Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Czupalla
Magazine article
Thermal Characterization of additive manufactured Integral Structures for Phase Change Applications
Wild, Dominik ; Schrezenmeier, Johannes ; Czupalla, Markus ; Förstner, Roger (2020)
2020 International Conference on Environmental Systems. : Texas Tech University. (2020).
AMS-100: The next generation magnetic spectrometer in space – An international science platform for physics and astrophysics at Lagrange point 2
Schael, S. ; Atanasyan, A. ; Berdugo, J. ; Bretz, T. ; Czupalla, Markus ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Doetinchem, P. von ; Duranti, M. ; Gast, H. ; Karpinski, W. ; Kirn, T. ; Lübelsmeyer, K. ; Maña, C. ; Marrocchesi, P.S. ; Mertsch, P. ; Moskalenko, I.V. ; Schervan, T. ; Schluse, M. ; Schröder, K.-U. ; Schultz von Dratzig, A. ; Senatore, C. ; Spies, L. ; Wakely, S.P. ; Wlochal, M. ; Uglietti, D. ; Zimmermann, J. (2019)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 944 (2019), H. 162561.
The conceptual design of a hybrid life support system based on the evaluation and comparison of terrestrial testbeds
Czupalla, Markus ; Horneck, G. ; Blome, Hans-Joachim (2005)
Advances in Space Research. Seite: 1609 - 1620
Conference Papers
Concept and design of an autonomous micro rover for long term lunar exploration
Mulsow, Niklas A. ; Hülsen, Benjamin ; Gützlaff, Joel ; Spies, Leon ; Bresser, Andreas ; Dabrowski, Adam ; Czupalla, Markus ; Kirchner, Frank (2023)
Proceedings of the 74th International Astronautical Congress. Saarbrücken : dfki 2023. , Art.-Nr.: IAC–23–D1 ,2 ,11 ,x77783- 13 Seiten
74. International Astronautical Congress (IAC-2023), October 2-6 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan
Towards an autonomous micro rover with night survivability for lunar exploration
Hülsen, Benjamin ; Mulsow, Niklas A. ; Dabrowski, Adam ; Brinkmann, Wiebke ; Gützlaff, Joel ; Spies, Leon ; Czupalla, Markus ; Kirchner, Frank (2023)
Proceedings of the 74th International Astronautical Congress. : dfki 2023. , Art.-Nr.: IAC–23–A3 ,IP, 39, x76261- 12 Seiten
74. International Astronautical Congress (IAC-2023), October 2-6 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan
Modeling, prediction and test of additive manufactured integral structures with embedded lattice and phase change material applying Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS)
Wild, Dominik ; Czupalla, Markus ; Förstner, Roger (2021)
ICES104: Advances in Thermal Control Technology. Lubbock, Tex. : Texas Tech University 2021. - 12 Seiten
50th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 12-15 July 2021, held virtually
Modeling and analyses of a thermal passively stabilized LEO/GEO star tracker with embedded phase change material applying the Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS) method
Kohlberger, David-Sharif ; Wild, Dominik ; Kasper, Stefan ; Czupalla, Markus (2021)
ICES202: Satellite, Payload, and Instrument Thermal Control. Lubbock, Tex. : Texas Tech University 2021. - 12 Seiten
50th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 12-15 July 2021, held virtually
Development of the Thermal Control System for the RadMap Telescope Experiment on the International Space Station
Adams, Moritz ; Losekamm, Martin J. ; Czupalla, Markus (2020)
International Conference on Environmental Systems. 2020. Seite: 1 - 10
2020 International Conference on Environmental Systems, 12. Juli 2020 – 16. Juli 2020, Lissabon
Study on thermal stabilization of a GEO-stationary telescope baffling system by integral application of phase change material
Bergmann, Kevin ; Gräbener, Josefine ; Wild, Dominik ; Ulfers, H. ; Czupalla, Markus (2019)
International Conference on Environmental Systems. 2019. Seite: 1 - 14
49th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 7-11 July 2019, Boston, Massachusetts ; ICES-2019-72
The search for life on Mars and in the Solar System - strategies, logistics and infrastructures
Jean-Pierre P., de Vera ; Baque, Mickael ; Billi, Daniela ; Böttger, Ute ; Bulat, Sergey ; Czupalla, Markus ; Dachwald, Bernd ; de la Torre, Rosa ; Elsaesser, Andreas ; Foucher, Frédéric ; Korsitzky, Hartmut ; Kozyrovska, Natalia ; Läufer, Andreas ; Moeller, Ralf ; Olsson-Francis, Karen ; Onofri, Silvano ; Sommer, Stefan ; Wagner, Dirk ; Westall, Frances (2018)
69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). 2018. - 8 Seite: 1 - 8
69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018.
