
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

Dipl.-Ing. Peter Kayser


Suspension depletion approach for exemption of infected Solanum jasminoides cells from pospiviroids
Digel, Ilya ; Wehlitz, V. ; Kayser, Peter ; Figiel-Lange, A. ; Bassam, Rasha ; Rundstedt, F. von (2018)
Plant Pathology. Oxford : Wiley. 67 (2018), H. 2. Seite: 358 - 365
rhAPC reduces the endothelial cell permeability via a decrease of contractile tensions induced by endothelial cells
Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem ; Demirci, Taylan ; Linder, Peter ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Gierkowski, Jessica Ricarda ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Kayser, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2012)
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 113 (2012), H. 2. Seite: 212 - 219
Engineering technology for plant physiology and plant stress research
Preiß, C. ; Linder, Peter ; Wendt, K. ; Krystek, M. ; Digel, Ilya ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Bassam, Rasha ; Artmann, Gerhard (2011)
. (2011).
Alterations in human hemoglobin structure related to red blood cell storage
Bassam, Rasha ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Hescheler, Jürgen ; Graef, T. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter ; Arinkin, Vladimir ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Digel, Ilya (2011)
. (2011).
Ureplace: development of a bioreactor for in vitro culturing of cell seeded tubular vessels on collagen scaffolds
Seifarth, Volker ; Schehl, D. ; Linder, Peter ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Porst, Dariusz ; Preiß, C. ; Kayser, Peter ; Pack, O. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2011)
. (2011).
Hemoglobin senses body temperature
Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya ; Zerlin, Kay ; Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Linder, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Stadler, David ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2009)
European Biophysics Journal. Seite: 589 - 600
Oral lead exposure induces dysbacteriosis in rats
Sadykov, Rustam ; Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Savitskaya, Irina ; Zhubanova, Azhar (2009)
Journal of Occupational Health. 51 (2009) (2009), H. 1. Seite: 64 - 73
Why is Sepsis an Ongoing Clinical Challenge? Lipopolysaccharide Effects on Red Blood Cell Volume / Temiz, Aysegül ; Kayser, Peter
Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Kayser, Peter (2008)
Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.). Berlin : Springer. (2008). Seite: 497 - 508
Molecular processes in biological thermosensation
Digel, Ilya ; Kayser, Peter ; Artmann, Gerhard (2008)
Journal of Biophysics. 2008 (2008). . (2008). Seite: 1 - 9
Structural transition temperature of hemoglobins correlates with species’ body temperature
Zerlin, Kay ; Kasischke, Nicole ; Digel, Ilya ; Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Linder, Peter ; Artmann, Gerhard (2007)
European Biophysics Journal. 37 (2007), H. 1. . (2007). Seite: 1 - 10
Decrease in extracellular collagen crosslinking after NMR magnetic field application in skin fibroblasts
Digel, Ilya ; Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter (2007)
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 45 (2007), H. 1. . (2007). Seite: 91 - 97
High-throughput testing of mechanical forces generated in thin cell and tissue layers
Linder, Peter ; Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Kayser, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Artmann, Gerhard (2007)
Tissue Engineering. 13 (2007), H. 7. Seite: 1778 - 1778
NMR in vitro effects on proliferation, apoptosis, and viability of human chondrocytes and osteoblasts
Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter ; Digel, Ilya (2005)
Methods and findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 27 (2005), H. 6. Seite: 391 - 394
Biological and mechanical quality of red blood cells cultured from human umbilical cord blood stem cells
Maggakis-Kelemen, C. ; Bork, M. ; Kayser, Peter ; Biselli, Manfred ; Artmann, Gerhard (2003)
Medical and biological engineering and computing. 41 (2003), H. 3. Seite: 350 - 356


Development and trials of a test chamber for ultrasound-assisted sampling of living cells from solid surfaces
Schneider, Oliver ; Al Hakim, Taher ; Kayser, Peter ; Digel, Ilya (2017)
2nd YRA MedTech Symposium 2017 : June 8th - 9th / 2017 / Hochschule Ruhr-West. Duisburg : Universität Duisburg-Essen 2017. Seite: 96 - 97
A young researchers track of the 7th IEEE Workshop & SENSORICA 2017
In-situ biological decontamination of an ice melting probe : [abstract]
Digel, Ilya ; Leimena, W. ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Linder, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Funke, O. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard (2010)

Weitere Publikationen

VirEx - Eliminierung von Quarantäne relevanten Viroiden aus Kulturpflanzen Abschlussbericht des Projektes KMU-innovativ-12: Teilprojekt 3
Digel, Ilya ; Kayser, Peter (2017)
Aachen : Institut für Bioengineering (IfB) der FH Aachen
Druck-Ausgabe: Schlussbericht für das BMBF-Forschungsvorhaben "VirEx - Eliminierung von Quarantäne relevanten Viroiden aus Kulturpflanzen" Förderkennzeichen BMBF 031A400C

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