Veröffentlichungen A - Z
PD Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Daniel Bernhard Bung
Imaging techniques for investigation of free-surface flows in hydraulic laboratories
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2023)
- XXIII, 218 Seiten
DWA-Regelwerk M 544-2 : Merkblatt: Ausbreitungsprobleme von Einleitungen - Prozesse, Methoden und Modelle - Teil 2: Mehrdimensionale Modelle
Bleninger, T. ; Brenda, M. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Hengl, M. ; Schmid, B.H. ; Schneider, E. ; Sonnenburg, A. ; Stoschek, O. (2016)
Hennef 2016. - 91 Seiten
DWA-Regelwerk M 544-1 : Merkblatt: Ausbreitungsprobleme von Einleitungen - Prozesse, Methoden und Modelle - Teil 1: Anwendungsgrundlagen, Schätzformeln und eindimensionale Modelle
Bleninger, T. ; Brenda, M. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Hengl, M. ; Schmid, B.H. ; Schneider, E. ; Sonnenburg, A. ; Stoschek, O. (2016)
Hennef 2016. - 59 Seiten
Zur selbstbelüfteten Gerinneströmung auf Kaskaden mit gemäßigter Neigung. (Bericht / Fachbereich Bautechnik, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, Bergische Universität Gesamthochschule Wuppertal ; Bd. 16)
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2009)
Aachen : Shaker 2009. - XXVI, 292 S.. : Ill., graph. Darst.
Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk
Laboratory models of free-surface flows
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2015)
Rivers - physical, fluvial and environmental processes. Cham : Springer 2015. Seite: 213 - 228
Stepped spillways and cascades
Chanson, Hubert ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Matos, J. (2015)
Energy dissipation in hydraulic structures / Hubert Chanson (ed.). Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.] : CRC Press 2015. Seite: 45 - 64
978-1-138-02755-8 (print)
978-1-315-68029-3 (e-Book)
Flächenhafte Flutwellenausbreitung und anschließende Flutung unterirdischer Bauwerke
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas (2007)
Fünf Jahre nach der Flut : Hochwasserschutzkonzepte - Planung, Berechnung, Realisierung = Five years after the flood : concepts of flood protection - design, evaluation, realisation ; Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2007, 08. - 09. Oktober 2007 / [Hrsg. von H.-B. Horlacher ...] (Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen ; H. 35). Dresden : Techn. Univ. 2007. Seite: 475 - 484
11 XFZ 20
Kamerabasierte Fließtiefen- und Geschwindigkeitsmessungen
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2024)
Wasserwirtschaft. Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg. 114 (2024), H. 4. Seite: 47 - 53
Unsteady shallow meandering flows in rectangular reservoirs: a modal analysis of URANS modelling
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Erpicum, Sebastien ; Peltier, Yann ; Dewals, Benjamin (2022)
Journal of Hydro-environment Research. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2022), H. In Press.
Overland flow of broken solitary waves over a two-dimensional coastal plane
von Häfen, Hajo ; Krautwald, Clemens ; Stolle, Jacob ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Goseberg, Nils (2022)
Coastal Engineering. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 175 (2022), H. August. - 14 Seiten
Extreme flooding in Western Germany: some thoughts on hazards, return periods and risk
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2021)
Hydrolink. Madrid : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). (2021), H. 4. Seite: 108 - 113
Hydraulic structures engineering: An evolving science in a changing world
Erpicum, Sebastien ; Crookston, Brian M. ; Bombardelli, Fabian ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Felder, Stefan ; Mulligan, Sean ; Oertel, Mario ; Palermo, Michele (2021)
Wires Water. Weinheim : Wiley. 8 (2021), H. 2.
Hochwasserschutz - eine Aufgabe für eine nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2021)
Wasserwirtschaft. Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg. 111 (2021), H. 9-10. Seite: 3 - 19
Pathways towards democratization of hydro-environment observations and data
Valero, Daniel ; Schalko, Isabella ; Friedrich, Heide ; Abad, Jorge D. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Donchyts, Gennadii ; Felder, Stefan ; Ferreira, Rui M. L. ; Hohermuth, Benjamin ; Kramer, Matthias ; Li, Danxun ; Mendes, Luis ; Moreno-Rodenas, Antonio ; Nones, Michael ; Paron, Paolo ; Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia ; Wang, Ruo-Qian ; Franca, Mario J. (2021)
Iahr White Paper Series. : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). (2021), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 9
Advances in hydraulic structures engineering
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Erpicum, Sébastien ; Tullis, Blanke P. (2020)
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Reston, Va. : ASCE. 147 (2020), H. 1. - 1 Seite
0733-9429 (Druckausgabe)
1943-7900 (Online-Ausgabe)
Turbulent free-surface monitoring with an RGB-D sensor: the hydraulic jump case
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Crookston, Brian M. ; Valero, Daniel (2020)
Journal of Hydraulic Research. London : Taylor & Francis. (2020).
