Veröffentlichungen von

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Albracht


Influence of mechanical properties of the leg extensor muscletendon units on running economy

Albracht, Kirsten (2010)
Köln : Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln 2010. - X, 1221 Bl. : graph. Darst.

Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk

RoSylerNT – Lernende roboterassistierte Systeme für das neuromuskuläre Training

Ketelhut, Maike ; Stogl, Denis ; Braunstein, Björn ; Bender, Nadine ; Benfarah, Oussama ; Ben Slama, Taher ; Gerlich, Martin ; Göll, Fabian ; von Maltzan, Stefanie ; Nagel, Mike ; Safronov, Kiril ; Weiglein, Christian ; Witt, Sebastian ; Zimmermann, Uwe ; Abel, Dirk ; Hein, Björn ; Albracht, Kirsten (2020)
Autonome Roboter für Assistenzfunktionen: Interaktive Grundfertigkeiten. Dortmund : Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin 2020. Seite: 76 - 106

Kinematische Untersuchung der Kurbelbewegung im Handcycling: Entwicklung einer sportartspezifischen Methode

Abel, Thomas ; Bonin, Dominik ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Zeller, Sebastian ; Burkett, Brendan (2015)
Behindertensport 1951-2011 : Historische und aktuelle Aspekte im nationalen und internationalen Dialog. Aachen : Meyer & Meyer 2015. Seite: 82 - 91


Integrative biomechanics of a human–robot carrying task : implications for future collaborative work

Schuengel, Verena ; Braunstein, Björn ; Goell, Fabian ; Braun, Daniel ; Reißner, Nadine ; Safronov, Kirill ; Weiser, Christian ; Heieis, Jule ; Albracht, Kirsten (2025)
Autonomous Robots. Dordrecht : Springer. (2025), H. 49. , Art.-Nr.: 2- 12 Seiten
Corresponding author: Kirsten Albracht

Muscle stiffness indicating mission crew health in space

Schoenrock, Britt ; Muckelt, Paul E. ; Hastermann, Maria ; Albracht, Kirsten ; MacGregor, Robert ; Martin, David ; Gunga, Hans-Christian ; Salanova, Michele ; Stokes, Maria J. ; Warner, Martin B. ; Blottner, Dieter (2024)
Scientific Reports. London : Springer Nature. 14 (2024). , Art.-Nr.: 4196- 13 Seiten
Corresponding author: Dieter Blottner

Descriptive modelling of fascicle curvature in gastrocnemius muscles

Heieis, Jule ; Hermann, Anne ; Böcker, Jonas ; D’Angelo, Olfa ; Mittag, Uwe ; Sies, Wolfram ; Voigtman, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Rittweger, Joern (2023)
Research Report Institute of Aerospace Medicine 2022. Köln : DLR. (2023). Seite: 36 - 37

Curvature of gastrocnemius muscle fascicles as function of muscle–tendon complex length and contraction in humans

Heieis, Jule ; Böcker, Jonas ; D'Angelo, Olfa ; Mittag, Uwe ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Schönau, Eckhard ; Meyer, Andreas ; Voigtmann, Thomas ; Rittweger, Jörn (2023)
Physiological Reports. [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Wiley. 11 (2023), H. 11. , Art.-Nr.: e15739- 11 Seiten

Musculoskeletal research in human space flight – unmet needs for the success of crewed deep space exploration

Liphardt, Anna-Maria ; Fernandez-Gonzalo, Rodrigo ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Vico, Laurence (2023)
npj Microgravity. Berlin , Heidelberg : Springer Nature. 9 (2023). , Art.-Nr.: 9- 9 Seiten

Changes in gravity affect neuromuscular control, biomechanics, and muscle-tendon mechanics in energy storage and dissipation tasks

Waldvogel, Janice ; Freyler, Kathrin ; Helm, Michael ; Monti, Elena ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Gollhofer, Albert ; Narici, Marco V. ; Ritzmann, Ramona ; Albracht, Kirsten (2023)
Journal of Applied Physiology. Bethesda, Md. : American Physiological Society. 134 (2023), H. 1. Seite: 190 - 202
1522-1601 (Onlineausgabe) , 8750-7587 (Druckausgabe)

Movement in low gravity environments (MoLo) programme – the MoLo-L.O.O.P. study protocol

Herssens, Nolan ; Cowburn, James ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Braunstein, Björn ; Cazzola, Dario ; Colyer, Steffi ; Minetti, Alberto E. ; Pavei, Gaspare ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Weber, Tobias ; Green, David A. (2022)
PLOS ONE / Public Library of Science. San Francisco : Plos. 17 (2022), H. 11. - e0278051

Cervical spine and muscle adaptation after spaceflight and relationship to herniation risk: protocol from ‘Cervical in Space’ trial

Belavy, Daniel L. ; Armbrecht, Gabriele ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Brisby, Helena ; Falla, Deborah ; Scheuring, Richard ; Sovelius, Roope ; Wilke, Hans-Joachim ; Rennerfelt, Kajsa ; Martinez-Valdes, Eduardo ; Arvanitidis, Michail ; Goell, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Kaczorowski, Svenja ; Karner, Vera ; Kumar Arora, Nitin (2022)
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. London : BioMed Central. 23 (2022). , Art.-Nr.: 772- 11 Seiten

Altered gastrocnemius contractile behavior in former achilles tendon rupture patients during walking

Stäudle, Benjamin ; Seynnes, Olivier ; Laps, Guido ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2022)
Frontiers in Physiology. Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation. 13 (2022). - 12 Seiten

Contractile behavior of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle during running in simulated hypogravity

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Staeudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katya N. ; Rittweger, Joern ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
npj Microgravity. New York : Springer Nature. 7 (2021), H. Article number: 32. - 7 Seiten
Corresponding author: Charlotte Richter

Gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior is preserved during 30% body weight supported gait training

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katja N. ; Rittweger, Joern ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. Lausanne : Frontiers. 2 (2021). , Art.-Nr.: 614559- 9 Seiten

Gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior during running differs between simulated Lunar and Martian gravities

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Süss, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katya N. ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Scientific reports. London : Springer Nature. 11 (2021), H. Article number: 22555. - 13 Seiten
Corresponding author: Charlotte Richter

Test-retest reliability of the internal shoulder rotator muscles' stretch reflex in healthy men

Heinke, Lars N. ; Knicker, Axel J. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 62 (2021), H. Article 102611.

Medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicles shorten throughout stance during sprint acceleration

Werkhausen, Amelie ; Willwacher, Steffen ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell. 31 (2021), H. 7. Seite: 1471 - 1480
0905-7188 (Druckausgabe) , 1600-0838 (Onlineausgabe)

Muscle in variable gravity: “I do not know where I am, but I know what to do”

Monti, Elena ; Waldvogel, Janice ; Ritzmann, Ramona ; Freyler, Kathrin ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Helm, Michael ; De Cesare, Niccolò ; Pavan, Piero ; Reggiani, Carlo ; Gollhofer, Albert ; Narici, Marco Vincenzo (2021)
Frontiers in Physiology. Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation. 12 (2021). - 19 Seiten

Recovery from achilles tendon repair: a combination of Postsurgery Outcomes and Insufficient remodeling of muscle and tendon

Stäudle, Benjamin ; Seynnes, Olivier ; Laps, Guido ; Göll, Fabian ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Philadelphia, Pa. : American College of Sports Medicine. 53 (2021), H. 7. Seite: 1356 - 1366

The anticipation of gravity in human ballistic movement

Waldvogel, Janice ; Ritzmann, Ramona ; Freyler, Kathrin ; Helm, Michael ; Monti, Elena ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Gollhofer, Albert ; Narici, Marco (2021)
Frontiers in Physiology. Lausanne : Frontiers. (2021).

Biomechanics of handcycling propulsion in a 30-min continuous load test at lactate threshold: Kinetics, kinematics, and muscular activity in able-bodied participants

Quittmann, Oliver J. ; Abel, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Meskemper, Joshua ; Foitschik, Tina ; Strüder, Heiko K. (2020)
European Journal of Applied Physiology. Heidelberg : Springer. (2020), H. 120. Seite: 1403 - 1415

Increased shoulder muscle stretch reflex elicitability in supine subject posture

Heinke, Lars N. ; Knicker, Axel J. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2020)
Isokinetics and Exercise Science. Amsterdam : IOS Press. 28 (2020), H. 2. Seite: 139 - 146

Normalising surface EMG of ten upper-extremity muscles in handcycling: Manual resistance vs. sport-specific MVICs

Quittmann, Oliver J. ; Meskemper, Joshua ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Abel, Thomas ; Foitschik, Tina ; Strüder, Heiko K. (2020)
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 51 (2020), H. Article 102402.

Agility training to integratively promote neuromuscular, cognitive, cardiovascular and psychosocial function in healthy older adults: A study protocol of a one-year randomized-controlled trial

Morat, Mareike ; Faude, Oliver ; Hanssen, Henner ; Ludyga, Sebastian ; Zacher, Jonas ; Eibl, Angi ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Donath, Lars (2020)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Basel : MDPI. 17 (2020), H. 6. , Art.-Nr.: 1853- 14 Seiten

Biomechanics of all-out handcycling exercise: kinetics, kinematics and muscular activity of a 15-s sprint test in able-bodied participants

Quittmann, Oliver J. ; Abel, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Strüder, Heiko K. (2020)
Sports Biomechanics. London : Taylor & Francis. 21 (2020), H. 10. Seite: 1200 - 1223
1752-6116 (Onlineausgabe) , 1476-3141 (Druckausgabe)

Adaptive iterative learning control of an industrial robot during neuromuscular training

Ketelhut, Maike ; Brügge, G. M. ; Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Abel, Dirk (2020)
IFAC PapersOnLine. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 53 (2020), H. 2. Seite: 16468 - 16475

Robotergestütztes System für ein verbessertes neuromuskuläres Aufbautraining der Beinstrecker

Kolditz, Melanie ; Albin, Thivaharan ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Abel, Dirk ; Albracht, Kirsten (2019)
at - Automatisierungstechnik. Berlin : De Gruyter. 64 (2019), H. 11. Seite: 905 - 914

Distinct muscle-tendon interaction during running at different speeds and in different loading conditions

Werkhausen, Amelie ; Cronin, Neil J. ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Bojsen-Møller, Jens ; Seynnes, Olivier R. (2019)
Journal of Applied Physiology. . 127 (2019), H. 1. Seite: 246 - 253

Recovery from 6-month spaceflight at the International Space Station: muscle-related stress into a proinflammatory setting

Capri, Miriam ; Morsiani, Cristina ; Santoro, Aurelia ; Moriggi, Manuela ; Conte, Maria ; Martucci, Morena ; Bellavista, Elena ; Fabbri, Cristina ; Giampieri, Enrico ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Flück, Martin ; Ruoss, Severin ; Brocca, Lorenza ; Canepari, Monica ; Longa, Emanuela ; Giulio, Irene Di ; Bottinelli, Roberto ; Cerretelli, Paolo ; Salvioli, Stefano ; Gelfi, Cecilia ; Franceschi, Claudio ; Narici, Marco ; Rittweger, Jörn (2019)
The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. . 33 (2019), H. 4. Seite: 5168 - 5180

Reliability of muscular activation patterns and their alterations during incremental handcycling in able-bodied participants

Quittmann, Oliver J. ; Abel, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Strüder, Heiko K. (2019)
Sports Biomechanics. London : Taylor & Francis. (2019), H. Article in press.