Pflanzen oder Maschinen - was läßt uns auf dem Mars überleben?
Czupalla, Markus (2017)
Überleben im Weltraum. Auf dem Weg zu neuen Grenzen. 21. Berliner Kolloquium der Daimler und Benz Stiftung 24. Mai 2017. 2017. Seite: 12 - 12
Überleben im Weltraum. Auf dem Weg zu neuen Grenzen. 21. Berliner Kolloquium der Daimler und Benz Stiftung 24. Mai 2017
Blome, Hans-Joachim ; Gerzer, Rupert ; Baumstark-Khan, Christa ; Ewald, Reinhold ; Heinicke, Christiane ; Czupalla, Markus ; Carter, Layne ; Anderson, Molly (2017)
2017. - 15 Seiten
Conference posters and abstracts
The ARIEL payload: A technical overview
Eccleston, Paul ; Drummond, Rachel ; Middleton, Kevin ; Bishop, Georgia ; Caldwell, Andrew ; Desjonqueres, Lucile ; Tosh, Ian ; Cann, Nick ; Crook, Martin ; Hills, Matthew ; Pearson, Chris ; Simpson, Caroline ; Stamper, Richard ; Tinetti, Giovanna ; Pascale, Enzo ; Swain, Mark ; Holmes, Warren A. ; Wong, Andre ; Puig, Ludovic ; Pilbratt, Göran ; Linder, Martin ; Boudin, Nathalie ; Ertel, Hanno ; Gambicorti, Lisa ; Halain, Jean-Philippe ; Pace, Emanuele ; Vilardell, Francesc ; Gómez, José M. ; Colomé, Josep ; Amiaux, Jérôme ; Cara, Christophe ; Berthe, Michel ; Moreau, Vincent ; Morgante, Gianluca ; Malaguti, Giuseppe ; Alonso, Gustavo ; Álvarez, Javier P. ; Ollivier, Marc ; Philippon, Anne ; Hellin, Marie-Laure ; Roose, Steve ; Frericks, Martin ; Krijger, Matthijs ; Rataj, Miroslaw ; Wawer, Piotr ; Skup, Konrad ; Sobiecki, Mateusz ; Christian Jessen, Niels ; Møller Pedersen, Søren ; Hargrave, Peter ; Griffin, Matt ; Ottensamer, Roland ; Hunt, Thomas ; Rust, Duncan ; Saleh, Aymen ; Winter, Berend ; Focardi, Mauro ; Da Deppo, Vania ; Zuppella, Paola ; Czupalla, Markus (2020)
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. Washington : SPIE Seite: 114430Z
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 14–22 December 2020, Online Only, United States
Passive thermal control by integration of phase change material into additively manufactured structures
Reiswich, Martin ; Brandt, Hannes ; Czupalla, Markus (2019)
E2. 47th Student conference. , Art.-Nr.: Paper #55200
70th International Astronautical Congress, 21. - 25. Oktober 2019, Washington D.C., United States
From planetary transits to spacecraft design: achieving PLATO’s pointing performance
Gamgami, Farid ; Czupalla, Markus ; Garcia, Antonio ; Agnolon, David (2016)
A7. Symposium on technological Requirement for future space astronomy and solar-system science missions. , Art.-Nr.: Paper #34482
67th International Astronautical Congress, 26. - 30. September 2016, Guadalajara, Mexico
Other publications
A thermal simulation environment for moving objects on the lunar surface
Schmülling, Max ; Gützlaff, Joel ; Czupalla, Markus (2024)
- 12 Seiten
Ein Garten im Weltraum
Czupalla, Markus (2017)
Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Heidelberg : Spektrum-der-Wiss.-Verl.-Ges.
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