
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Heinz Faßbender


Architektur eines Führungsinformationssystems unter Verwendung von Enterprise Java Beans
Faßbender, Heinz (2003)
Wachtberg : FGAN-FKIE 2003.
Protokolle zur Replikation verteilter Daten
Faßbender, Heinz ; Bühler, Gerhard ; Markmann, G. ; Wunder, M. (2001)
Wachtberg : FGAN-FKIE 2001.
Architektur eines plattformunabhängigen verteilten Führungsinformationssystems
Faßbender, Heinz (1999)
Wachtberg : FGAN-FKIE 1999.
A strict border for the decidability of e-unification for recursive functions
Faßbender, Heinz ; Maneth, Sebastian (1996)
Dresden : TU, Fak. Informatik 1996. - 27 S. : graph. Darst.
E-Unifikation für primitiv-rekursive Baumfunktionen : Semantik und Implementierung. - Als Ms. gedr.
Faßbender, Heinz (1995)
Aachen : Shaker 1995. - IX, 272 S. : graph. Darst.
Implementation of a deterministic partial E-unification algorithm for macro tree transducers
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko ; Wedel, Andrea (1994)
Ulm : Univ. Ulm, Fak. für Informatik 1994. - 62 S.
A universal unification algorithm based on unification driven leftmost outermost narrowing
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko (1992)
Ulm : Univ. Ulm, Fak. für Informatik 1992. - 47 S. : graph. Darst.
Compiler based implementation of syntax directed functional programming
Faßbender, Heinz ; Gladtz, Katia ; Vogler, Heiko (1991)
Aachen : RWTH, Fachgruppe Informatik 1991. - 37 S.
A call-by-need implementation of syntax directed functional programming
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko (1990)
Aachen : RWTH, Fachgruppe Informatik 1990. - 44 S. : graph. Darst.
Implementierung der Call-by-Need Auswertungsstrategie für Macro Tree-to-String Transducer auf Nested-Stack Maschinen mit geschachtelten Ausgabebändern
Faßbender, Heinz (1989)
Aachen 1989.


