
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Jona Keimer


Are small airplanes safe with regards to COVID-19 transmission?
Saretzki, Charlotte ; Bergmann, Ole ; Dahmann, Peter ; Janser, Frank ; Keimer, Jona ; Machado, Patricia ; Morrison, Audry ; Page, Henry ; Pluta, Emil ; Stübing, Felix ; Küpper, Thomas (2021)
Journal of Travel Medicine. Oxford : Oxford University PressArt.-Nr.: taab105


Electrical Drive and Regeneration in General Aviation Flight with Propellers
Mayntz, Joscha ; Keimer, Jona ; Dahmann, Peter ; Hille, Sebastian ; Stumpf, Eike ; Fisher, Alex ; Dorrington, Graham (2022)
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2020. Bonn : DGLR 2022. - 8 Seiten
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2020, 1. - 3. September 2020, Online
Effects of atmospheric excitation on vibration based condition monitoring methods for hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion systems
Schildt, Philipp ; Marzocca, Pier ; Braun, Carsten ; Dahmann, Peter ; Keimer, Jona (2019)
AIAC 2018: 18th Australian International Aerospace Congress: HUMS - 11th Defence Science and Technology (DST) International Conference on Health and Usage Monitoring (HUMS 2019): ISSFD - 27th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD). 2019. Seite: 923 - 928

Weitere Publikationen

Flight mission optimization for eco-efficiency in consideration of electric regeneration and atmospheric conditions
Keimer, Jona ; Girbig, Leo ; Mayntz, Joscha ; Tegtmeyer, Philipp ; Wendland, Frederik ; Dahman, Peter ; Fisher, Alex ; Dorrington, Graham (2022)
AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. Reston, Va. : AIAA
AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, June 27-July 1, 2022 Chicago, IL & Virtual
Aerodynamic Investigation on Efficient Inflight Transition of a Propeller from Propulsion to Regeneration Mode
Mayntz, Joscha ; Keimer, Jona ; Tegtmeyer, Philipp ; Dahmann, Peter ; Hille, Sebastian ; Stumpf, Eike ; Fisher, Alex ; Dorrington, Graham (2021)
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. Reston, Va. : AIAAArt.-Nr.: 0546
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, January 3-7, 2022, San Diego, CA & Virtual
Stress profile and individual workload monitoring in general aviation pilots – an experiment’s setting
Machado, Patricia Almeida ; Dahmann, Peter ; Keimer, Jona ; Saretzki, Charlotte ; Stübing, Felix ; Küpper, Thomas (2020)
23. Annual Meeting of the German Society of Travel Medicine, Coburg, 18.-19.9.2020.

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