Robust estimators for free surface turbulence characterization: A stepped spillway application
Valero, Daniel ; Chanson, Hubert ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2020)
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 76 (2020), H. Art. 101809.
Robust estimators for turbulence properties assessment
Valero, Daniel ; Chanson, Hubert ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2019)
. (2019). Seite: 1 - 24
Towards reliable turbulence estimations with phase-detection probes: an adaptive window cross-correlation technique
Kramer, Matthias ; Valero, Daniel ; Chanson, Hubert ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2019)
Experiments in Fluids. Berlin : Springer. 60 (2019). - Article number 2
Closure to “Energy Dissipation of a Type III Basin under Design and Adverse Conditions for Stepped and Smooth Spillways”
Valero, D. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Crookston, B. M. (2019)
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Reston, Va. : ASCE. 146 (2019), H. 2.
On the estimation of free-surface turbulence using ultrasonic sensors
Zhang, G. ; Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Chanson, H. (2018)
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 60 (2018). Seite: 171 - 184
Reformulating self-aeration in hydraulic structures: Turbulent growth of free surface perturbations leading to air entrainment
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2018)
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 100 (2018). Seite: 127 - 142
Re-aeration on stepped spillways with special consideration of entrained and entrapped air
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel (2018)
Geosciences. Basel : MDPI. 8 (2018), H. 9. Seite: Article number 333
Energy dissipation of a Type III basin under design and adverse conditions for stepped and smooth spillways
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Crookston, B.M. (2018)
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Reston, Va. : ASCE. 144 (2018), H. 7.
Vectrino profiler spatial filtering for shear flows based on the mean velocity gradient equation
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2018)
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Reston, Va. : ASCE. 144 (2018), H. 7.
Energy dissipation within the wave run-up at stepped revetments
Kerpen, Nils B. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel ; Schlurmann, Torsten (2017)
Journal of Ocean University of China. Berlin : Springer. 16 (2017), H. 4. Seite: 649 - 654
Artificial Neural Networks and pattern recognition for air-water flow velocity estimation using a single-tip optical fibre probe
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2017)
Journal of Hydro-environment Research. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 19 (2017), H. 3. Seite: 150 - 159
Alternating skimming flow over a stepped spillway
Lopes, Pedro ; Leandro, Jorge ; Carvalho, Rita F. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2017)
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. Berlin : Springer. 17 (2017), H. 2. - 20Seite: 303 - 322
Development of the interfacial air layer in the non-aerated region of high-velocity spillway flows: Instabilities growth, entrapped air and influence on the self-aeration onset
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2016)
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 84 (2016). Seite: 66 - 74
Optical flow estimation in aerated flows
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel (2016)
Journal of Hydraulic Research. London : Taylor & Francis. 54 (2016), H. 5. Seite: 575 - 580
Sensitivity of turbulent Schmidt number and turbulence model to simulations of jets in crossflow
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2016)
Environmental Modelling and Software. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 82 (2016). Seite: 218 - 228
1364-8152 (electronic)
Stability and scour development of bed material on crossbar block ramps
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2015)
International journal of sediment research. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 30 (2015), H. 4. Seite: 344 - 350
Numerische Strömungssimulationen von Fließgewässern : Praxisanwendungen und zukünftige Entwicklungen
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2015)
Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft : KW. Hennef : Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik. 8 (2015), H. H. 3. Seite: 177 - 182
Measuring void fraction and velocity fields of a stepped spillway for skimming flow using non-intrusive methods
Leandro, J. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Carvalho, R. (2014)
Experiments in fluids. Heidelberg : Springer Nature. (2014), H. 55. Seite: Art. 1732
0723-4864 (Print)
1432-1114 (Online)
Non-intrusive detection of air–water surface roughness in self-aerated chute flows
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2013)
Journal of hydraulic research. London : Taylor & Francis. Vol. 51 (2013), H. Iss. 3. Seite: 322 - 329
1814-2079 (E-Journal)
0022-1686 (Print)
Initial stage of two-dimensional dam-break waves: laboratory versus VOF
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2012)
Journal of hydraulic research. London : Taylor & Francis. 50 (2012), H. 1. Seite: 89 - 97
1814-2079 (E-Journal)
0022-1686 (Print)
Fließcharakteristik und Sauerstoffeintrag bei selbstbelüfteten Gerinneströmungen auf Kaskaden mit gemäßigter Neigung
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2011)
Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft. Berlin : Springer. Vol. 63 (2011), H. Iss. 3-4. Seite: 76 - 81
1613-7566 (E-Journal)
0945-358X (Print)
Developing flow in skimming flow regime on embankment stepped spillways
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2011)
Journal of hydraulic research. London : Taylor & Francis. Vol. 49 (2011), H. Iss. 5. Seite: 639 - 648
1814-2079 (E-Journal)
0022-1686 (Print)
Influence of cycle number in CFD studies of labyrinth weirs
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Langohr, Phillip ; Waldenberger, Lisa (2023)
Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress (Vienna, 2023). Madrid : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) 2023.
40th IAHR World Congress, Vienna, Austria, from August 21 to 25, 2023
Hybrid investigation of labyrinth weirs: Discharge capacity and energy dissipation
Langohr, Philipp ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Crookston, Brian M. (2022)
Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress. Madrid : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) 2022. Seite: 2313 - 2318
39th IAHR World Congress, 19. - 24. Juni 2022, Granada
Application of RGB-D cameras in hydraulic laboratory studies
Crookston, Brian M. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2022)
Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress. Madrid : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) 2022. Seite: 5127 - 5133
39th IAHR World Congress, 19. - 24. Juni 2022, Granada
Weir head-discharge relationships: A multi-lab exercise
Tullis, Blake P. ; Crookston, Brian M. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2019)
Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress (Panama, 2019). Madrid : IAHR 2019. - 14 Seiten
38TH IAHR World Congress – IAHR 2019 Panamá, República de Panamá, 1 – 6 September, 2019
waveSTEPS – Wellenauf- und Wellenüberlauf an getreppten Deckwerken
Kerpen, Nils B. ; Schoonees, Talia ; Schlurmann, Torsten ; Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2019)
24. KFKI-Seminar 2019, 21.11.2019. 2019. - 2 Seiten
A stochastic bubble generator for air-water flow research
Valero, Daniel ; Kramer, Matthias ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Chanson, Hubert (2019)
E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress, September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama. 2019. Seite: 5714 - 5721
Wave breaking over a submerged horizontal plate: Optical Flow, LES and RANS
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Oertel, Mario (2019)
E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama. 2019. Seite: 3690 - 3698
Three-dimensional flow structure inside the cavity of a non-aerated stepped chute
Valero, Daniel ; Vogel, Jochen ; Schmidt, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2018)
7th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Aachen, Germany, 15-18 May. 2018. - 12 Seiten
Hybrid investigation on the hydraulic performance of a new trapezoidal fishway
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel ; Hermens, G. (2018)
7th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, ISHS 2018. 2018. Seite: 184 - 193
Hydraulic Structures - ISHS2018 in Perspective
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Tullis, Blake (2018)
7th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Aachen, Germany, 15-18 May. 2018. - 9 seiten
FlowCV - An open-source toolbox for computer vision applications in turbulent flows
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel (2017)
Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress August 13 – 18, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2017. Seite: 5356 - 5365
Numerical study of turbulent oscillations around a cylinder: RANS capabilities and sensitivity analysis
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Erpicum, Sebastien ; Dewals, Benjamin (2017)
Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress August 13 – 18, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2017. Seite: 3126 - 3135
Numerical investigation of USBR type III stilling basin performance downstream of smooth and stepped spillways
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Crookston, B. M. ; Matos, J. (2016)
Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland, OR, 27-30 June 2016. 2016. Seite: 635 - 646
Application of the optical flow method to velocity determination in hydraulic structure models
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel (2016)
Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland, OR, 27-30 June 2016. 2016. Seite: 223 - 232
Energy dissipation within the wave run-up at stepped revetments
Kerpen, Nils B. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel ; Schlurmann, Torsten (2016)
8th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Qingdao, China. 2016. - 6 Seiten
Image processing techniques for velocity estimation in highly aerated flows: bubble image velocimetry vs. optical flow
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel (2016)
Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change : Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress (Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016). : CRC Press 2016. Seite: 151 - 157
Scouring processes downstream a crossbar block ramp
Oertel, M. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2016)
Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland, OR, 27-30 June 2016. 2016. Seite: 549 - 559
Turbulent dispersion in bounded horizontal jets : RANS capabilities and physical modeling comparison
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Oertel, M. (2016)
Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change : Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress (Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016). : CRC Press 2016. Seite: 49 - 55
Interfacial velocity estimation in highly aerated stepped spillway flows with a single tip fibre optical probe and Artificial Neural Networks
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2016)
6th IAHR International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, May 30th to June 1st 2016. Lübeck, Germany. 2016. - 13 Seiten
The effect of cross-waves in physical stepped spillway models
Lopes, Pedro ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Leandro, Jorge ; Carvalho, Rita F. (2015)
E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress ; 28 June - 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. 2015. Seite: 1 - 9
Hybrid investigation of air transport processes in moderately sloped stepped spillway flows
Valero, Daniel ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2015)
E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. 2015. Seite: 1 - 10
Measuring void fraction of a stepped spillway with non-intrusive methods using different image resolutions
Bühler, P. ; Leandro, J. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Lopes, P. ; Carvalho, R. (2015)
2nd International Workshop on Hydraulic Structures : Data Validation : Coimbra, Portugal, 8-9 May 2015. 2015. Seite: 1 - 8
Numerical simulation of erosion processes on crossbar block ramps
Oertel, Mario ; Balmes, Jan P. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2015)
E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. 2015. Seite: 1 - 8
Image processing for bubble image velocimetry in self-aerated flows
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Valero, Daniel (2015)
E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. 2015. Seite: 1 - 8
Numerische Strömungssimulation von Fließgewässern - Wo stehen wir und was werden wir im Laufe der nächsten Jahre erreichen?
