
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Volker Seifarth


Ureteral tissue engineering : development of a bioreactor system and subsequent characterization of the generated biohybrids
Seifarth, Volker (2015)
Duisburg ; Essen : Universitätsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen 2015.

Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk

Growth Modelling Promoting Mechanical Stimulation of Smooth Muscle Cells of Porcine Tubular Organs in a Fibrin-PVDF Scaffold
Duong, Minh Tuan ; Seifarth, Volker ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Staat, Manfred (2018)
Biological, Physical and Technical Basics of Cell Engineering. Singapore : Springer 2018. Seite: 209 - 232


Mechanical induction of bi-directional orientation of primary porcine bladder smooth muscle cells in tubular fibrin-poly(vinylidene fluoride) scaffolds for ureteral and urethral repair using cyclic and focal balloon catheter stimulation
Seifarth, Volker ; Grosse, Joachim O. ; Grossmann, Matthias ; Janke, Heinz Peter ; Arndt, Patrick ; Koch, Sabine ; Epple, Matthias ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2017)
Journal of Biomaterials Applications. London : Sage. 32 (2017), H. 3. Seite: 321 - 330
Development of a Bioreactor to Culture Tissue Engineered Ureters Based on the Application of Tubular OPTIMAIX 3D Scaffolds
Seifarth, Volker ; Goßmann, Matthias ; Grosse, J. O. ; Becker, C. ; Heschel, I. ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2015)
Urologia Internationalis. Basel : Karger. 2015 (2015), H. 95. Seite: 106 - 113
Ureplace: development of a bioreactor for in vitro culturing of cell seeded tubular vessels on collagen scaffolds
Seifarth, Volker ; Schehl, D. ; Linder, Peter ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Porst, Dariusz ; Preiß, C. ; Kayser, Peter ; Pack, O. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2011)
. (2011).

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