Admittance control of an industrial robot during resistance training

Ketelhut, Maike ; Kolditz, Melanie ; Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Abel, Dirk (2019)
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 52 (2019), H. 19. Seite: 223 - 228
14th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human Machine Systems HMS 2019
Tallinn, Estonia, 16–91 September 2019

Training-induced increase in Achilles tendon stiffness affects tendon strain pattern during running

Werkhausen, Amelie ; Cronin, Neil J. ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Paulsen, Gøran ; Larsen, Askild V. ; Bojsen-Møller, Jens ; Seynnes, Olivier R. (2019)
PeerJ. London : Peer. (2019). - 18 Seiten

Erratum: Author Correction: Sarcolab pilot study into skeletal muscle’s adaptation to longterm spaceflight

Rittweger, Jörn ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Flück, Martin ; Ruoss, Severin ; Brocca, Lorenza ; Longa, Emanuela ; Moriggi, Manuela ; Seynnes, Olivier ; Di Giulio, Irene ; Tenori, Leonardo ; Vignoli, Alessia ; Capri, Miriam ; Gelfi, Cecilia ; Luchinat, Claudio ; Franceschi, Claudio ; Bottinelli, Roberto ; Cerretelli, Paolo ; Narici, Marco (2018)
npj Microgravity. New York, NY : Nature Publ. Group. 4 (2018). , Art.-Nr.: 23

Sarcolab pilot study into skeletal muscle’s adaptation to longterm spaceflight

Rittweger, Jörn ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Flück, Martin ; Ruoss, Severin ; Brocca, Lorenza ; Longa, Emanuela ; Moriggi, Manuela ; Seynnes, Olivier ; Di Giulio, Irene ; Tenori, Leonardo ; Vignoli, Alessia ; Capri, Miriam ; Gelfi, Cecilia ; Luchinat, Claudio ; Franceschi, Claudio ; Bottinelli, Roberto ; Cerretelli, Paolo ; Narici, Marco (2018)
npj Microgravity. New York, NY : Nature Publ. Group. 4 (2018). , Art.-Nr.: 18

Evaluation of passively induced shoulder stretch reflex using an isokinetic dynamometer in male overhead athletes

Heinke, Lars N. ; Knicker, Axel J. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
Isokinetics and Exercise Science. Amsterdam : IOS Press. 26 (2018), H. 4. Seite: 265 - 274

Kinematics and kinetics of handcycling propulsion at increasing workloads in able-bodied subjects

Quittmann, Oliver J. ; Meskemper, Joshua ; Abel, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Foitschik, Tina ; Rojas-Vega, Sandra ; Strüder, Heiko K. (2018)
Sports Engineereing. Cham : Springer Nature. 21 (2018), H. 21. Seite: 283 - 294

Effect of training-induced changes in achilles tendon stiffness on muscle-tendon behavior during landing

Werkhausen, Amelie ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Cronin, Neil J. ; Paulsen, Gøran ; Bojsen-Møller, Jens ; Seynnes, Olivier R (2018)
Frontiers in physiology. Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation. (2018), H. 9. - 11 Seiten

Comparison of different training algorithms for the leg extension training with an industrial robot

Ketelhut, Maike ; Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Abel, Dirk (2018)
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. Berlin : De Gruyter. 4 (2018), H. 1. Seite: 17 - 20

Using the Hephaistos orthotic device to study countermeasure effectiveness of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and dietary lupin protein supplementation, a randomised controlled trial

Zange, Jochen ; Schopen, Kathrin ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Gerlach, Darius A. ; Frings-Meuthen, Petra ; Maffiuletti, Nicola A. ; Bloch, Wilhelm ; Rittweger, Jörn (2017)
Plos one. San Francisco : PLOS. 12 (2017), H. 2.

Modulation of muscle-tendon interaction in the human triceps surae during an energy dissipation task

Werkhausen, Amelie ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Cronin, Neil J. ; Meier, Rahel ; Mojsen-Moeller, Jens ; Seynnes, Olivier R. (2017)
Journal of Experimental Biology. . 220 (2017), H. 22. Seite: 4141 - 4149

Evaluation of foot position and orientation as manipulated variables to control external knee adduction moments in leg extension training

Kolditz, Melanie ; Albin, Thivaharan ; Abel, Dirk ; Fasse, Alessandro ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2016)
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 171 (2016). Seite: 81 - 86
Part of special issue: "SI: Personalised Models and System Identification"

Can exercise positively influence the intervertebral disc?

