
Veröffentlichungen A - Z

M.Sc. Svea Paulsen


Operational window of a deammonifying sludge for mainstream application in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
Cheenakula, Dheeraja ; Paulsen, Svea ; Ott, Fabian ; Grömping, Markus (2023)
Water and Environment Journal. Chichester : Wiley. 38 (2023), H. 1. Seite: 59 - 70
Challenges and prospects of biogas from energy cane as supplement to bioethanol production
Hoffstadt, Kevin ; Pohen, Gino D. ; Dicke, Max D. ; Paulsen, Svea ; Krafft, Simone ; Zang, Joachim W. ; Fonseca-Zang, Warde A. da ; Leite, Athaydes ; Kuperjans, Isabel (2020)
Agronomy. Basel : MDPI. 10 (2020), H. 6.


Continuous biogas production from sugarcane as sole substrate
Paulsen, Svea ; Hoffstadt, Kevin ; Krafft, Simone ; Leite, A. ; Zang, J. ; Fonseca-Zang, W. ; Kuperjans, Isabel (2020)
Energy Reports. : Elsevier 2020. Seite: 153 - 158
6th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, ICEER 2019, 22–25 July, University of Aveiro, Portugal

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