Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Dr. rer. nat. Corinna Kaulen
Gold nanoparticle-modified capacitive field-effect sensors: Studying the surface density of nanoparticles and coupling of charged polyelectrolyte macromolecules
Karschuck, Tobias ; Kaulen, Corinna ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Wagner, Patrick H. ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2021)
Electrochemical Science Advances. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 2 (2021), H. 5. - 10 Seiten
Transport through Redox-Active Ru-Terpyridine Complexes Integrated in Single Nanoparticle Devices
Mennicken, Max ; Peter, Sophia K. ; Kaulen, Corinna ; Simon, Ulrich ; Karthäuser, Silvia (2020)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Washington, DC : ACS Publications. 124 (2020), H. 8. Seite: 4881 - 4889
Controlling the Electronic Contact at the Terpyridine/Metal Interface
Mennicken, Max ; Peter, Sophia Katharina ; Kaulen, Corinna ; Simon, Ulrich ; Karthäuser, Silvia (2019)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. . 123 (2019), H. 35. Seite: 21367 - 21375
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