Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Frauenrath
Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk
Electrocardiogram in an MRI environment: Clinical needs, practical considerations, safety implications, technical solutions and fFuture directions
Niendorf, Thoralf ; Winter, Lukas ; Frauenrath, Tobias (2012)
Advances in Electrocardiograms - Methods and Analysis. London : IntechOpen 2012. Seite: 309 - 324
978-953-307-923-3 (print)
978-953-51-6762-4 (eBook)
Modular 32-channel transceiver coil array for cardiac MRI at 7.0T
Gräßl, Andreas ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Hezel, Fabian ; Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Winter, Lukas ; Özerdem, Celal ; Rieger, Jan ; Kellmann, Peter ; Santoro, Davide ; Lindel, Tomasz Dawid ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Pfeiffer, Harald ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2013)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. New York : Wiley-Liss. 72 (2013), H. 1. Seite: 276 - 290
Detailing the use of magnetohydrodynamic effects for synchronization of MRI with the cardiac cycle: A feasibility study
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Fuchs, Katharina ; Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Özerdem, Celal ; Patel, Nishan ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Greiser, Andreas ; Elgeti, Thomas ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2012)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. New York : Wiley-Liss. 36 (2012), H. 2. Seite: 364 - 372
From a concept to a word in a syntactically complete sentence: An fMRI study on spontaneous language production in an overt picture description task
Grande, Marion ; Meffert, Elisabeth ; Schoenberger, Eva ; Jung, Stefanie ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Huber, Walter ; Hussmann, Katja ; Moormann, Mareike ; Heim, Stefan (2012)
NeuroImage. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 61 (2012), H. 3. Seite: 702 - 714
Development and evaluation of a small and mobile Magneto Alert Sensor (MALSE) to support safety requirements for magnetic resonance imaging
Martin, Conrad ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Özerdem, Celal ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2011)
European Radiology. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer. 21 (2011). Seite: 2187 - 2192
Design and application of a four-channel transmit/receive surface coil for functional cardiac imaging at 7T
Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Lindel, Tomasz Dawid ; Seifert, Frank ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; von Knobelsdorf-Brenkenhoff, Florian ; Waiczies, Helmar ; Hoffmann, Werner ; Rieger, Jan ; Pfeiffer, Harald ; Ittermann, Bernd ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2011)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. New York : Wiley-Liss. 33 (2011), H. 3. Seite: 736 - 741
Comparison of left ventricular function assessment using phonocardiogram- and electrocardiogram-triggered 2D SSFP CINE MR imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T
Becker, Meike ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Hezel, Fabian ; Krombach, Gabriele A. ; Kremer, Ute ; Koppers, Benedikt ; Butenweg, Christoph ; Goemmel, Andreas ; Utting, Jane F. ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2010)
European Radiology. Berlin : Springer. 20 (2010). Seite: 1344 - 1355
1432-1084 (Onlineausgabe)
0938-7994 (Druckausgabe)
Cardiac chamber quantification using magnetic resonance imaging at 7 Tesla—a pilot study
von Knobelsdorf-Brenkenhoff, Florian ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Prothmann, Marcel ; Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Hezel, Fabian ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Kretschel, Kerstin ; Niendorf, Thoralf ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette (2010)
