Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Wittmann
Handbook of space technology
Ley, Wilfried ; Wittmann, Klaus ; Hallmann, Willi (2009)
Chichester : Wiley 2009. - XIII, 882 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
Handbuch der Raumfahrttechnik : mit 128 Tabellen / Wilfried Ley; Klaus Wittmann; Willi Hallmann (Hrsg.) 3., völlig neu bearb. und erw. Aufl.
Wittmann, Klaus (2008)
München : Hanser 2008. - 814 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
21 ZSR 27(3)
The Rosetta Lander (“Philae”) Investigations / Bibring, J.-P. ; Rosenbauer, H. ; Boehnhardt, H. ; [...] Wittmann, K.
Wittmann, Klaus ; Bibring, J.-P. ; Rosenbauer, H. ; Boehnhardt, H. (2007)
Space Science Reviews. 128 (2007), H. 1-4. Seite: 205 - 220
Decentralized Payload Operations Concept for Columbus
Wittmann, Klaus ; Kehr, J. ; Willnecker, R. (2000)
Overview of Space Operations at DLR
Wittmann, Klaus (2000)
Lander Systems for Planetary Missions
Wittmann, Klaus ; Ulamec, S ; Richter, L (1999)
Laboratory astrophysics and space research / ed. by P. Ehrenfreund. Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer. (1999). - X, 687 S : Ill., graph. Darst.Seite: 597 - 621
Rosetta Lander - In Situ Characterisation of a Comet Nucleus
Wittmann, Klaus ; Feuerbacher, B. ; Ulamec, S. ; Rosenbauer, H. (u.a.) (1999)
Acta Astronautica. 45 (1999), H. 4-9. Seite: 389 - 395
High resolution temperature measurement technique for materials sciences experiments in space
Wittmann, Klaus ; Kell, G. ; Winkler, F. ; Günther, M. (u.a.) (1998)
Acta Astronautica. 43 (1998), H. 7-8. Seite: 385 - 395
Rosetta Lander - In Situ Investigation of a Cometary Nucleus
Wittmann, Klaus ; Ulamec, S. ; Feuerbacher, B. ; Rosenbauer, H. (u.a.) (1997)
Lunar and Planetary Science. 28 (1997). Seite: 1461 - 1462
Undercooling and solidification of metallic melts suspended in a non-nucleating matrix: Experiment NUCAL of the German Spacelab Mission D-2
Wittmann, Klaus ; Gillessen, F. ; Otto, G. ; Röstel, R. (1996)
Acta Astronautica. 38 (1996), H. 1. Seite: 63 - 68
Technical Challenge, Scientific Thrill: A Long Term Lander on an Active Comet
Wittmann, Klaus ; Ulamec, S. ; Feuerbacher, B. ; Rosenbauer, H. (1995)
Lunar and Planetary Science. 26 (1995). Seite: 1431 - 1432
Solidification of silver-germanium alloys in an amorphous matrix aboard the space station Mir
Wittmann, Klaus ; Bewersdorff, A. ; Görler, G.P. ; Otto, G. (1993)
Acta Astronautica. 29 (1993), H. 7. Seite: 547 - 552
The User Center for Microgravity MUSC - Support for space experiments
Wittmann, Klaus ; Padeken, D. (1993)
DLR-Nachrichten. 70 (1993). Seite: 19 - 24
The microgravity User Support Centre
Wittmann, Klaus (1993)
Space Technology - Industrial and Commercial Applications. 13 (1993), H. 2. Seite: 121 - 124
Telescience opportunities in the precursor flights
Wittmann, Klaus ; Fortezza, R. (1992)
Space Technology - Industrial and Commercial Applications. 13 (1992), H. 2. Seite: 221 - 226
Microgravity research and user support in the Space Station era: The Microgravity User Support Centre
Wittmann, Klaus ; Schmidt, H. P. ; Feuerbacher, B. (1988)
Acta Astronautica. 17 (1988), H. 11-12. Seite: 1161 - 1168
The Microgravity User Support Centre (MUSC)
Wittmann, Klaus ; Schmidt, H. P. ; Padeken, D. ; Hildmann, B. (1988)
ESA SP. 277 (1988). Seite: 525
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