Belavy, Daniel L. ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Vergroesen, Pieter-Paul A. ; Dieen, Jaap H. van (2016)
Sports Medicine. Berlin : Springer. 46 (2016), H. 4. Seite: 473 - 485

Robotergestütztes System für ein verbessertes neuromuskuläres Aufbautraining der Beinstrecker

Kolditz, Melanie ; Albin, Thivaharan ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Abel, Dirk ; Albracht, Kirsten (2016)
at - Automatisierungstechnik. Berlin : De Gruyter. 64 (2016), H. 11. Seite: 905 - 914

On the relationship between tibia torsional deformation and regional muscle contractions in habitual human exercises in vivo

Yang, Peng-Fei ; Kriechbaumer, Andreas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Ganse, Bergita ; Koy, Timmo ; Shang, Peng ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Müller, Lars-Peter ; Rittweger, Jörn (2015)
Journal of Biomechanics. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 48 (2015), H. 3. Seite: 456 - 464

Ultrasound-based testing of tendon mechanical properties: a critical evaluation

Seynnes, Olivier R. ; Bojsen-Møller, Jens ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Arndt, Anton ; Cronin, Neil J. ; Finni, Taija ; Magnusson, Stig Peter (2015)
Journal of Applied Physiology. Bethesda, Md. : American Physiological Society. 118 (2015), H. 2. Seite: 133 - 141

A novel optical approach for assessing in vivo bone segment deformation and its application in muscle-bone relationship studies in humans

Yang, Peng-Fei ; Kriechbaumer, Andreas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Ganse, Bergita ; Koy, Timmo ; Shang, Peng ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Müller, Lars-Peter ; Rittweger, Jörn (2014)
Journal of Orthopaedic Translation. Singapore : Elsevier. 2 (2014), H. 4. Seite: 238
2214-0328 , 2214-031X

Exercise-induced changes in triceps surae tendon stiffness and muscle strength affect running economy in humans

Albracht, Kirsten ; Arampatzis, Adamantios (2013)
European Journal of Applied Physiology. Berlin : Springer. 113 (2013), H. 6. Seite: 1605 - 1615

Lower leg musculoskeletal geometry and sprint performance

Karamanidis, Kiros ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Braunstein, Björn ; Catala, Maria Moreno ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter (2011)
Gait and Posture. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 34 (2011), H. 1. Seite: 138 - 141

Plasticity of human Achilles tendon mechanical and morphological properties in response to cyclic strain

Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Peper, Andreas ; Bierbaum, Stefanie ; Albracht, Kirsten (2010)
Journal of Biomechanics. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 43 (2010), H. 16. Seite: 3073 - 3079

Reproducibility of fascicle length and pennation angle of gastrocnemius medialis in human gait in vivo

Aggeloussis, Nickos ; Giannakou, Erasmia ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Arampatzis, Adamantios (2010)
Gait and Posture. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 31 (2010), H. 1. Seite: 73 - 77

Plasticity of the human tendon to short and long-term mechanical loading

Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Karamanidis, Kiros ; Mademli, Lida ; Albracht, Kirsten (2009)
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. Hagerstown, Md. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Seite: 66 - 72

Assessment of muscle volume and physiological cross-sectional area of the human triceps surae muscle in vivo

Albracht, Kirsten ; Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Baltzopoulos, Vasilios (2008)
Journal of Biomechanics. Seite: 2211 - 2218

Adaptational responses of the human Achilles tendon by modulation of the applied cyclic strain magnitude

Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Karamanidis, Kiros ; Albracht, Kirsten (2007)
Journal of Experimental Biology. Seite: 2743 - 2753

Influence of the mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit on force generation in runners with different running economy

Albracht, Kirsten ; Arampatzis, Adamantios (2006)
Biological Cybernetics. Seite: 87 - 96


Estimation of muscle fascicle orientation in ultrasonic images

Pohle-Fröhlich, Regina ; Dalitz, Christoph ; Richter, Charlotte ; Hahnen, Tobias ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Albracht, Kirsten (2020)
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 5. Setúbal, Portugal : SciTePress 2020. Seite: 79 - 86
15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications VISAPP 2020, Valletta, Malta

Iterative learning control of an industrial robot for neuromuscular training

Ketelhut, Maike ; Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Abel, Dirk (2019)
2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications. New York : IEEE 2019. - 7 Seiten
2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) Hong Kong, China, August 19-21, 2019

Evaluation of an MRI method to determine hydration states of tendons

Braunstein, Björn ; Wendeler, Luisa ; Weiss, Kilian ; Braun, Hans ; Müller, Dirk ; Niehoff, Anja ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). 2018. , Art.-Nr.: 116 Seite: 534 - 537
36th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) - Auckland, Neuseeland, 10.09.2018 - 14.09.2018

Leg- and joint stiffness in male elite high jump: the influence of stiffness on sports performance

Boden, Eicke ; Braunstein, Björn ; Heinrich, Kai ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Ritzdorf, Wolfgang ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter (2017)
Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). 2017. Seite: 748 - 750
35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports - Cologne, Deutschland, 14.06.2017 - 18.06.2017

Changes in the kinematic and kinetic profile of handcycling propulsion due to increasing workloads

Quittmann, Oliver Jan ; Meskemper, Joshua ; Abel, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Strüder, Heiko Klaus (2017)
Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). 2017. , Art.-Nr.: 209 Seite: 706 - 709
35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports - Cologne, Deutschland, 14.06.2017 - 18.06.2017

Evaluation of passively induced shoulder stretch reflex using an isokinetic dynamometer in men

Heinke, Lars Niklas ; Knicker, Axel ; Albracht, Kirsten (2017)
Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). 2017. , Art.-Nr.: 118 Seite: 935 - 938
35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports - Cologne, Deutschland, 14.06.2017 - 18.06.2017

Reflex responses to local soleus muscle vibration

Knicker, Axel J. ; Abdulhafiz, Haitham ; Albracht, Kirsten (2017)
Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). 2017. , Art.-Nr.: 196 Seite: 648 - 651
35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports - Cologne, Deutschland, 14.06.2017 - 18.06.2017

Isokinematic leg extension training with an industrial robot

Kolditz, Melanie ; Albin, Thivaharan ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Abel, Dirk (2016)
6th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) June 26-29, 2016. UTown, Singapore. 2016. Seite: 950 - 955

Differences between take-off behavior during vertical jumps and two artistic elements

Droszez, Anna ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Braunstein, Björn (2016)
34th International Conference of Biomechanics in Sport, Tsukuba, Japan, July 18-22, 2016. 2016. Seite: 577 - 580

Joint work of the take-off leg during elite high jump

Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Braunstein, Björn ; Heinrich, Kai ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Ritzdorf, Wolfgang ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2015)
Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). 2015. - 3 S.

Evaluation of an industrial robot as a leg press training device

Kolditz, Melanie ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Fasse, Alessandro ; Albin, Thivaharan ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Abel, Dirk (2015)
XV International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics July 9th – 11th 2015, Edinburgh, UK. 2015. Seite: 41 - 42

Simulative Analysis of Joint Loading During Leg Press Exercise for Control Applications

Kolditz, Melanie ; Albin, Thivaharan ; Fasse, Alessandro ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Abel, Dirk ; Albracht, Kirsten (2015)
IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2015. Seite: 435 - 440
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-20;
Conference Paper Archive

Joint specific contribution of mechanical power and work during acceleration and top speed in elite sprinters

Braunstein, Björn ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Willwacher, Steffen ; Heinrich, Kai ; Herrmann, Volker ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter (2013)
31 International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Taipei, Taiwan, July 07 - July 22, 2013. 2013.

Kinematic profile of the elite handcyclist

Abel, Thomas ; Bonin, Dominik ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Zeller, Sebastian ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Burkett, Brendan ; Strüder, Heiko K. (2010)
ISBS - Conference Proceedings Archive. 2010. Seite: 140 - 141
28th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Marquette, Michigan, USA, July 19 – 23, 2010

Konferenzposter- und Abstracts

Estimate of internal and external load in hypogravity locomotion with musculoskeletal modeling: A first step for evaluating a countermeasure

Natalucci, Valentina ; Cowburn, James ; Luciano, Francesco ; Herssens, Nolan ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Braunstein, Björn ; Schüngel, Verena ; Colyer, Steffi ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Weber, Tobias ; Green, Dave ; Pavei, Gaspare ; Minetti, Alberto ; Cazzola, Dario (2024)
29th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 29-1141
29th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Science, Glasgow, UK, 02.07.2024 - 05.07.2024

The impact of variable gravitation on muscle-tendon interaction and function

Albracht, Kirsten (2024)
29th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Science.
29th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Science, Glasgow, UK, 02.07.2024 - 05.07.2024

Effekte von immersiver und nicht immersiver Therapie auf Patienten mit chronischen Nackenschmerzen: Eine Metaanalyse

Albracht, Kirsten ; Jürgens, Klara (2023)
Physioscience. Stuttgart : Thieme, Art.-Nr.: V9 Seite: S04
7. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Physiotherapiewissenschaft e.V., Göttingen, 17.–18.11.2023

Relevante informatikbezogene Kompetenzen für Physiotherapeut*innen auf Bachelorniveau – Planung einer Delphi Studie

Grob, Laura ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Schneider, Birgit ; Schemmann, Ulrike (2023)
Physioscience. Stuttgart : Thieme, Art.-Nr.: P29 Seite: S21
7. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Physiotherapiewissenschaft e.V., Göttingen, 17.–18.11.2023

Does frequent high-Gz fast jet flying affect the mechanical properties of the neck muscles? Eurofighter pilots versus matched non-pilots

Lingscheid, René ; Göll, Fabian ; Nuesse, Roland ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Braunstein, Björn (2023)
Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. Alexandria, Va. : Aerospace Medical Association, Art.-Nr.: 352 Seite: 281
AsMA 93rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans LA May 21–25, 2023

Beanspruchung der Halswirbelsäule bei Eurofighter-Piloten unter „high-Gz“ im Realflug

Lingscheid, René ; Göll, Fabian ; Nuesse, Roland ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Braunstein, Björn (2022)
Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift. Bonn : Beta Seite: 180 - 182
Vortrag bei der 66. Fliegerarzttagung der Bundeswehr in Bonn (8. bis 11. November 2021)

Gangkinematik beim Tragen eines Tisches mit einem robotischen Tragepartner

Schüngel, Verena ; Braunstein, Björn ; Göll, Fabian ; Reißer, Nadine ; Zimmermann, Uwe ; Albracht, Kirsten (2022)
6. FSPT Freiburg i.Br. Postersessions.
6. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie, Freiburg, Deutschland, 30.09.2022 - 01.10.2022

Der Einfluss einer intensivmedizinischen Behandlung mit maschineller Beatmung auf die kardiovaskuläre und muskuläre Funktion bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit einer erworbenen Muskelschwäche: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit

Tsipouridis, Christos ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Rutten, Steven (2021)
Abstractband 5. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie; Band 5 der Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Gesundheit. , Art.-Nr.: 6.33 Seite: 85 - 86
5. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie - Universität Cottbus, Cottbus Senftenberg, Deutschland, 26.11.2021 - 27.11.2021

Sarcolab-3: Changes in knee and ankle torque generation during a six-month space flight mission

Laughlin, Mitzi ; Reed, Justin ; Layne, Charles ; Koryak, Yuri ; Clarke, Mark ; Tomilivskaya, Elena ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Shenkman, Boris ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Cerretelli, P. ; Gelfi, Cecilia ; Narici, Marco ; Bottinelli, Roberto ; Capri, Miriam ; Franceschi, Claudio ; Flück, Martin ; Kozlovskaya, Inessa ; Rittweger, Jörn (2021)
Aerospace and Environmental Medicine. Moskau : Slovo Seite: 76 - 77
XXIII International Symposium, Human in space, April 5–9, 2021, Moscow, Russia

Functional deficits during running after tendon repair are associated with rupture-induced longer Achilles tendons and shorter gastrocnemius medialis muscle fascicles despite unchanged shortening behavior of muscle fascicles

Stäudle, Benjamin ; Laps, Guido ; Seynnes, Olivier ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Dritte KNIMS Jahrestagung. , Art.-Nr.: 14
3. KNIMS-Jahrestagung - Online, 06.03.2021

Acute effect of overload on the neuro-mechanical control in jumps and drop landings

Waldvogel, J. ; Freyler, Kathrin ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Monti, E. ; Helm, M. ; Gollhofer, Albert ; Narici, Marco ; Ritzmann, Ramona (2020)
25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 25-2022
25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Online, 28th - 30th October 2020

Evaluation of ultrasound data from the MARES Sinusoidal Perturbation Protocol for the analysis of vibration-induced changes in fascicle length and pennation angle as a function of vibration frequency and muscular preload

Thier, Nikolas ; Mittag, Uwe ; Heieis, Jule ; Sies, Wolfram ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Peters, Kirsten ; Rittweger, Jörn (2020)
Human Physiology Workshop. Köln : DLR, Art.-Nr.: 17 Seite: 22
Human Physiology Workshop, virtuell, Köln, Deutschland, 05.12.2020

In-Vivo Ultraschalldiagnostik zur Analyse der Arbeitsweise des Gastrocnemius Medialis beim Laufen unter Teilbelastung auf einem vertikalen Laufband

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Süss, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katia ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Green, Dave ; Albracht, Kirsten (2019)
4. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie, Abstractband. Hildesheim ; Holzminden ; Göttingen : Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim Seite: 66 - 68
4. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie am 22.11. und 23.11. 2020 in Hildesheim

In vivo muscle-tendon unit behaviour of human gastrocnemius medialis muscle during body weight supported walking on the lower body positive pressure treadmill (AlterG)

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katya ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2019)
Human Physiology Workshop 2019. Köln : DLR, Art.-Nr.: 5 Seite: 10
Human Physiology Workshop, Köln, Deutschland, 07.12.2019

Muscle and tendon interaction of the human gastrocnemius medialis during body weight supported running using the vertical treadmill facility

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katya ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Green, Dave ; Albracht, Kirsten (2019)
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 24-0769
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Prague/Czech Republic, July 3-6 2019

Auf muskuloskelettalen Modellen basiertes Biofeedback für individualisiertes neuro-muskuläres Training und Rehabilitation

Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Ketelhut, Maike ; Abel, Dirk ; Albracht, Kirsten (2019)
4. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie, Abstractband. Hildesheim ; Holzminden ; Göttingen : Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim Seite: 32 - 33
4. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie am 22.11. und 23.11. 2020 in Hildesheim

Changes in 2-D shear wave elastography in the medial gastrocnemius and anterior tibialis muscles during and after 60 days of head down tilt bed rest

Sies, Wolfram ; Knufmann, Anna-Carina ; Heieis, Jule ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Lee, Jessica ; Mulder, Edwin ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Rittweger, Jörn (2019)
Human Physiology Workshop 2019. Köln : DLR, Art.-Nr.: 4 Seite: 9
Human Physiology Workshop, Köln, Deutschland, 07.12.2019

Sarcolab-3: Neuromuscular and myotendinous alterations in-flight in plantar flexor muscles

Rittweger, Jörn ; Tomilivskaya, Elena ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Bottinelli, Roberto ; Capri, M. ; Cerretelli, P. ; Clarke, Mark ; Flück, Martin ; Franceschi, Claudio ; Gelfi, Cecilia ; Koryak, Yuri ; Layne, Charles ; Narici, Marco ; Reed, Justin ; Shenkman, Boris ; Sies, Wolfram ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Laughlin, Mitzi ; Kozlovskaya, Inessa (2019)
Proceedings of NASA Human Research Program Investigators Workshop. , Art.-Nr.: 19254 Seite: 30
NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop - Human Exploration and Discovery: The Moon, Mars and Beyond! January 22-25, 2019, Galveston, TX

Sarcolab-3: Changes in knee flexor and extensor torque generation during a six-month space flight mission

Laughlin, Mitzi ; Reed, Justin ; Layne, Charles ; Koryak, Yuri ; Clarke, Mark ; Tomilovskaya, Elena ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Shenkman, Boris ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Kozlovskaya, Inessa ; Rittweger, Jörn (2019)
Proceedings of NASA Human Research Program Investigators Workshop. , Art.-Nr.: 19048 Seite: 59
NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop - Human Exploration and Discovery: The Moon, Mars and Beyond! January 22-25, 2019, Galveston, TX

Knee joint moments in elite high jumpers

Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Braunstein, Björn ; Heinrich, Kai ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Ritzdorf, Wolfgang ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2019)
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 24-1953
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Prague/Czech Republic, July 3-6 2019

Muscle-Tendon function in elite high jumpers

Albracht, Kirsten ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Heinrich, Kai ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Ritzdorf, Wolfgang ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Braunstein, Björn (2019)
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 24-2083
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Prague/Czech Republic, July 3-6 2019

Sarcolab-3: Changes in knee flexor and extensor torque generation during a six-month space flight mission

Reed, Justin ; Layne, Charles ; Koryak, Yuri ; Clarke, Mark ; Tomilivskaya, Elena ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Shenkman, Boris ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Kozlovskaya, Inessa ; Laughlin, Mitzi (2019)
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Philadelphia, Pa. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Seite: 407
American Society of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, 28-05-2019 - 01-06-2019