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer. 20 (2010). Seite: 2844 - 2852
Acoustic cardiac triggering: a practical solution for synchronization and gating of cardiovascular magnetic resonance at 7 Tesla
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Hezel, Fabian ; Renz, Wolfgang ; de Geyer d'Orth, Thibaut ; Dieringer, Matthias ; von Knobelsdorf-Brenkenhoff, Florian ; Prothmann, Marcel ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2010)
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 12 (2010), H. 1. Art.-Nr.: 67
Feasibility of Cardiac Gating Free of Interference With Electro-Magnetic Fields at 1.5 Tesla, 3.0 Tesla and 7.0 Tesla Using an MR-Stethoscope
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Hezel, Fabian ; Heinrichs, Uwe ; Kozerke, Sebastian ; Utting, Jane ; Kob, Malte ; Butenweg, Christoph ; Boesiger, Peter ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2009)
Investigative Radiology. Philadelphia, Pa : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ; (via Ovid). 44 (2009), H. 9. Seite: 539 - 547
1536-0210 (online)
0020-9996 (gedruckt)
Myocardial T2 mapping free of distortion using susceptibility-weighted fast spin-echo imaging: A feasibility study at 1.5 T and 3.0 T
Heinrichs, Uwe ; Utting, Jane F. ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Hezel, Fabian ; Krombach, Gabriele A. ; Hodenius, Michael A. J. ; Kozerke, Sebastian ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2009)
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. New York : Wiley-Liss. 62 (2009), H. 3. Seite: 822 - 828
A system for parallel measurement of glottis opening and larynx position
Kob, Malte ; Frauenrath, Tobias (2009)
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 4 (2009), H. 3. Seite: 221 - 228
Acoustic method for synchronization of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Niendorf, Thoralf ; Kob, Malte (2008)
Acta Acustica. Stuttgart : Hirzel. 94 (2008), H. 1. Seite: 148 - 155
DiggiTwin: ein interdisziplinäres Projekt zur Nutzung digitaler Zwillinge auf dem Weg zu einem klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand
Altherr, Lena ; Döring, Bernd ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Groß, Rolf ; Mohan, Nijanthan ; Oyen, Marc ; Schnittcher, Lukas ; Voß, Norbert (2024)
Tagungsband AALE 2024 : Fit für die Zukunft: praktische Lösungen für die industrielle Automation. Leipzig : le-tex publishing services GmbH 2024. Seite: 341 - 346
20. AALE-Konferenz. Bielefeld, 06.03.-08.03.2024
(Tagungsband unter
Sensor retrofitting of existing buildings in an interdisciplinary teaching project at university level
Altherr, Lena ; Conzen, Max ; Elsen, Ingo ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Lyrmann, Andreas (2023)
Tagungsband AALE 2023 : mit Automatisierung gegen den Klimawandel. Leipzig : le-tex publishing services GmbH 2023. Seite: 31 - 40
19. AALE-Konferenz. Luxemburg, 08.03.-10.03.2023.
BTS Connected Buildings & Cities Luxemburg
(Tagungsband unter
CO2 Meter: a do-it-yourself carbon dioxide measuring device for the classroom
Dey, Thomas ; Elsen, Ingo ; Ferrein, Alexander ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Reke, Michael ; Schiffer, Stefan (2021)
PETRA '21: Proceedings of the 14th Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference. New York : Association for Computing Machinery 2021. Seite: 292 - 299
PETRA '21: The 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference Corfu Greece 29 June 2021- 2 July 2021
In-vivo measurements of vocal fold geometry using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Gömmel, Andreas ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Otten, Mario ; Niendorf, Thoralf ; Butenweg, Christoph (2010)
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2010, 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik. Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik 2010.
