Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Wilhelm Höfken
Unternehmenseigene Ermittlungen : Recht - Kriminalistik - IT
Galley, Birgit ; Minoggio, Ingo ; Schuba, Marko ; Bischoff, Barbara ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm (2016)
Berlin : Erich Schmidt Verlag 2016. - XIII, 372 S.
Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk
Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Gebäuden
Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm (2022)
IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices für die Umsetzung im Unternehmen. München : Carl Hanser Verlag 2022. Seite: 193 - 218
Backtrack5: Datensammlung und Reporterstellung für Pentester mit MagicTree
Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm (2012)
Hakin9. . 73 (2012), H. 3. Seite: 12 - 16
Smartphone Forensik
Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schaefer, Thomas (2012)
Hakin9 : Practical Protection. . (2012). Seite: 10 - 20
Windows Phone 7 from a Digital Forensics’ Perspective
Schaefer, Thomas ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2011)
Berlin : Springer. (2011).
Forensic Analysis of Geodata in Android Smartphones
Maus, Stefan ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2011)
Seite: 1 - 11
An ICS Honeynet for Detecting and Analyzing Cyberattacks in Industrial Plants
Schuba, Marko ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Linzbach, Sophie (2022)
2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). : IEEE 2022. - 6 Seiten
2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). 09-10 December 2021. Cape Town, South Africa.
Security Analysis of the ADS Protocol of a Beckhoff CX2020 PLC
Schwanke, Peter ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2017)
2017. Seite: 1 - 5
International Conference on Computer, Network Security and Communication Engineering (CNSCE 2017), March 26-27, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
Intrusion Detection of the ICS Protocol EtherCAT
Granat, Andreas ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2017)
2017. Seite: 1 - 5
International Conference on Computer, Network Security and Communication Engineering (CNSCE 2017), March 26-27, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
IT-forensische Erkennung modifizierter Android-Apps
Becker, Sebastian ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schütz, Philip ; Schuba, Marko (2016)
Proceedings of DACH Security 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2016. 2016. Seite: 120 - 125
Streamlining extraction and analysis of android RAM images
Broenner, Simon ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2016)
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on information systems security and privacy. 2016. Seite: 255 - 264
Cold Boot Attacks on DDR2 and DDR3 SDRAM
Lindenlauf, Simon ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2015)
10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) 2015. 2015. Seite: 287 - 292
ICS/SCADA Security - Analysis of a Beckhoff CX5020 PLC
Bonney, Gregor ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Paffen, Benedikt ; Schuba, Marko (2015)
1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy : ICISSP 2015. 2015. Seite: 1 - 6
Forensische Sicherung von DSLRoutern
Braun, Sebastian ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko ; Breuer, Michael (2015)
Proceedings of D-A-CH Security 2015. St. Augustin 8. und 9. September 2015. 2015. - 11 S.
Malware proof on mobile phone exhibits based on GSM/GPRS traces
Schütz, P. ; Breuer, M. ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2013)
The Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec 2013) : 04.03. - 06.03.2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. : The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication 2013. Seite: 89 - 96
Artificial ageing of mobile devices using a simulated GSM/GPRS network
Stöbe, Rolf ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko ; Breuer, Michael (2013)
Eighth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) : 2-6 Sept. 2013, Regensburg. : IEEE 2013. Seite: 493 - 497
Simplifying RAM Forensics : A GUI and Extensions for the Volatility Framework
Logen, Steffen ; Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm ; Schuba, Marko (2012)
2012 Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 20-24 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. New York : IEEE 2012. Seite: 620 - 624
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