FH Aachen - University of Applied Sciences
Information on the Start of Studies
Which preliminary courses are there? When do the introductory events take place? How do I set up my university account and how do I create a timetable?
Freshers can find answers to these and many other questions on our overview page on the start of studies and the linked subsequent pages.
Dates & Events
Positive Vibes - die Kraft, Dinge zu verändern
FH Jazz Combo unterstützt drei Speaker im QuellPunkt
read moreNachhaltige Unkrautbeseitigung in der Landwirtschaft durch Agrarrobotik und KI/ Maschinelles Lernen
Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit des Hochschulnetzwerks NAW.NRW an der FH Aachen
read moreResearch at FH Aachen
Research at FH Aachen is practice- and application-oriented. We see ourselves as an interdisciplinary think tank. The expertise of the scientists in our faculties and institutes lies primarily in the areas of energy and sustainable construction, mobility, life sciences as well as digitalisation and industrial production.
This is US!
With more than 15,000 students, almost 2,000 graduates per year, 10 faculties, about 100 degree programmes, twelve in-house and five affiliated institutes as well as four competence platforms, FH Aachen with its two locations in Aachen and Jülich is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany.