Veröffentlichungen A - Z
M.Sc. Sefa Kizildag
Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk
Functional Toxicology and Pharmacology Test of Cell Induced Mechanical Tensile Stress in 2D and 3D Tissue Cultures
Artmann, Gerhard ; Meruvu, Haritha ; Kizildag, Sefa ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2018)
Biological, Physical and Technical Basics of Cell Engineering. Singapore : Springer 2018. Seite: 157 - 192
Differential chemical imaging of extracellular acidification within microfluidic channels using a plasma-functionalized light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS)
Özsoylu, Dua ; Kizildag, Sefa ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Wagner, Torsten (2020)
Physics in Medicine. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 10 (2020), H. 100030. - 8
Effect of plasma treatment on the sensor properties of a light‐addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS)
Özsoylu, Dua ; Kizildag, Sefa ; Schöning, Michael Josef ; Wagner, Torsten (2019)
physica status solidi a : applications and materials sciences. Weinheim : Wiley. 216 (2019), H. 20. - 8 Seiten
Corresponding author: Torsten Wagner
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