3D mapping of vocal fold geometry during articulatory maneuvers using ultrashort echo time imaging at 3.0 T
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Gömmel, Andreas ; Butenweg, Christoph ; Otten, Mario ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2010)
ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting 2010, Band 4. Red Hook, NY : Curran 2010. Seite: 3087
ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting 2010 : Stockholm, Sweden, 1 - 7 May 2010
3D vocal fold geometry mapping using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Gömmel, Andreas ; Niendorf, Thoralf ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Otten, Mario ; Butenweg, Christoph ; Kob, Malte (2010)
Fortschritte der Akustik : 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, Band 1. Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik 2010. Seite: 271 - 272
Fortschritte der Akustik : 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik ; 15.-18. März 2010, Berlin
MRT-Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Betreiben einer MRT-Vorrichtung
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) apparatus and method of operating a magnetic resonance (MR) apparatus
Appareil de tomographie par résonance magnétique et procédé de fonctionnement d'un appareil à résonance magnétique
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2012)
Weitere Publikationen
Towards theranostics of rheumatoid arthritis: 1H/19F imaging of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in hand and wrist at 7 Tesla
Waiczies, Helmar ; Kühne, André ; Winter, Lukas ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Hoffmann, Werner ; Ittermann, Bernd ; Waiczies, Sonia ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2013)
2013 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #3504
ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 20-26 April 2013, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Cardiac CINE MRI at 7 T using a transmit array
Lindel, Tomasz Dawid ; Greiser, Andreas ; Waxman, Patrick ; Dietterle, Martin ; Seifert, Frank ; Fontius, Ulrich ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Niendorf, Thoralf ; Ittermann, Bernd (2012)
2012 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #1227
ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 5-11 May 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Cardiovasular MR at 7Tesla: assessment of the right ventricle
Tkachenko, Valeriy ; von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, Florian ; Kleindienst, Denise ; Winter, Lukas ; Rieger, Jan ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Santoro, Davide ; Niendorf, Thoralf ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette (2012)
2012 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #1128
ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 5-11 May 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Design, evaluation and application of a modular 32 channel transmit/receive surface coil array for cardiac MRI at 7T
Gräßl, Andreas ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Hezel, Fabian ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Pfeiffer, Harald ; Hoffmann, Werner ; Kellmann, Peter ; Martin, Conrad ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2012)
2012 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #305
ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 5-11 May 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Lessons learned from cardiac MRI at 7.0 T: LV function assessment at 3.0 T using local multi-channel transceiver coil arrays
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Pfeiffer, Harald ; Hezel, Fabian ; Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Winter, Lukas ; Gräßl, Andreas ; Santoro, Davide ; Özerdem, Celal ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Greiser, Andreas ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2012)
2012 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #2803
ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 5-11 May 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Improved cardiac triggering by combining multiple physiological signals: a cardiac MR feasibility study at 7.0 T
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Fuchs, Katharina ; Hezel, Fabian ; Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Rieger, Jan ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2012)
2012 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #90
ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 5-11 May 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Evaluation of Magneto Alert Sensor (MALSE) to Improve MR Safety by Decreasing the Incidence of Ferromagnetic Projectile Accidents
Martin, Conrad Steven ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Zerdem, Celal ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2011)
2011 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #1792
ISMRM 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 7-13 May 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
From Artifact to Merit: Cardiac Gated MRI at 7T & 3T using Magneto-Hydrodynamic Effects for Synchronization
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Dieringer, Matthias ; Patel, Nishant ; Zerdem, Celal ; Hentschel, Jan ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2011)
2011 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #0644
ISMRM 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 7-13 May 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Assessment of Accuracy & Reproducibility of ECG, Pulse Oximetry & Phonocardiogram Gating of Cardiac MRI at 7T
Frauenrath, Tobias ; de Geyer d'Orth, Thibaut ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2011)
2011 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #4611
ISMRM 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 7-13 May 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Comparison of Left Function Assessment Using Phonocardiogram and Electrocardiogram Triggered 2D SSFP CINE MR Imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Becker, Meike ; Hezel, Fabian ; Krombach, Gabriele A. ; Kremer, Ute ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2010)
2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #3607
ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting, 1 - 7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
4CH TX/RX Surface Coil for 7T: Design, Optimization and Application for Cardiac Function Imaging
Dieringer, Matthias A. ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Lindel, Tomasz Dawid ; Seifert, Frank ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Waiczies, Helmar ; von Knobelsdorff-Brenkhoff, Florian ; Santoro, Davide ; Hoffmann, Werner ; Ittermann, Bernd ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2010)
2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #3583
ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting, 1 - 7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
High Spatial Resolution 3D MRI of the Larynx Using a Dedicated TX/RX Phased Array Coil at 7.0T
Frauenrath, Tobias ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Rieger, Jan ; Gömmel, Andreas ; Butenweg, Christoph ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2010)
2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #0894
ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting, 1 - 7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Feasibility of CINE Myocardial T2* Mapping Using Susceptibility Weighted Gradient-Echo Imaging at 7.0 T
Hezel, Fabian ; Frauenrath, Tobias ; Renz, Wolfgang ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Niendorf, Thoralf (2010)
2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting. Art.-Nr.: Abstract #3565
ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting, 1 - 7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
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