The anticipation of varying gravity levels in human ballistic movement

Waldvogel, J. ; Freyler, Kathrin ; Monti, E. ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Gollhofer, Albert ; Narici, Marco ; Ritzmann, Ramona (2019)
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 24-1603
24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Prague/Czech Republic, July 3-6 2019

In-Vivo Ultraschalldiagnostik zur Analyse der Arbeitsweise des M. Gastrocnemius Medialis bei Lokomotion unter Entlastung auf dem AlterG

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katia ; Rittweger, Joern ; Green, Dave ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
3. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie, Lübeck, Deutschland, 16.11.2018 - 17.11.2018

In vivo fascicle length of the gastrocnemius muscle during walking in simulated martian gravity using two different body weight support devices

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Rittweger, Joern ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 23-2710
23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin/Ireland, July 4-7 2018

In vivo fascicle and tendon length of the gastrocnemius medialis during running in simulated hypogravity using the vertical treadmill facility

Richter, Charlotte ; Braunstein, Björn ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Attias, Julia ; Suess, Alexander ; Weber, Tobias ; Mileva, Katya ; Rittweger, Jörn ; Green, David A. ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
Human Physiology Workshop 2018. , Art.-Nr.: 20 Seite: 25
Human Physiology Workshop, Köln, Deutschland, 07.12.2019

Biofeedback for individualized neuromuscular training and rehabilitation based on musculoskeletal models

Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Ketelhut, Maike ; Abel, Dirk ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. Berlin : De Gruyter, Art.-Nr.: S15
Abstracts of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the German Society of Biomedical Engineering (26–28 September 2018, Aachen/DE)

Comparison of different training algorithms for the leg extension training with an industrial robot

Ketelhut, Maike ; Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Abel, Dirk (2018)
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. Berlin : De Gruyter, Art.-Nr.: S14
Abstracts of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the German Society of Biomedical Engineering (26–28 September 2018, Aachen/DE)

Biomechanics of all-out handcycling exercise

Quittmann, Oliver Jan ; Abel, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Strüder, Heiko Klaus (2018)
Symposium "".
Symposium "", Science Slam World Cup 2018, German Sport University Cologne, Tuesday, 20th Nov. 2018

Functional implication on the gastrocnemius medialis muscle-tendon-unit after reconstruction of Achilles tendon rupture

Stäudle, Benjamin ; Laps, Guido ; Seynnes, Olivier ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2018)
Human Physiology Workshop 2018. Köln : DLR, Art.-Nr.: 13 Seite: 18
Human Physiology Workshop, Köln, Deutschland, 08.12.2018

Kinematics, kinetics and muscular activity of 15-s all-out handcycling exercise in able-bodied participants

Quittmann, Oliver Jan ; Abel, Thomas ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Strüder, Heiko Klaus (2018)
6th RehabMove Congress. Rehabilitation: Mobility, exercise & sports - Abstracts. , Art.-Nr.: C-34 Seite: 58 - 59
6th RehabMove Congress, Groningen, Niederlande, 12. - 14. Dezember 2018

Joint specific mechanical power during the push phase of elite bobsleigh

Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Heinrich, Kai ; Grothe, Sandra ; Göll, Fabian ; Droszez, Anna ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Braunstein, Björn (2018)
8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 8-12 July 2018

Sportartspezifische Effekte der Sportarten Bob, Hochsprung und Fußball auf den Querschnitt der Achillessehne und die Maximalkraft der Plantarflexoren

Haugg, Jelena ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Braunstein, Björn ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2017)
2. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie, Abstractband. Seite: 80 - 81
2. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie, 16. und 17. November 2017, Osnabrück

Myotendinous and neuromuscular adaptation to long-term spaceflight: Results from the SARCOLAB pilot study

Rittweger, Joern ; Narici, Marco ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Bottinelli, R. ; Brocca, L. ; Capri, M. ; Morisani, C. ; Flück, Martin ; Franceschi, C. ; Moriggi, M. ; Gelf, C. ; Cerretelli, P. (2016)
Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Space Biology and Medicine. Seite: 273 - 275
XVI Conference on space biology and medicine, 2016-12-05 - 2016-12-08, Moskau, Russland

Concept of a robotic training system to enhance safety of knee joint structures during rehabilitative strength training

Kolditz, Melanie ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Fasse, Alessandro ; Albin, Thivaharan ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Abel, Dirk (2015)
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. Berlin : De Gruyter Seite: S239
BMT 2015, 49. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Lübeck, 16.09.2015 - 18.09.2015

Mechanical and morphological properties of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle tendon unit after Achilles tendon rupture

Stäudle, Benjamin ; Laps, Guido ; Karamanidis, Kiros ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2014)
19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 19-1854
19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 2.-5. July 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Joint specific energy absorption and generation of elite female sprinters during the acceleration phase in comparison to maximum running speed

Braunstein, Björn ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Willwacher, Steffen ; Heinrich, Kai ; Herrmann, Volker ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter (2014)
Proceedings of the International Calgary Running Symposium. Seite: 57
International Calgary Running Symposium, August 14-17, 2014

3D-Bewegungs- und Belastungsanalysen im leichtathletischen Hochsprung

Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Braunstein, Björn ; Heinrich, Kai ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Kurschilgen, Brigitte ; Ritzdorf, Wolfgang ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten (2014)
Trainingsbedingte Veränderungen - Messung, Modellierung und Evidenzsicherung (dvs Band 237). Hamburg : Feldhaus Seite: 94
10. gemeinsames Symposium der dvs-Sektionen Biomechanik, Sportmotorik und Trainingswissenschaft vom 17.-19. September 2014 in Gießen

