
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Kevin Alexander Janus


Transient magnesium-based thin-film temperature sensor on a flexible, bioabsorbable substrate for future medical applications
Janus, Kevin Alexander ; Achtsnicht, Stefan ; Drinic, Aleksander ; Kopp, Alexander ; Keusgen, Michael ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2023)
Applied Research. : Wiley-VCH. (2023), H. Accepted manuscript. - 22 Seiten
2702-4288 (Print)
Influence of fibroin membrane composition and curing parameters on the performance of a biodegradable enzymatic biosensor manufactured from Silicon-Free Carbon
Janus, Kevin Alexander ; Achtsnicht, Stefan ; Tempel, Laura ; Drinic, Aleksaner ; Kopp, Alexander ; Keusgen, Michael ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2023)
Physica status solidi : pss. A, Applications and materials science. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 220 (2023), H. 22. - 10 Seiten
1862-6300 (Print) , 1862-6319 (Online)
Thick-film carbon electrode deposited onto a biodegradable fibroin substrate for biosensing applications
Molinnus, Denise ; Janus, Kevin Alexander ; Fang, Anyelina C. ; Drinic, Aleksander ; Achtsnicht, Stefan ; Köpf, Marius ; Keusgen, Michael ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2022)
Physica status solidi (a). Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 219 (2022), H. 23. Seite: 1 - 9

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