An experimental command and control information system based on Enterprise Java bean technology
Faßbender, Heinz ; Bühler, Gerhard (2002)
Proceedings of the 7th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, September 2002, Quebec City, Kanada. Seite: 1 - 8
Reengineering an Ada95-programmed command and control information system by using UML
Faßbender, Heinz (2001)
Proceedings : September 30 - October 4, 2001, Twin Cities, Best Western The Thunderbird Hotel & Convention Center, Bloomington, MN, USA / ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference (SIGAda 2001). New York, NY : ACM. (2001). - XII, 135 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 53 - 60
Modelling command and control information systems by UML
Faßbender, Heinz ; Bühler, Gerhard (2001)
Proceedings of the Information Systems Technology Panel Symposium / Information Management Challenges in Achieving Coalition Interoperability, Mai 2001, Quebec City, Kanada. Seite: 7-1 - 7-9
The join of a geographical situation display system and a platform independent C2 information system
Faßbender, Heinz ; Bühler, Gerhard (2000)
Proceedings of the 2000 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Juni 2000, Monterey, USA. Seite: 1 - 7
Plattformunabhängige Verwendbarkeit eines Führungsinformationssystems durch den Einsatz von CORBA und Java
Faßbender, Heinz ; Bühler, Gerhard (2000)
Proceedings zum Workshop. Neubiberg : Univ. der Bundeswehr, Fak. Informatik. (2000).
Making a C2 information system platform independent by using internet and middleware technologies
Faßbender, Heinz ; Bühler, Gerhard (1999)
Proceedings of the 1999 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Juni 1999, Newport, USA. Seite: 1 - 11
Applying Ada, Java and CORBA for making a command and control information system platform independent
Faßbender, Heinz ; Bühler, Gerhard (1999)
Proceedings : (SIGAda '99) ; October 17 - 21, 1999 ; Crowne Plaza, Redondo Beach & Marine Hotel, Redondo Beach, CA, USA / ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference. New York, NY : ACM. (1999). - XIV, 251 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 83 - 88
A strict border for the decidability of e-unification for recursive functions / Faßbender, Heinz ; Maneth, Sebastian
Faßbender, Heinz ; Maneth, Sebastian (1998)
Journal of functional and logic programming. 1998 (1998), H. 4.
Implementation of a deterministic partial e-unification algorithm for macro tree transducers
Faßbender, Heinz ; Mößle, Andrea ; Vogler, Heiko (1996)
Journal of functional and logic programming. 1996 (1996), H. 2.
A strict border for the decidability of e-unification for recursive functions / Faßbender, Heinz ; Maneth, Sebastian
Faßbender, Heinz ; Maneth, Sebastian (1996)
Algebraic and logic programming : proceedings / 5th International Conference, ALP '96, Aachen, Germany, September 25 - 27, 1996. Michael Hanus ... (ed.). Berlin [u.a.] : Springer. (1996). - VIII, 344 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 194 - 208
Implementation of a UU-Algorithm for primitive recursive tree functions
Faßbender, Heinz (1995)
Fundamentals of computation theory : proceedings / 10th International Conference, FCT '95, Dresden, Germany, August 22 - 25, 1995. Horst Reichel (ed.). Berlin [u.a.] : Springer. (1995). - IX, 433 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 233 - 242
A verified implementation of narrowing
Faßbender, Heinz (1995)
Programming languages: implementations, logics and programs : proceedings / 7th International Symposium, PLILP '95, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 20 - 22, 1995. Manuel Hermenegildo ... (ed.). Berlin [u.a.] : Springer. (1995). - XI, 466 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 63 - 80
Implementierung eines universellen Unifikationsalgorithmus für Macro Tree Transducer
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko (1994)
Alternative Konzepte für Sprachen und Rechner : Bad Honnef 1993 / J. Ebert (Hrsg.). Koblenz : Univ., Inst. für Informatik. (1994). - 151 S.
A universal unification algorithm based on unification-driven leftmost outermost narrowing
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko (1994)
Acta Cybernetica. 11 (1994), H. 3. Seite: 139 - 167
An abstract machine for the E-Unification with macro tree transducer
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko ; Wedel, Andrea (1993)
7th International Workshop on Unification : 13. 06. - 14. 06. 93 / Franz Baader ... (eds.). [Boston University, Boston, USA].
Implementation of a universal unification algorithm for macro tree transducers
Faßbender, Heinz (1993)
Fundamentals of computation theory : proceedings / 9th International Conference, FCT '93, Szeged, Hungary, August 23 - 27, 1993. Zoltán Ésik (ed.). Berlin [u.a.] : Springer. (1993). - IX, 471 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 222 - 233
E-Unifikation mit macro tree transducer
Faßbender, Heinz ; Wedel, Andrea (1992)
2. Arbeitstreffen Effiziente Implementierung Funktionaler Programmiersprachen / Arbeitstreffen Effiziente Implementierung Funktionaler Programmiersprachen <2, 1992, Oberjoch>. Herbert Klaeren. Tübingen : Wilhelm-Schickard-Inst. für Informatik, Univ.. (1992). - 5 S.
An implementation of syntax directed functional programming on nested-stack machines
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko (1992)
Formal Aspects of Computing. 4 (1992), H. 4. Seite: 341 - 375
A narrowing machine for the functional logic language BABEL, restricted to primitive recursion : abstract
Faßbender, Heinz ; Vogler, Heiko (1991)
Granada Workshop on the Integration of Functional and Logic Programming / Granada Workshop on the Integration of Functional and Logic Programming <1990>. K. Indermark ... (ed.). Aachen : RWTH, Fachgruppe Informatik. (1991). - III, 231 S. : graph. Darst.Seite: 95 - 96

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