
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

Dr. sc. techn. Thomas Harzheim


A SFCW harmonic radar system for maritime search and rescue using passive and active tags
Harzheim, Thomas ; Mühmel, Marc ; Heuermann, Holger (2021)
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 13 (2021), H. Special Issue 7. Seite: 691 - 707
First SIMO harmonic radar based on the SFCW concept and the HR transfer function
Heuermann, Holger ; Harzheim, Thomas ; Cronenbroeck, Tobias (2021)
Remote sensing. Basel : MDPI. 13 (2021), H. 24. - 23 Seiten
Capacitively Coupled High-Pressure Lamp Using Coaxial Line Networks
Schopp, Christoph ; Doll, Timo ; Gräser, Ulrich ; Harzheim, Thomas ; Heuermann, Holger ; Kling, Rainer ; Marso, Michael (2016)
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. New York, NY : IEEE. 64 (2016), H. 10. Seite: 3363 - 3368


RF measurements for future communication applications: an overview
Allal, D. ; Bannister, R. ; Buisman, K. ; Capriglione, D. ; Di Capua, G. ; García-Patrón, M. ; Gatzweiler, Thomas ; Gellersen, F. ; Harzheim, Thomas ; Heuermann, Holger ; Hoffmann, J. ; Izbrodin, A. ; Kuhlmann, K. ; Lahbacha, K. ; Maffucci, A. ; Miele, G. ; Mubarak, F. ; Salter, M. ; Pham, T.D. ; Sayegh, A. ; Singh, D. ; Stein, F. ; Zeier, M. (2022)
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N). : IEEE 2022. - 6 SeitenSeite: 1 - 6
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N), 18-20 July 2022, Padua, Italy.
A maritime harmonic radar search and rescue system using passive and active tags
Heuermann, Holger ; Harzheim, Thomas ; Mühmel, Marc (2021)
2020 17th European Radar Conference (EuRAD). New York, NY : IEEE 2021. Seite: 73 - 76
17th European Radar Conference, 13th - 15th January 2021, Utrecht, Netherlands
Phase Repeatable Synthesizers as a New Harmonic Phase Standard for Nonlinear Network Analysis
Harzheim, Thomas ; Heuermann, Holger (2018)
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. : IEEE 2018. Seite: 1 - 8
An Adaptive Biasing Method for SRD Comb Generators
Harzheim, Thomas ; Heuermann, Holger ; Marso, Michel (2016)
2016 German Microwave Conference (GeMiC). : IEEE 2016. Seite: 289 - 292
GeMiC 2016 ; March 14–16, 2016, Bochum, Germany

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