Veröffentlichungen A - Z
Yoka Krämer
Scoping review of active learning strategies and their evaluation environments for entity recognition tasks
Kohl, Philipp ; Krämer, Yoka ; Fohry, Claudia ; Kraft, Bodo (2024)
Deep learning theory and applications. Cham : Springer. (2024). Seite: 84 - 106
978-3-031-66694-0 (online ISBN)
978-3-031-66693-3 (print ISBN)
ALE: a simulation-based active learning evaluation framework for the parameter-driven comparison of query strategies for NLP
Kohl, Philipp ; Freyer, Nils ; Krämer, Yoka ; Werth, Henri ; Wolf, Steffen ; Kraft, Bodo ; Meinecke, Matthias ; Zündorf, Albert (2023)
Deep Learning Theory and Applications. Cham : Springer 2023. Seite: 235 - 253
4th International Conference, DeLTA 2023, Rome, Italy, July 13–14, 2023.
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