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2014)
Simulationsverfahren und Modelle für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft = Simulation techniques and models for hydraulic engineering and water management / 37. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2014, 13. - 14. März 2014. (Dresdner wasserbauliche Mitteilungen ; H. 50). 2014. Seite: 19 - 30
Observations on non-aerated flow and air entrainment on moderately sloped stepped spillways
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2014)
7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering : 8. - 12. Sept. 2014, Hannover. 2014. Seite: 1 - 8
Kennwortgeschützter Zugang. Passwort bei Prof. Bung, Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen
Manipulation of non-aerated cavity flow on a stepped spillway model
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Oertel, Mario (2014)
3rd European IAHR Congress : April 14 – 16, 2014, Porto. Porto : Univ. of Porto 2014.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hydraulic Design of Low-Head Structures : Aachen, Germany, February, 20-22, 2013 / D. Bung ; S. Pagliara (eds.)
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Pagliara, S. (2013)
Karlsruhe : Bundesanst. für Wasserbau 2013. - X, 230 S. + 1 CD-ROM
Experimental and numerical investigation of steady and unsteady flows in roughened channels with cross beams
Gogolin, C. ; Carvalho, R. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Matos, J. (2013)
35th IAHR world congress : 8.-13.9.2013, Chengdu, China. Beijing : Tsinghua Univ. Press 2013. - Elektronisch publiziertSeite: Artikelkennnummer: A10837C
Comparison of 2D dam-break waves with VOF and SPH method
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2013)
Proceedings of the 35th IAHR world congress : 8.-13.9.2013, Chengdu, China. Beijing : Tsinghua Univ. Press 2013. - Elektronisch publiziertSeite: Artikelkennnummer: A11113
Air-water surface roughness in self-aerated stepped spillway flows
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2013)
35th IAHR world congress : 8.-13.9.2013, Chengdu, China. Beijing : Tsinghua Univ. Press 2013. - Elektronisch publiziertSeite: Artikelkennnummer: A11045
Sensitivity of phase detection techniques in aerated chute flows to hydraulic design parameters
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2012)
2nd European IAHR congress : 27. - 29. June 2012, München. München : Lehrstuhl u. Versuchsanst. für Wasserbau u. Wasserwirtschaft d. TU München 2012. - Elektronisch publiziertSeite: Artikelkennnummer: B15
USBR type III stilling basin performance for steep stepped spillways
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Sun, Q. ; Meireles, I. ; Matos, J. ; Viseu, T. (2012)
Hydraulic structures into the 21st century : 4th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures : 9.-11.2.2012, Porto. 2012. - Elektronisch publiziert
Characteristics of cross-bar block ramp flows
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2012)
Hydraulic structures into the 21st century : 4th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures : 9.-11.2.2012, Porto. 2012. - Elektronisch publiziert
Experimental investigation of flow-induced radial gate vibrations at Lower Subansiri dam
Schlurmann, Torsten ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2012)
Sixth Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering : JOINT 2012 : 23.-29.9.2012, Keelung. 2012. Seite: 7 - 14
Blocksteinrampen in Riegelbauweise : Neue Bemessungsansätze
Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas (2012)
Staubauwerke : planen, bauen, betreiben; 35. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2012, 08. - 09. März 2012. Dresden : Selbstverl. der Techn. Univ. 2012. Seite: 317 - 326
Hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical slotted wall breakwaters
Ahmed, H. ; Schlenkhoff, A. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2011)
Balance and uncertainty - water in a changing world : proceedings of the 34th IAHR world congress ; 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium ; 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering ; 26 June - 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia. 2011. Seite: 1179 - 1186
Non-intrusive measuring of air-water flow properties in self-aerated stepped spillway flow
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2011)
Balance and uncertainty - water in a changing world : proceedings of the 34th IAHR world congress ; 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium ; 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering ; 26 June - 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia. 2011. Seite: 2380 - 2387
Ermittlung von Wellenüberlaufmengen an Sturmflutschutzwänden auf Deichen
