Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. J.-Michael Bauschat
Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk
Urbane Mobilität entdeckt die 3. Dimension
Bauschat, J.-Michael ; Benner, Miriam ; Klinge, Henner ; Ziegler, Simon (2022)
Transforming Mobility – What Next?. Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler 2022. Seite: 895 - 916
Free fall drag estimation of small-scale multirotor unmanned aircraft systems using computational fluid dynamics and wind tunnel experiments
Hammer, Thorben ; Quitter, Julius ; Mayntz, Joscha ; Bauschat, J.-Michael ; Dahmann, Peter ; Götten, Falk ; Hille, Sebastian ; Stumpf, Eike (2023)
CEAS Aeronautical Journal. Wien : Springer. (2023). - 14 Seiten
1869-5590 (Online)
1869-5582 (Print)
Highly non-planar lifting systems: a relative assessment of existing potential-methodologies to accurately estimate the induced drag
Schirra, Julian ; Watmuff, Jonathan ; Bauschat, J.-Michael (2014)
32nd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2014 : June, 16-20 2014, Atlanta, Ga.. . (2014). Seite: Publ. online
Highly Non-Planar Aircraft Configurations: Estimation of Flight Mechanical Derivatives Using Low-Order Methods
Quitter, Julius ; Marino, Matthew ; Bauschat, J.-Michael (2019)
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2019, DLRK 2019. Darmstadt, Germany. 2019. - 10 Seiten
A relative assessment of existing potential-methodologies to accurately estimate the induced drag of highly non-planar lifting systems
Schirra, Julian ; Watmuff, Jon ; Bauschat, J.-Michael (2014)
Advanced aero concepts, design and operations : Applied Aerodynamics Conference : July 22 -24, 2014, Bristol, UK. 2014. Seite: 1 - 13
Accurate induced drag prediction for highly non-planar lifting systems
Schirra, Julian ; Bauschat, J.-Michael ; Watmuff, J.H. (2014)
19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference : 8.-11. Dezember 2014, Melbourne, Australia. 2014. - 4 Seiten
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