
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Rene Welden


Photoelectrochemical enzymatic penicillin biosensor: A proof-of-concept experiment
Welden, Rene ; Nagamine Komesu, Cindy A. ; Wagner, Patrick H. ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Wagner, Torsten (2021)
Electrochemical Science Advances. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 2 (2021), H. 4. Seite: 1 - 5
An Array of On-Chip Integrated, Individually Addressable Capacitive Field-Effect Sensors with Control Gate: Design and Modelling
Poghossian, Arshak ; Welden, Rene ; Buniatyan, Vahe V. ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2021)
Sensors. Basel : MDPI. 21 (2021), H. 18. - 1Seite: 17
Light-Addressable Actuator-Sensor Platform for Monitoring and Manipulation of pH Gradients in Microfluidics: A Case Study with the Enzyme Penicillinase
Welden, Rene ; Jablonski, Melanie ; Wege, Christina ; Keusgen, Michael ; Wagner, Patrick Hermann ; Wagner, Torsten ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2021)
Biosensors. Basel : MDPI. 11 (2021), H. 6. - Artikel 171
Light-Addressable Electrodes for Dynamic and Flexible Addressing of Biological Systems and Electrochemical Reactions
Welden, Rene ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Wagner, Patrick H. ; Wagner, Torsten (2020)
Sensors. Basel : MDPI. 20 (2020), H. 6. - Artikel 1680
Electrochemical Evaluation of Light‐Addressable Electrodes Based on TiO2 for the Integration in Lab‐on‐Chip Systems
Welden, Rene ; Scheja, Sabrina ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Wagner, Patrick ; Wagner, Torsten (2018)
physica status solidi a : applications and materials sciences. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 215 (2018), H. 15. Seite: Article number 1800150

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