Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Charlotte Richter
Contractile behavior of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle during running in simulated hypogravity
Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Bjoern ; Staeudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katya N. ; Rittweger, Joern ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
npj Microgravity. New York : Springer Nature. 7 (2021), H. Article number: 32. - 7 Seiten
Gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior during running differs between simulated Lunar and Martian gravities
Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Süss, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katya N. ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Scientific reports. London : Springer Nature. 11 (2021), H. Article number: 22555. - 13 Seiten
Gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior is preserved during 30% body weight supported gait training
Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Bjoern ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katja N. ; Rittweger, Joern ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. Lausanne : Frontiers. 2021 (2021), H. 2. - Artikel 614559
Human Biomechanical and Cardiopulmonary Responses to Partial Gravity – A Systematic Review
Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Bjoern ; Winnard, Andrew ; Nasser, Mona ; Weber, T. (2017)
Frontiers in physiology. . (2017), H. 8, article 583. - 22 Seiten
Estimation of muscle fascicle orientation in ultrasonic images
Pohle-Fröhlich, Regina ; Dalitz, Christoph ; Richter, Charlotte ; Hahnen, Tobias ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Albracht, Kirsten (2020)
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 5. Setúbal, Portugal : SciTePress 2020. Seite: 79 - 86
15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications VISAPP 2020, Valletta, Malta
In vivo fascicle length of the gastrocnemius muscle during walking in simulated martian gravity using two different body weight support devices
Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Bjoern ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, T. ; Rittweger, Joern ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Irland. 2018.
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