Publications from
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Reke
Chapter in an anthology
Controlling a Fleet of Autonomous LHD Vehicles in Mining Operation
Ferrein, Alexander ; Nikolovski, Gjorgji ; Limpert, Nicolas ; Reke, Michael ; Schiffer, Stefan ; Scholl, Ingrid (2023)
Multi-Robot Systems - New Advances. London : Intech Open 2023. - 21 Seiten
Magazine article
Benchmarking of various LiDAR sensors for use in self-driving vehicles in real-world environments
Schulte-Tigges, Joschua ; Förster, Marco ; Nikolovski, Gjorgji ; Reke, Michael ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Kaszner, Daniel ; Matheis, Dominik ; Walter, Thomas (2022)
Sensors. Basel : MDPI. 22 (2022), H. 19. - 20 Seiten
This article belongs to the Special Issue "Sensor Fusion for Vehicles Navigation and Robotic Systems"
Prototyping and evaluation of infrastructure-assisted transition of control for cooperative automated vehicles
Coll-Perales, Baldomero ; Schulte-Tigges, Joschua ; Rondinone, Michele ; Gozalvez, Javier ; Reke, Michael ; Matheis, Dominik ; Walter, Thomas (2022)
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. : IEEE. 23 (2022), H. 7. Seite: 6720 - 6736
1524-9050 (Print)
1558-0016 (Online)
Rolling Labs – Teaching Vehicle Electronics from the Beginning
Hüning, Felix ; Hillgärtner, Michael ; Reke, Michael (2019)
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP). . 9 (2019), H. 1. Seite: 34 - 49
Conference Papers
Demonstrating a V2X enabled system for transition of control and minimum risk manoeuvre when leaving the operational design domain
Schulte-Tigges, Joschua ; Matheis, Dominik ; Reke, Michael ; Walter, Thomas ; Kaszner, Daniel (2023)
HCII 2023: HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems. Cham : Springer 2023. Seite: 200 - 210
5th International Conference, MobiTAS 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023.
Model-predictive control with parallelised optimisation for the navigation of autonomous mining vehicles
Nikolovski, Gjorgji ; Limpert, Nicolas ; Nessau, Hendrik ; Reke, Michael ; Ferrein, Alexander (2023)
2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). : IEEE 2023. - 6 Seiten
IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Vehicle, 4.-7. June 2023, Anchorage, AK, USA.
Towards a lifelong mapping approach using Lanelet 2 for autonomous open-pit mine operations
Eichenbaum, Julian ; Nikolovski, Gjorgji ; Mülhens, Leon ; Reke, Michael ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Scholl, Ingrid (2023)
2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). : IEEE 2023. - 8 Seiten
19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 26-30 August 2023, Auckland, New Zealand.
Machine learning based 3D object detection for navigation in unstructured environments
Nikolovski, Gjorgji ; Reke, Michael ; Elsen, Ingo ; Schiffer, Stefan (2021)
2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops). : IEEE 2021. Seite: 236 - 242
2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops), 11-17 July 2021, Nagoya, Japan.
GPU based model-predictive path control for self-driving vehicles
Chajan, Eduard ; Schulte-Tigges, Joschua ; Reke, Michael ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Matheis, Dominik ; Walter, Thomas (2021)
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). New York, NY : IEEE 2021. Seite: 1243 - 1248
2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), July 11-17, 2021. Nagoya, Japan
CO2 Meter: a do-it-yourself carbon dioxide measuring device for the classroom
Dey, Thomas ; Elsen, Ingo ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Reke, Michael ; Schiffer, Stefan (2021)
PETRA '21: Proceedings of the 14th Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2021. Seite: 292 - 299
PETRA '21: The 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference Corfu Greece 29 June 2021- 2 July 2021
A Self-Driving Car Architecture in ROS2
Reke, Michael ; Peter, Daniel ; Schulte-Tigges, Joschua ; Schiffer, Stefan ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Walter, Thomas ; Matheis, Dominik (2020)
2020 International SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. New York, NY : IEEE 2020. Seite: 1 - 6
2020 International SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA Conference, 29-31 Jan. 2020, Cape Town, South Africa