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Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Fabian Baader

Chapter in an anthology

Ice melting probes
Dachwald, Bernd ; Ulamec, Stephan ; Kowalski, Julia ; Boxberg, Marc S. ; Baader, Fabian ; Biele, Jens ; Kömle, Norbert (2023)
Handbook of Space Resources. Cham : Springer 2023. Seite: 955 - 996
978-3-030-97912-6 (Print) , 978-3-030-97913-3 (Online)

Magazine article

Field-test performance of an ice-melting probe in a terrestrial analogue environment
Baader, Fabian ; Boxberg, Marc S. ; Chen, Qian ; Förstner, Roger ; Kowalski, Julia ; Dachwald, Bernd (2023)
Icarus. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2023), H. 409. - Artikel 115852
Development and flight-testing of a system to isolate vibrations for microgravity experiments on sounding rockets
Krämer, Stefan ; Daab, Dominique Jonas ; Müller, Brigitte ; Wagner, Tobias ; Baader, Fabian ; Hessel, Joana ; Gdalewitsch, Georg ; Plescher, Engelbert ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Wahle, Michael ; Gierse, Andreas ; Vetter, Rudolf ; Pfützenreuter, Lysan (2013)
21st ESA Symposium on Rocket and Balloon Research. . (2013). Seite: 1 - 8

Conference Papers

Operating melting probes for ice penetration under sublimation conditions and in reduced gravity on a sounding rocket
Baader, Fabian ; Keller, Denis ; Lehmann, Raphael ; Gerber, Lukas ; Reiswich, Martin ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Förstner, Roger (2019)
Proceedings of the 24th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and related Research. 2019. - 8 Seiten
24th PAC Symposium 2019
VIPER - Student research on extraterrestrical ice penetration technology
Baader, Fabian ; Reiswich, M. ; Bartsch, M. ; Keller, D. ; Tiede, E. ; Keck, G. ; Demircian, A. ; Friedrich, M. ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Schüller, K. ; Lehmann, Raphael ; Chojetzki, R. ; Durand, C. ; Rapp, L. ; Kowalski, Julia ; Förstner, R. (2018)
Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Space Educational Activities. 2018. Seite: 1 - 6
Experimental in-flight modal-analysis of a sounding rocket structure
Gierse, Andreas ; Krämer, Stefan ; Daab, Dominique J. ; Hessel, Joana ; Baader, Fabian ; Müller, Brigitte S. ; Wagner, Tobias ; Gdalewitsch, Georg ; Plescher, Engelbert ; Pfützenreuter, Lysan (2013)
21st ESA Symposium on Rocket and Ballon related Research. 2013. Seite: 341 - 346

Other publications

Performance data of an ice-melting probe from field tests in two different ice environments
Feldmann, Marco ; Francke, Gero ; Espe, Clemes ; Chen, Qian ; Baader, Fabian ; Boxberg, Marc S. ; Sustrate, Anna-Marie ; Kowalski, Julia ; Dachwald, Bernd (2022)
Forschungsdaten zu "Field-test performance of an ice-melting probe in a terrestrial analogue environment" (https://opus.bibliothek.fh-aachen.de/opus4/frontdoor/index/index/docId/10889)

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