Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Dipl.-Ing. Klaudia Adels
Low-field NMR spectroscopic study of e-cigarettes: Is determination of only nicotine and organic carrier solvents possible?
Adels, Klaudia ; Monakhova, Yulia (2024)
Microchemical Journal. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 203 (2024). Art.-Nr.: 110859- 9 Seiten
What is the best spectroscopic method for simultaneous analysis of organic acids and (poly)saccharides in biological matrices: Example of Aloe vera extracts?
Block, Franziska ; May, Alexander ; Wetzel, Katharina ; Adels, Klaudia ; Elbers, Gereon ; Schulze, Margit ; Monakhova, Yulia (2023)
Talanta Open. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 7 (2023), H. Art. No. 100220. Seite: 1 - 9
Multicomponent analysis of dietary supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin: comparative low- and high-field NMR spectroscopic study
Adels, Klaudia ; Elbers, Gereon ; Diehl, Bernd ; Monakhova, Yulia (2023)
Analytical Sciences. Cham : Springer Verlag. 2023 (2023). - 13 Seiten
1348-2246 (Online)
0910-6340 (Print)
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