
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Miranda Fateri

Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk

Introduction to Additive Manufacturing
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2020)
3D Printing of Optical Components. Cham : Springer 2020. Seite: 1 - 22


Additive manufactured mechanical disentanglement lock
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2015)
RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie. Aachen : Fachhochschule Aachen. 12 (2015).
Selective Laser Melting of Soda-Lime Glass Powder
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2015)
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell. 12 (2015), H. 1. Seite: 53 - 61
Process Parameters Development of Selective Laser Melting of Lunar Regolith for On-Site Manufacturing Applications
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2015)
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell. 12 (2015), H. 1. Seite: 46 - 52
3D-Drucken und die Anwendungen
Gebhardt, Andreas ; Fateri, Miranda (2014)
RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie. . 11 (2014) (2014), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 9
Experimental investigation on selective laser melting of glass
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas ; Thümmler, Stefan ; Thurn, Laura (2014)
Physics procedia : 8th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 2014. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 56 (2014) (2014). Seite: 357 - 364
1875-3892 (E-Journal) , 1875-3884 (Print)
3D printing and its applications
Gebhardt, Andreas ; Fateri, Miranda (2013)
RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie. Aachen : Fachhochschule Aachen. 10 (2013), H. 1.
Prozessoptimierung des SLM-Prozesses mit hoch-reflektiven und thermisch sehr gut leitenden Materialien durch systematische Parameterfindung und begleitende Simulationen am Beispiel von Silber
Hötter, Jan-Steffen ; Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2012)
RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie. Aachen : Fachhoschule Aachen. 9 (2012), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 14
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Buckling Deformation of Fabricated Objects by Selective Laser Melting
Fateri, Miranda ; Hötter, Jan-Steffen ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2012)
Physics Procedia. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 39 (2012). Seite: 464 - 470
Selective laser melting of metals: desktop machines open up new chances even for small companies
Hötter, Jan-Steffen ; Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2012)
Advanced materials research. Baech : Trans Tech Publ.. 622-623 (2012). Seite: 461 - 465
1662-8985 (E-Journal) , 1022-6680 (Print)


Overview of the MultiRob 3D Lunar Industrial Development Project
Großmann, Agnes ; Gabrielli, Roland Antonius ; Herdrich, Georg ; Fasoulas, Stefanos ; Schnauffer, Peter ; Middendorf, Peter ; Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2015)
Conference Contribution for the 30th ISTS, Kobe, Japan, 04.07.-10.07.2015. 2015. - 8 S.
System Architecture of a Lunar Industry Plant Using Regolith
Gabrielli, Roland Antonius ; Seelmann, Jürgen ; Großmann, Agnes ; Herdrich, Georg ; Fasoulas, Stefanos ; Middendorf, Peter ; Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2015)
Conference Contribution for the 30th ISTS, Kobe, Japan, 04.07.-10.07.2015. 2015. - 8 S.
Additive Manufacturing of Lunar Regolith for Extra-terrestrial Industry Plant
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas ; Gabrielli, Roland Antonius ; Herdrich, Georg ; Fasoulas, Stefanos ; Großmann, Agnes ; Schnauffer, Peter ; Middendorf, Peter (2015)
International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ICTS). July 2015, Kobe, Japan. 2015. - 5 S.
Space Propulsion Considerations for a Lunar Take Off Industry Based on Regolith
Gabrielli, Roland Antonius ; Mathies, Johannes ; Großmann, Agnes ; Herdrich, Georg ; Fasoulas, Stefanos ; Middendorf, Peter ; Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2015)
International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS). July 2015, Kobe, Japan. 2015.
Additive Manufacturing of Drainage Segments for Cooling System of Crucibles Melting Furnaces
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas ; Renftle, Georg (2015)
International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, (ICACC). January 2015, Florida, USA. 2015. - 9 S.
Additive manufacturing of drainage segments for cooling system of crucible melting furnaces
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas ; Renftle, Georg (2015)
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials II, International Symposium on Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials, ICACC 15, 39th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, US, Jan 25-30, 2015. Hoboken : Wiley 2015. Seite: 123 - 131
Jewelry fabrication via selective laser melting of glass
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas (2014)
ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Volume 1: Applied Mechanics; Automotive Systems; Biomedical Biotechnology Engineering; Computational Mechanics; Design; Digital Manufacturing; Education; Marine and Aerospace Applications. 2014. - 5 pagesSeite: V001T06A005
Experimental investigation of selective laser melting of lunar regolith for in-situ applications
Fateri, Miranda ; Gebhardt, Andreas ; Khosravi, Maziar (2013)
ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition : San Diego, California, USA, November 15–21, 2013. Vol. 2A: Advanced manufacturing. : ASME 2013. Seite: V02AT02A008

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