Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Dr. rer. pol. Linda Steuer-Dankert
Diversity in complex organizations : the triangle of diversity management, change management and organizational culture from a system-theoretical perspective
Steuer-Dankert, Linda (2020)
2020. - 298
Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk
Human-centered work design for the internet of production
Baier, Ralph ; Brauner, Philipp ; Brillowski, Florian ; Dammers, Hannah ; Liehner, Luca ; Pütz, Sebastian ; Schneider, Sebastian ; Schollemann, Alexander ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Vervier, Luisa ; Gries, Thomas ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Mertens, Alexander ; Nagel, Saskia K. ; Schuh, Günther ; Ziefle, Martina ; Nitsch, Verena (2023)
Internet of production - fundamentals, applications and proceedings. Cham : Springer 2023. Seite: 1 - 23
Capability configuration in next generation manufacturing
Hinke, Christian ; Vervier, Luisa ; Brauner, Philipp ; Schneider, Sebastian ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Ziefle, Martina ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2022)
Forecasting next generation manufacturing : digital shadows, human-machine collaboration, and data-driven business models. Cham : Springer 2022. Seite: 95 - 106
Promoting diversity and combatting discrimination in research organizations: a practitioner’s guide
Striebing, Clemens ; Müller, Jörg ; Schraudner, Martina ; Gewinner, Irina Valerie ; Guerrero Morales, Patricia ; Hochfeld, Katharina ; Hoffman, Shekinah ; Kmec, Julie A. ; Nguyen, Huu Minh ; Schneider, Jannick ; Sheridan, Jennifer ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Trimble O'Connor, Lindsey ; Vandevelde-Rougale, Agnès (2022)
Diversity and discrimination in research organizations. Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited 2022. Seite: 421 - 442
978-1-80117-959-1 (Print)
978-1-80117-956-0 (Online)
Perceiving diversity : an explorative approach in a complex research organization.
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2022)
Diversity and discrimination in research organizations. Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited 2022. Seite: 365 - 392
978-1-80117-959-1 (Print)
978-1-80117-956-0 (Online)
Organization Routines in Next Generation Manufacturing
Brauner, Philipp ; Vervier, Luisa ; Brillowski, Florian ; Dammers, Hannah ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Schneider, Sebastian ; Baier, Ralph ; Ziefle, Martina ; Gries, Thomas ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Mertens, Alexander ; Nagel, Saskia K. (2022)
Forecasting Next Generation Manufacturing. Cham : Springer 2022. Seite: 75 - 94
Educating engineers for socially responsible solutions through design thinking
Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda (2020)
Design thinking in higher education: interdisciplinary encounters. Singapore : Springer 2020. Seite: 229 - 246
Implementation of gender and diversity perspectives in transport development plans in germany
von den Driesch, Elena ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Berg, Tobias ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2020)
Engendering cities: designing sustainable urban spaces for all. London : Routledge 2020. Seite: 90 - 109
Diversifying engineering education: a transdisciplinary approach from RWTH Aachen University
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Bouffier, Anna ; Gaedicke, Sonja ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2017)
Strategies for increasing diversity in engineering majors and careers. Hershey, USA : IGI Global 2017. Seite: 201 - 235
Der Individualisierungs-Trend prägt die Unternehmenszukunft
Stangel-Meseke, Martina ; Hahn, Pia ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda (2015)
Diversity Management und Individualisierung. Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler 2015. Seite: 1 - 3
Ausblick: Der individualitätsbezogene Diversity Management-Ansatz als Antwort auf Individualisierung
Stangel-Meseke, Martina ; Hahn, Pia ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda (2015)
Diversity Management und Individualisierung. Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler 2015. Seite: 23 - 24
Balance durch Diversity Management : Lösungsansätze für unternehmerische Herausforderungen aus Megatrends
Stangel-Meseke, Martina ; Hahn, Pia ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda (2013)
Balance Management. Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler 2013. Seite: 145 - 166
One size does not fit all: Applying antibias trainings in academia
Berg-Postweiler, Julia ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2023)
The International Journal of Organizational Diversity. : Common Ground Research Networks. 24 (2023), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 23
2328-6261 (Print)
2328-6229 (Online)
Expanding engineering limits : a concept for socially responsible education of engineers
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Gilmartin, Shannon K. ; Muller, Carol B. ; Dungs, Carolin ; Sheppard, Sheri ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2019)
The international journal of engineering education. . 35 (2019), H. 2. Seite: 658 - 673
Diversity and innovation management in large research groups
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Sharma, Mamta Rameshwarlal ; Bleck, Wolfgang ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2017)
International Journal of Innovation Management. . 5 (2017), H. 2. Seite: 49 - 72
Training future skills - sustainability, interculturality & innovation in a digital design thinking format
Steuer-Dankert, Linda (2023)
Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference. 2023. - 12 Seiten
19th International CDIO Conference, hosted by NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, June 26-29, 2023
A crazy little thing called sustainability
Steuer-Dankert, Linda (2023)
51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). 2023. - 11 Seiten
51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Technological University Dublin, 10th-14th September, 2023
An interdisciplinary view on humane interfaces for digital shadows in the internet of production
Pütz, Sebastian ; Baier, Ralph ; Brauner, Philipp ; Brillowski, Florian ; Dammers, Hannah ; Liehner, Luca ; Mertens, Alexander ; Rodemann, Niklas ; Schneider, Sebastian ; Schollemann, Alexander ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Vervier, Luisa ; Gries, Thomas ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Nagel, Saskia K. ; Piller, Frank T. ; Schuh, Günther ; Ziefle, Martina ; Nitsch, Verena (2022)
