Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Gaigall
On selected problems in multivariate analysis
Gaigall, Daniel (2023)
- 17 Seiten
Vergleich von statistischen Tests im verbundenen und unabhängigen Stichprobenfall
Gaigall, Daniel (2016)
Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover 2016. - 281 Seiten
A general approach for testing independence in Hilbert spaces
Gaigall, Daniel ; Wu, Shunyao ; Liang, Hua (2024)
Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2024), H. Journal Pre-proof. , Art.-Nr.: 105384- 19 Seiten
1095-7243 (online)
0047-259X (print)
Corresponding author: Daniel Gaigall
Allocating and forecasting changes in risk
Gaigall, Daniel (2023)
Journal of risk. London : Infopro Digital Risk. 25 (2023), H. 3. Seite: 1 - 24
On the applicability of several tests to models with not identically distributed random effects
Gaigall, Daniel (2023)
Statistics : A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics. London : Taylor & Francis. 57 (2023). - 14 Seiten
Cramér-von-Mises tests for the distribution of the excess over a confidence level
Gaigall, Daniel ; Gerstenberg, Julian (2023)
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. : Taylor & Francis. (2023).
1048-5252 (Print)
1029-0311 (Online)
A goodness-of-fit test for the compound Poisson exponential model
Baringhaus, Ludwig ; Gaigall, Daniel (2022)
Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 195 (2022), H. Article 105154.
Testing marginal homogeneity in Hilbert spaces with applications to stock market returns
Ditzhaus, Marc ; Gaigall, Daniel (2022)
Test. : Springer. 2022 (2022), H. 31. Seite: 749 - 770
Empirical process of concomitants for partly categorial data and applications in statistics
Gaigall, Daniel ; Gerstenberg, Julian ; Trinh, Thi Thu Ha (2022)
Bernoulli. Den Haag, NL : International Statistical Institute. 28 (2022), H. 2. Seite: 803 - 829
Test for Changes in the Modeled Solvency Capital Requirement of an Internal Risk Model
Gaigall, Daniel (2021)
ASTIN Bulletin. Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press. 51 (2021), H. 3. Seite: 813 - 837
Hoeffding-Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt independence test statistic on partly not identically distributed data
Gaigall, Daniel (2020)
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. London : Taylor & Francis. 51 (2020), H. 12. Seite: 4006 - 4028
Testing marginal homogeneity of a continuous bivariate distribution with possibly incomplete paired data
Gaigall, Daniel (2020)
Metrika. : Springer. 2020 (2020), H. 83. Seite: 437 - 465
Rothman–Woodroofe symmetry test statistic revisited
Gaigall, Daniel (2020)
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 2020 (2020), H. 142. Seite: Artikel 106837
On an asymptotic relative efficiency concept based on expected volumes of confidence regions
Baringhaus, Ludwig ; Gaigall, Daniel (2019)
Statistics - A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistic. London : Taylor & Francis. 53 (2019), H. 6. Seite: 1396 - 1436
On a new approach to the multi-sample goodness-of-fit problem
Gaigall, Daniel (2019)
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. London : Taylor & Francis. 53 (2019), H. 10. Seite: 2971 - 2989
A consistent goodness-of-fit test for huge dimensional and functional data
Ditzhaus, Marc ; Gaigall, Daniel (2018)
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. Abingdon : Taylor & Francis. 30 (2018), H. 4. Seite: 834 - 859
Statistical inference for L²-distances to uniformity
Baringhaus, Ludwig ; Gaigall, Daniel ; Thiele, Jan Philipp (2018)
Computational Statistics. Berlin : Springer. 2018 (2018), H. 33. Seite: 1863 - 1896
Efficiency comparison of the Wilcoxon tests in paired and independent survey samples
Baringhaus, Ludwig ; Gaigall, Daniel (2018)
Metrika. Berlin : Springer. 2018 (2018), H. 81. Seite: 891 - 930
On Hotelling’s T² test in a special paired sample case
Baringhaus, Ludwig ; Gaigall, Daniel (2017)
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. London : Taylor & Francis. 48 (2017), H. 2. Seite: 257 - 267
Hotelling’s T² tests in paired and independent survey samples: An efficiency comparison
Baringhaus, Ludwig ; Gaigall, Daniel (2017)
Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 2017 (2017), H. 154. Seite: 177 - 198
On an independence test approach to the goodness-of-fit problem
Baringhaus, Ludwig ; Gaigall, Daniel (2015)
Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 2015 (2015), H. 140. Seite: 193 - 208
On Consistent Hypothesis Testing In General Hilbert Spaces
Gaigall, Daniel (2022)
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications (ICSTA’22). Orléans, Kanada : Avestia Publishing 2022. Seite: Paper No. 157
4th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications (ICSTA’22), Prague, Czech Republic – July 28- 30
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