
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Marc Schreiber


Quick Pad Tagger : An Efficient Graphical User Interface for Building Annotated Corpora with Multiple Annotation Layers
Schreiber, Marc ; Barkschat, Kai ; Kraft, Bodo ; Zündorf, Albert (2015)
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT). : Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC). 5 (2015), H. 4. Seite: 131 - 143
978-1-921987-32-8 , 2231 - 5403


NLP Lean Programming Framework: Developing NLP Applications More Effectively
Schreiber, Marc ; Kraft, Bodo ; Zündorf, Albert (2018)
Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2018: Demonstrations, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 2 - 4, 2018. 2018. - 5 Seiten
Continuously evaluated research projects in collaborative decoupled environments
Schmidts, Oliver ; Kraft, Bodo ; Schreiber, Marc ; Zündorf, Albert (2018)
2018 ACM/IEEE 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial PracticePractice, May 29, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden : SER&IP' 18. New York, NY : ACM 2018. Seite: 1 - 9
Metrics Driven Research Collaboration: Focusing on Common Project Goals Continuously
Schreiber, Marc ; Kraft, Bodo ; Zündorf, Albert (2017)
39th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 20-28, 2017 - Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2017. - 8 Seiten
Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP). ICSE2017 Vorabversion der Autoren
Multi-pedestrian tracking by moving Bluetooth-LE beacons and stationary receivers
Schmidts, Oliver ; Boltes, Maik ; Kraft, Bodo ; Schreiber, Marc (2017)
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 18-21 September 2017, Sapporo, Japan. 2017. Seite: 1 - 4
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation <8, 2017, Sapporo, Japan>
Metrics driven research collaboration: focusing on common project goals continuously
Schreiber, Marc ; Kraft, Bodo ; Zündorf, Albert (2017)
Proceedings : 2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice : SER&IP 2017 : 21 May 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Press 2017. Seite: 41 - 47
Cost-efficient quality assurance of natural language processing tools through continuous monitoring with continuous integration
Schreiber, Marc ; Kraft, Bodo ; Zündorf, Albert (2016)
3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice. 2016. Seite: 46 - 52
SER&IP’16, May 17 2016, Austin, TX, USA
Using Continuous Integration to organize and monitor the annotation process of domain specific corpora
Schreiber, Marc ; Barkschat, Kai ; Kraft, Bodo (2014)
5th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS) : 1-3 April 2014, Irbid, Jordanien. 2014. Seite: 1 - 6
Software in the city: visual guidance through large scale software projects
Schreiber, Marc ; Hirtbach, Stefan ; Kraft, Bodo ; Steinmetzler, Andreas (2013)
Software Engineering 2013 : Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 26. Februar-1. März 2013 in Aachen. (GI-Edition ; 213). Bonn : Ges. für Informatik 2013. Seite: 213 - 224

Weitere Publikationen

Mit Maximum-Entropie das Parsing natürlicher Sprache erlernen
Schreiber, Marc (2016)
Aachen : FH Aachen- 23 Seiten
Aufsatz zu einem Seminar (Theoretische Informatik) an der FH Aachen, 2016.

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