Kerpen, N. ; Verworn, F. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Daemrich, K.-F. ; Schlurmann, Torsten (2011)
Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen : 8. FZK-Kolloquium : Hannover 10. März, 2011. 2011. Seite: 63 - 68
Flash flood awareness and prevention in Germany
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Oertel, M. ; Schlenkhoff, A. ; Schlurmann, Torsten (2010)
Early warning for flash floods : international workshop, Praha 2011 : workshop proceedings. 2010. Seite: 34 - 40
Self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways : the effect of additional micro-roughness on energy dissipation and oxygen transfer
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas (2010)
Proceedings from first IAHR European congress : May 2010, Edinburgh. Edinburgh : Heriot-Watt University, School of the Built Environment 2010. - Elektronisch publiziertSeite: Artikelkennnummer HSIIId
Investigations on a cooling water system for a gas tubine facility concerning air vortexes and sediment transport
Heinz, G. ; Oertel, Mario ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2010)
Hydraulic structures: useful water harvesting systems or relics? : Third International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS'10) : Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., 2-3 May 2010. Brisbane : School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland 2010. Seite: 109 - 116
A comparative study of self-aerated stepped spillway and smooth invert chute flow: the effect of step-induced macro roughness
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2010)
5th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering : CG JOINT 2010. Tianjin : Univ. Press 2010. Seite: 451 - 456
Physical model investigations of ships passing through a lock
Kerpen, N. B. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlurmann, Torsten (2010)
Hydraulic structures: useful water harvesting systems or relics? : Third International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS'10) : Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., 2-3 May 2010. Brisbane : School of Civil Engineeering, The University of Queensland 2010. Seite: 93 - 100
Selbstbelüftete Gerinneströmungen auf Treppenschussrinnen
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas (2010)
Talsperren im Wandel : 15. Deutsches Talsperrensymposium ; Beiträge zur Tagung am 14. bis 16. April 2010 im Eurogress Aachen. 2010. Seite: 39 - 47
Physical model investigations of pressure distributions next to ships passing through a lock
Kerpen, N. B. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlurmann, Torsten (2010)
5th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering : CG JOINT 2010. Tianjin : Univ. Press 2010. Seite: 514 - 519
Optimierung des potentiellen Sauerstoffeintrags auf Treppenschussrinnen mit gemäßigter Neigung
Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2009)
9. JuWi-Treffen : Beiträge zum Treffen junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und junger Wissenschaftler deutschsprachiger Wasserbauinstitute. Kassel : Universität Kassel 2009. Seite: 73 - 78
Prediction of oxygen transfer in self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways
Schlenkhoff, Andreas ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard (2009)
Water engineering for sustainable environment : 33rd IAHR congress ; 9 - 14 August 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2009. Seite: 1 CD-ROM
Self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas ; Oertel, M. (2009)
Water engineering for sustainable environment : 33rd IAHR congress ; 9 - 14 August 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2009. - 2009Seite: 1 CD-ROM
Flash flood awareness and prevention
Oertel, M. ; Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas (2009)
Water engineering for sustainable environment : 33rd IAHR congress ; 9 - 14 August 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2009. Seite: 1 CD-ROM
Bore propagation over a submerged horizontal plate by physical and numerical simulation
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Hildebrandt, Arndt ; Oertel, Mario ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas ; Schlurmann, Torsten (2008)
Coastal engineering 2008 : proceedings of the 31st international conference; Hamburg, Germany, 31 August - 5 September 2008 ; Vol. 4. 2008. Seite: 3542 - 3553
Optimization of the reaeration potential on embankment stepped spillways in skimming flow regime
Bung, Daniel Bernhard ; Schlenkhoff, Andreas (2008)
Hydraulic structures : proceedings of the second International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, Pisa, Italy, 30 July-1 August 2008. 2008. Seite: 97 - 106
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