Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Dr. rer. nat. Angelika Hellwig
Overactive bladder syndrome: an underestimated long-term problem after treatment of patients with localized prostate cancer?
Boettcher, Martin ; Haselhuhn, Angelika ; Jakse, Gerhard ; Brehmer, Bernhard ; Kirschner-Hermanns, Ruth (2012)
BJU international. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell. 109 (2012), H. 12. Seite: 1824 - 1830
1365-2176 (E-Journal)
1464-410X (E-Journal)
0007-1331 (Print)
1464-4096 (Print)
Drangsymptomatik nach onkologisch erfolgreicher Prostatakarzinomtherapie : prospektive Studie zum Einfluss von Therapiemodalität, Morbidität und epidemiologischen Faktoren auf die Lebensqualität
Kirschner-Hermanns, Ruth ; Klementz, T. ; Haselhuhn, Angelika ; Jakse, Gerhard ; Heidenreich, A. ; Brehmer, Bernhard (2011)
Der Urologe. Berlin : Springer. Vol. 50 (2011), H. Iss. 11. Seite: 1412 - 1419
Risk factors for cardiovascular calcifications in non-diabetic Caucasian haemodialysis patients
Schlieper, G. ; Brandenburg, V. ; Djuric, Z. ; Damjanovic, T. ; Markovic, N. ; Schurgers, L. ; Krüger, T. ; Westenfeld, R. ; Ackermann, D. ; Haselhuhn, Angelika ; Dimkovic, S. ; Ketteler, M. ; Floege, J. ; Dimkovic, N. (2009)
Kidney & blood pressure research. . Vol. 32 (2009). Seite: 161 - 168
1423-0143 (E-Journal)
0378-5858 (Print)
1011-6524 (Print)
1420-4096 (Print)
Inverse degree and edge-connectivity
Dankelmann, Peter ; Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2009)
Discrete mathematics. Amsterdam : Elsevier. Vol. 309 (2009), H. Iss. 9. Seite: 2943 - 2947
1872-681X (E-Journal)
0012-365X (Print)
Maximally edge-connected and vertex-connected graphs and digraphs : a survey
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2008)
Discrete mathematics. . Vol. 308 (2008), H. Iss. 15. Seite: 3265 - 3296
1872-681X (E-Journal)
0012-365X (Print)
The connectivity of a graph and its complement
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2008)
Discrete applied mathematics. . Vol. 156 (2008), H. Iss. 17. Seite: 3325 - 3328
0166-218X (E-Journal)
1872-6771 (E-Journal)
0166-218X (Print)
On the connectivity of diamond-free graphs
Dankelmann, Peter ; Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2007)
Discrete applied mathematics. . Vol. 155 (2007), H. Iss. 16. Seite: 2111 - 2117
0166-218X (E-Journal)
1872-6771 (E-Journal)
0166-218X (Print)
Lower bounds on the vertex-connectivity of digraphs and graphs
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2006)
Information processing letters. . Vol. 99 (2006), H. Iss. 2. Seite: 41 - 46
1872-6119 (E-Journal)
0020-0190 (Print)
On connectivity in graphs with given clique number
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2006)
Journal of graph theory. . Vol. 52 (2006), H. Iss. 1. Seite: 7 - 14
Some upper bounds for the domination number
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2006)
The journal of combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing : JCMCC. . Vol. 57 (2006). Seite: 187 - 209
Neighborhood conditions for graphs and digraphs to be maximally edge-connected
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2005)
Australasian journal of combinatorics. . Vol. 33 (2005). Seite: 265 - 277
Sufficient conditions for graphs to be λ′-optimal, super-edge-connected, and maximally edge-connected
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2005)
Journal of graph theory. . Vol. 48 (2005), H. Iss. 3. Seite: 228 - 246
Super connectivity of line graphs
Xu, Jung-Ming ; Lü, Min ; Ma, Meijie ; Hellwig, Angelika (2005)
Information processing letters. . Vol. 94 (2005), H. Iss. 4. Seite: 191 - 195
1872-6119 (E-Journal)
0020-0190 (Print)
Cuts leaving components of given minimum order
Hellwig, Angelika ; Rautenbach, Dieter ; Volkmann, Lutz (2005)
Discrete mathematics. . Vol. 292 (2005), H. Iss. 1-3. Seite: 55 - 65
1872-681X (E-Journal)
0012-365X (Print)
Note on the connectivity of line graphs
Hellwig, Angelika ; Rautenbach, Dieter ; Volkmann, Lutz (2004)
Information processing letters. . Vol. 91 (2004), H. Iss. 1. Seite: 7 - 10
1872-6119 (E-Journal)
0020-0190 (Print)
Maximally local-edge-connected graphs and digraphs
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2004)
Ars combinatoria. . Vol. 72 (2004). Seite: 295 - 306
Neighborhood and degree conditions for super-edge-connected bipartite digraphs
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2004)
Results in mathematics. . Vol. 45 (2004), H. Iss. 1-2. Seite: 45 - 58
1420-9012 (E-Journal)
1422-6383 (Print)
Sufficient conditions for λ′-optimality in graphs of diameter 2
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2004)
Discrete mathematics. . Vol. 283 (2004), H. Iss. 1-3. Seite: 113 - 120
1872-681X (E-Journal)
0012-365X (Print)
Maximally edge-connected digraphs
Hellwig, Angelika ; Volkmann, Lutz (2003)
Australasian journal of combinatorics. . Vol. 27 (2003). Seite: 23 - 32
1034-4942 (E-Journal)
1034-4942 (Print)
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