and design.

It is the self-image of FH Aachen to create a framework for study as well as teaching and research without exclusion, in which cosmopolitan students are qualified for careers in research and business. We are convinced that diversity and equal opportunities make a significant contribution to this self-image.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martina Klocke, Vice Rector for Diversity and Equity of Opportunity (Pro IV)

Working with Disabilities

Working with Disabilities

Studying with Disabilities

Studying with Disabilities

Beyond Labels

Geschichten und Porträts aus der FH Aachen

Diversity-Ausstellung „Beyond Labels – Geschichten und Porträts aus der FH Aachen“
Wo? Flugzeughalle, Boxgraben 100, 52064 Aachen
Wann? 23.-24.05 / 27.-28.05.2024 von 10-18 Uhr
24.05.2024 mit Abendprogramm und Feier ab 16.00 Uhr

Ein studentisches Team der FH Aachen präsentiert Ihnen kreative Einblicke in die vielfältigen Persönlichkeiten von Studierenden und Beschäftigten. Erleben Sie eine Ausstellung, die Stereotypen herausfordert und Wege aufzeigt, sie zu überwinden. Seien Sie dabei und entdecken Sie eine Welt jenseits von Etiketten!

Melden Sie sich gerne bis zum 17.05.2024 unter dem angegebenen Link an und seien Sie dabei!

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