2022 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI). : IEEE 2022. - 8 Seiten
15th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), 28-31 July 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
Modelling Human Factors in Cyber Physical Production Systems by the Integration of Human Digital Shadows
Mertens, Alexander ; Brauner, Philipp ; Baier, Ralph ; Brillowski, Florian ; Dammers, Hannah ; van Dyck, Marc ; Kong, Iris ; Königs, Peter ; Kordtomeikel, Frauke ; Liehner, Gian Luca ; Pütz, Sebastian ; Rodermann, Niklas ; Schaar, Anne Kathrin ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Vervier, Luisa ; Wlecke, Shari ; Gries, Thomas ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Nagel, Saskia K. ; Piller, Frank T. ; Schuh, Günther ; Ziefle, Martina ; Nitsch, Verena (2022)
Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events. Bonn : GI Gesellschaft für Informatik 2022. Seite: 147 - 149
Modellierung 2022, 27. Juni - 01. Juli 2022, Hamburg, Deutschland
Human digital shadow: Data-based modeling of users and usage in the internet of production
Mertens, Alexander ; Pütz, Sebastian ; Brauner, Philipp ; Brillowski, Florian Sascha ; Buczak, Nadine ; Dammers, Hannah ; van Dyck, Marc ; Kong, Iris ; Königs, Peter ; Kortomeikel, Frauke Carole ; Rodemann, Niklas ; Schaar, Anne Kathrin ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Wlecke, Shari ; Gries, Thomas ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Nagel, Saskia K. ; Piller, Frank Thomas ; Schuh, Günther ; Ziefle, Martina ; Nitsch, Verena (2021)
14th Conference Human System Interaction Conference Proceedings. : IEEE 2021. Seite: 1 - 8
14th International Conference on Human System Interaction : 8-10 July 2021. Gdańsk, Poland
A research framework for human aspects in the internet of production: an intra-company perspective
Philipp, Brauner ; Brillowski, Florian Sascha ; Dammers, Hannah ; Königs, Peter ; Kordtomeikel, Frauke Carole ; Petruck, Henning ; Schaar, Anne Kathrin ; Schmitz, Seth ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Mertens, Alexander ; Gries, Thomas ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Nagel, Saskia K. ; Nitsch, Verena ; Schuh, Günther ; Ziefle, Martina (2020)
Proceedings of the AHFE 2020. Cham : Springer 2020. Seite: 3 - 17
AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Production Management and Process Control, and Additive Manufacturing, Modeling Systems and 3D Prototyping, July 16–20, 2020, USA
Diversity- and innovation management in complex engineering organizations
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2019)
7th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship: Embracing Diversity in Organisations. April 5th - 6th, 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Zagreb : Governance Research and Development Centre (CIRU) 2019. Seite: 136 - 157
Interdisciplinary cooperation management in research clusters: a review of twelve years.
Müller-Abdelrazeq, Sarah Luisa ; Brauner, Philipp ; Calero Valdez, André ; Jansen, Ulrich ; Platte, Laura ; Schaar, Anne-Kathrin ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Zachow, Sebastian ; Schönefeld, Kathrin ; Haberstroh, Max ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Ziefle, Martina (2018)
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning. : ACPIL 2018. Seite: 216 - 224
hosted by University of the Western Cape, South Africa 29-30 November 2018
Innovation and Diversity : Integrating new perspectives into research associations
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2017)
12th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE 2017) : Paris, France, 21-22 September 2017. 2017. Seite: 767 - 776
Innovation through Diversity - Development of a Diversity and Innovation management concept
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Sharma, Mamta Rameshwarlal ; Bleck, Wolfgang ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2017)
International Conference on Innovation and Management : IAM23017S : Date: July 4-7, 2017, Osaka, Japan. Osaka : Kuang Hui Chiu 2017. Seite: Panel C
Social responsibility and innovation - Key competencies for engineers
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2016)
ICERI 2016: 9th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: Conference Proceedings : Seville (Spain), 14-16 November. 2016. Seite: 5967 - 5976
Facing Future Challenges: Building Engineers for Tomorrow
Leicht-Scholten, Carmen ; Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Bouffier, Anna (2016)
Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016. 2016. Seite: 32 - 37
Breaking the habit – new approaches in engineering education
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Berg, Tobias ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2015)
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education. 2015. - 11
Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education , Orléans , France , SEFI , 2015-06-29 - 2015-07-02
Weitere Publikationen
One does not fit all: applying anti-bias trainings in academia
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Berg-Postweiler, Julia ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2023)
Twenty-third international conference on diversity in organizations, communities & nations June 22 - 23, 2023 Toronto Metropolitan University, Rogers Communication Centre Toronto, Canada.
About the paradox of sustainable production and what we can do about it!
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Bernhard, Sebastian ; Langolf, Jessica ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2023)
Joint SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR conference on transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures (SCP23).
Volltext auf dem Opus-Server verfügbar
Managing change and acceptance of digitalization strategies - Implementing the vision of „Internet of Production“ (IoP) in existing corporate structures
Steuer-Dankert, Linda ; Bernhard, Sebastian ; Langolf, Jessica ; Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2022)
Textile Impulse für die Zukunft: Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2022. Seite: 153 - 153
Textile Impulse für die Zukunft: Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2022 : 1. – 2. Dezember 2022, Eurogress Aachen
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