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Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Eng. Marcel Stüttgen

Conference Papers

Work in Progress: Interdisciplinary projects in times of COVID-19 crisis – challenges, risks and chances
Hüning, Felix ; Stüttgen, Marcel (2021)
2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). New York, NY : IEEE 2021. Seite: 1175 - 1179
2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 21-23 April 2021, Vienna, Austria
The Scarab Project
Booysen, Tracy ; Mathew, Thomas ; Knox, Greig ; Fong, W. K. ; Stüttgen, Marcel ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Steinbauer, Gerald (2015)
ICRA 2015 Developing Countries Forum. 2015. - 3 S.

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