Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Dipl.-Inform. Daniel Beck
Magazine article
Mostly Harmless & AllemaniACs - mixed innovations
Beck, Daniel ; Buchleitner, Martin ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Niemüller, Tim ; Steinbauer, Gerald (2014)
. (2014). Seite: 1 - 8
Landmark-Based Representations for Navigating Holonomic Soccer Robots / Beck, Daniel ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Lakemeyer, Gerhard
Ferrein, Alexander ; Beck, Daniel ; Lakemeyer, Gerhard (2009)
RoboCup 2008 : robot soccer world cup XII / Luca Iocchi ... (eds.). Heidelberg : Springer. (2009). Seite: 25 - 36
Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5399
Robust Collision Avoidance in Unknown Domestic Environments / Jacobs, Stefan ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Schiffer, Stefan ; Beck, Daniel ; Lakemeyer, Gerhard
Ferrein, Alexander ; Jacobs, Stefan ; Schiffer, Stefan ; Beck, Daniel (2009)
ROBOCUP 2009: ROBOT SOCCER WORLD CUP XIII. Berlin : Springer. (2009). Seite: 116 - 127
Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5949
A Simulation Environment for Middle-Size Robots with Multi-level Abstraction / Beck, Daniel ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Lakemeyer, Gerhard
Ferrein, Alexander ; Beck, Daniel ; Lakemeyer, Gerhard (2007)
RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI. Berlin : Springer. (2007). Seite: 136 - 147
Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5001
Conference Papers
Design principles of the component-based robot software framework Fawkes
Niemüller, Tim ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Beck, Daniel ; Lakemeyer, Gerhard (2010)
Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots. Berlin : Springer 2010. Seite: 300 - 311
Second International Conference, SIMPAR 2010, Darmstadt, Germany, November 15-18, 2010
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