Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Dipl.-Ing. David Rolka
Selective Campylobacter detection and quantification in poultry: A sensor tool for detecting the cause of a common zoonosis at its source
Givanoudi, Stella ; Cornelis, Peter ; Rasschaert, Geertrui ; Wackers, Gideon ; Iken, Heiko ; Rolka, David ; Yongabi, Derick ; Robbens, Johan ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Heyndrickx, Marc ; Wagner, Patrick (2021)
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2021), H. In Press, Journal Pre-proof. Seite: Article 129484
Field-effect biosensor using virus particles as scaffolds for enzyme immobilization
Poghossian, Arshak ; Jablonski, Melanie ; Koch, Claudia ; Bronder, Thomas ; Rolka, David ; Wege, Christina ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2018)
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 110 (2018). Seite: 168 - 174
Multivariate processing of atomic-force microscopy images for detection of the response of plasticized polymeric membranes
Khaydukova, M. M. ; Zadorozhnaya, O. A. ; Kirsanov, D. O. ; Iken, Heiko ; Rolka, David ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Babain, V. A. ; Vlasov, Yu. G. ; Legin, A. V. (2014)
Russian journal of applied chemistry. Dordrecht : Springer. 87 (2014), H. 3. Seite: 307 - 314
1608-3296 (E-Journal)
1070-4272 (Print)
A Novel Thin-Film Copper Array Based on an Organic/Inorganic Sensor Hybrid: Microfabrication, Potentiometric Characterization, and Flow-Injection Analysis Application
Arida, Hassan ; Turek, Monika ; Rolka, David ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2009)
Electroanalysis. 21 (2009), H. 10. Weinheim : Wiley. (2009). Seite: 1145 - 1151
CIP (cleaning-in-place) suitable “non-glass” pH sensor based on a Ta2O5-gate EIS structure
Schöning, Michael Josef ; Brinkmann, D. ; Rolka, David ; Demuth, C. ; Poghossian, Arshak (2005)
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 111-112 (2005). Seite: 423 - 429
Two microcell flow-injection analysis (FIA) platforms for capacitive silicon-based field-effect sensors
Näther, Niko ; Rolka, David ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Koudelka-Hep, M. ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2005)
Electrochimica Acta. 51 (2005), H. 5. Seite: 924 - 929
Integration of a capacitive EIS sensor into a FIA system for pH and penicillin determination
Rolka, David ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2004)
Sensors. 4 (2004). Seite: 84 - 94
A semiconductor-based field-effect platform for (bio-)chemical and physical sensors: From capacitive EIS sensors and LAPS over ISFETs to nano-scale devices
Schöning, Michael Josef ; Abouzar, Maryam H. ; Wagner, Torsten ; Näther, Niko ; Rolka, David ; Yoshinobu, Tatsuo ; Kloock, Joachim P. ; Turek, Monika ; Ingebrandt, Sven ; Poghossian, Arshak (2006)
MRS Proceedings. 2006. Seite: 1 - 9
Vol. 952 - Symposium F - Integrated Nanosensors
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