
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Nils Freyer

Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk

AI-DSS in healthcare and their power over health-insecure collectives
Freyer, Nils ; Kempt, Hendrik (2023)
Justice in global health. London : Routledge 2023. Seite: 38 - 55


Justice and the normative standards of explainability in healthcare
Kempt, Hendrik ; Freyer, Nils ; Nagel, Saskia K. (2022)
Philosophy & Technology. Berlin : Springer Nature. 35 (2022), H. Article number: 100. Seite: 1 - 19


ALE: a simulation-based active learning evaluation framework for the parameter-driven comparison of query strategies for NLP
Kohl, Philipp ; Freyer, Nils ; Krämer, Yoka ; Werth, Henri ; Wolf, Steffen ; Kraft, Bodo ; Meinecke, Matthias ; Zündorf, Albert (2023)
Deep Learning Theory and Applications. Cham : Springer 2023. Seite: 235 - 253
4th International Conference, DeLTA 2023, Rome, Italy, July 13–14, 2023.
GUIDO: a hybrid approach to guideline discovery & ordering from natural language texts
Freyer, Nils ; Thewes, Dustin ; Meinecke, Matthias (2023)
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications DATA - Volume 1. 2023. Seite: 335 - 342
12th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, July 11-13, 2023, in Rome, Italy.

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