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Veröffentlichungen A - Z

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Bremen

Magazine article

Research on reducing residual stresses of SLM parts made for downstream welding process
Eichler, Fabian ; Balc, Nicolae ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Schleser, Markus ; Schwarz, Alexander (2024)
Acta Technica Napocensis. Cluj-Napoca : Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. 67 (2024), H. 1s. Seite: 69 - 78
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) in rapid tooling: advancements and applications for fused filament fabrication of rubber molds
Abbas, Karim ; Balc, Nicolae ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Hedwig, Lukas (2024)
Acta Technica Napocensis. Cluj-Napoca : Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. 67 (2024), H. 1s. Seite: 13 - 22
Experts' perspectives on the adoption of additive manufacturing in the industry and its interrelated implications in production structures
Luft, Angela ; Balc, Nicolae ; Bremen, Sebastian (2024)
Acta Technica Napocensis. Cluj-Napoca : Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. 67 (2024), H. 1s. Seite: 159 - 168
Investigation of laser powder bed fusion parameters with respect to their influence on the thermal conductivity of 316L samples
Eichler, Fabian ; Balc, Nicolae ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Nink, Philipp (2024)
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. Basel : MDPI. 8 (2024), H. 4. - 12 Seiten
Corresponding author: Fabian Eichler
A cost/benefit and flexibility evaluation framework for additive technologies in strategic factory planning
Luft, Angela ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Luft, Nils (2023)
Processes. Basel : MDPI. 11 (2023), H. 7. - Artikel 1968
Advanced FFF of PEEK: Infill strategies and material characteristics for rapid tooling
Abbas, Karim ; Hedwig, Lukas ; Balc, Nicolae ; Bremen, Sebastian (2023)
Polymers. Basel : MDPI. 2023 (2023), H. 15. - Artikel 4293
This article belongs to the Special Issue "Polymer Materials and Design Processes for Additively Manufactured Products"
Crystallization and aging behavior of polyetheretherketone PEEK within rapid tooling and rubber molding
Abbas, Karim ; Balc, Nicolae ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Skupin, Marco (2022)
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. Basel : MDPI. 6 (2022), H. 5. Seite: 1 - 12
The article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Injection Molding: Process, Materials and Applications
Lösungsansätze und Verfahrenskonzepte zum Laserstrahlschmelzen von Glas
Kasch, Susanne ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Jahn, Simon ; Eichler, Fabian ; Thurn, Laura ; Bremen, Sebastian (2021)
Schweissen und Schneiden. Düsseldorf : DVS Verlag. 73 (2021), H. Heft 1-2. Seite: 32 - 39
Qualification of a Ni-Cu alloy for the laser powder bed fusion process (LPBF): Its microstructure and mechanical properties
Raffeis, Iris ; Adjei-Kyeremeh, Frank ; Vroomen, Uwe ; Westhoff, Elmar ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Hohoi, Alexandru ; Bührig-Polaczek, Andreas (2020)
Applied Sciences. Basel : MDPI. 10 (2020), H. Art. 3401. Seite: 1 - 15
Special Issue Materials Development by Additive Manufacturing Techniques
Machbarkeitsstudie zur Verarbeitung von nicht rostendem Stahl 1.4404 unter Verwendung einer Diodenlaser-basierten LPBF-Maschine mit kartesischem Achssystem
Ziebura, Dawid ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2018)
RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie. . 15 (2018).

Conference Papers

Investigation on the influence of powder humidity in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)
Weiss, Christian ; Heslenfeld, Jonas ; Saewe, Jasmin Kathrin ; Bremen, Sebastian ; Häfner, Constantin Leon (2022)
Procedia CIRP 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022]. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2022. Seite: 115 - 120
12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022], 04. September 2022 bis 08. September 2022, Fürth
Solution approaches and process concepts for powder bed-based melting of glass
Kasch, Susanne ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Eichler, Fabian ; Thurn, Laura ; Jahn, Simon ; Bremen, Sebastian (2020)
Industrializing Additive Manufacturing. Proceedings of AMPA2020. Cham : Springer 2020. Seite: 82 - 95
International Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications. 01.-03. September 2020. Zurich, Switzerland

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