
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Dominik Wild


Thermal Characterization of additive manufactured Integral Structures for Phase Change Applications
Wild, Dominik ; Schrezenmeier, Johannes ; Czupalla, Markus ; Förstner, Roger (2020)
2020 International Conference on Environmental Systems. : Texas Tech University. (2020).


Modeling and analyses of a thermal passively stabilized LEO/GEO star tracker with embedded phase change material applying the Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS) method
Kohlberger, David-Sharif ; Wild, Dominik ; Kasper, Stefan ; Czupalla, Markus (2021)
ICES202: Satellite, Payload, and Instrument Thermal Control. Lubbock, Tex. : Texas Tech University 2021. - 12 Seiten
50th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 12-15 July 2021, held virtually
Modeling, prediction and test of additive manufactured integral structures with embedded lattice and phase change material applying Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS)
Wild, Dominik ; Czupalla, Markus ; Förstner, Roger (2021)
ICES104: Advances in Thermal Control Technology. Lubbock, Tex. : Texas Tech University 2021. - 12 Seiten
50th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 12-15 July 2021, held virtually
Study on thermal stabilization of a GEO-stationary telescope baffling system by integral application of phase change material
Bergmann, Kevin ; Gräbener, Josefine ; Wild, Dominik ; Ulfers, H. ; Czupalla, Markus (2019)
International Conference on Environmental Systems. 2019. Seite: 1 - 14
49th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 7-11 July 2019, Boston, Massachusetts ; ICES-2019-72

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