Gelenkspezifische Leistung beim Sprint: Beschleunigungsphase versus maximale Geschwindigkeit

Braunstein, Björn ; Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Sanno, Maximilian ; Heinrich, Kai ; Willwacher, Steffen ; Herrmann, Volker ; Kremer, Thomas ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter (2014)
Trainingsbedingte Veränderungen - Messung, Modellierung und Evidenzsicherung (dvs Band 237). Hamburg : Feldhaus Seite: 121
10. gemeinsames Symposium der dvs-Sektionen Biomechanik, Sportmotorik und Trainingswissenschaft vom 17.-19. September 2014 in Gießen

Triceps surae muscle and tendon function in relation to sports performance

Albracht, Kirsten (2013)
Sportwissenschaft grenzenlos?! (dvs Band 230). Hamburg : Feldhaus Seite: 258
21. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der dvs, 25.-27. September 2013 in Konstanz,In AK 54: Funktion und Anpassung der menschlichen Beinstreckmuskulatur

Muscle shape and distribution of muscle volume within the triceps surae muscle group is independent on muscle size

Albracht, Kirsten ; Arampatzis, Adamantios (2011)
16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 16-1369
16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Liverpool/UK, July 6-9 2011

Regulation of connective tissue biomarkers after high intensity plantar flexion contraction in humans

Suhr, Frank ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Brixius, Klara ; Kjaer, M. ; Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Bloch, Wilhelm (2010)
Acta Physiologica. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, Art.-Nr.: P-SUN-101

Digitale Anthropometrie: eine nachhaltige Methode zur Dokumentation von körperlichen Entwicklungen im Sport

Goldmann, Jan-Peter ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Krahl, Hartmut ; Brüggemann, Gert-Peter (2009)
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin. , Art.-Nr.: 153 Seite: 207
41. Deutscher Sportärztekongress 24. – 26.09.2009 in Ulm

Assessment of individual parameters in human muscle modelling

Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Mademli, Lida (2008)
13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 13-3950
13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portgual, 09-07-2008 - 12-07-2008

Assessment of muscle volume and physiological cross sectional area of the human triceps surae muscle in vivo

Albracht, Kirsten ; Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Baltzopoulos, Vasilios (2007)
12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 12-1936
12th Annual Congress of the ECSS, 11–14 July 2007, Jyväskylä, Finland

Three-dimensional reconstruction of the human triceps surae muscle tendon unit in vivo

Albracht, Kirsten ; Baltzopoulos, Vasilios ; Arampatzis, Adamantios (2006)
Journal of Biomechanics. Amsterdam : Elsevier, Art.-Nr.: 7111 Seite: S421
5th World Congress of Biomechanics, 29 July-4 August 2006, Munich, Germany

Effect of cyclic strain magnitude on the adaptation of the mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon in vivo

Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Karamanidis, Kiros ; Albracht, Kirsten (2006)
Journal of Biomechanics. Amsterdam : Elsevier, Art.-Nr.: 6885 Seite: S66
5th World Congress of Biomechanics, 29 July-4 August 2006, Munich, Germany

Reconstruction of the human triceps surae muscle-tendon unit based on MRT images

Albracht, Kirsten ; Baltzopoulos, Vasilios ; Arampatzis, Adamantios (2006)
11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. , Art.-Nr.: 11-1477
11th Annual Congress of the ECSS, Lausanne/Switzerland, July 5-8 2006

Plasticity of the mechanical properties of the achilles tendon in relation to cyclic strain magnitude

Arampatzis, Adamantios ; Karamanidis, Kiros ; Albracht, Kirsten (2006)
14th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport. , Art.-Nr.: 141 Seite: 20 - 21
14th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport, Komotini, Greece, 19 until 21 May 2006

Weitere Publikationen

Lernende roboterassistierte Systeme für das neuromuskuläre Training - RoSylerNT; Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung eines neuromuskuloskelettalen Modells als Basis für die Interaktionsfähigkeiten autonomer Assistenzsysteme

Göll, Fabian ; Braunstein, Björn ; Albracht, Kirsten (2021)
Köln : Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln- 14 Seiten
Förderkennzeichen BMBF 16SV7853
Schlussbericht der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln für das Vorhaben RoSylerNT
Laufzeit: 01.08.2017-31.07.2021

MYOTONES - Inflight muscle health status monitoring during long-duration space missions onboard the International Space Station: a single case study

Blottner, Dieter ; Hastermann, Maria ; Muckelt, Paul ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Schoenrock, Britt ; Salanova, Michele ; Warner, Martin ; Gunga, Hans-Christian ; Stokes, Maria (2019)
IAC Papers Archive. Oxford : Pergamon- 2 Seiten
International Astronautical Congress: space: the power of the past, the promise of the future - Washington DC, USA/Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Dauer: 21.10.2019 → 25.10.2019

Vorhaben: Muskelkraftgenerierungsfähigkeit in Mikrogravitation

Albracht, Kirsten ; Ritzmann, Ramona ; Kramer, Andreas ; Meskemper, Joshua ; Stäudle, Benjamin ; Kümmel, Jacob ; Freyler, Katrin ; Felsenberg, Dieter ; Gruber, Marksu ; Gollhofer, Albert ; Belavy, Daniel L. (2017)
Klön : Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln- 23 Seiten
Förderkennzeichen: BMWi 50WB1428
Öffentlicher Schlussbericht für die Technische Informationsbibliothek der Universität Hannover
Berichtszeitraum: 01.09.2014 - 31.01.2017

Kinematik im Handcycling - Entwicklung einer sportartspezifischen Methode

Abel, Thomas ; Bonin, D. ; Albracht, Kirsten ; Zeller, Sebastian ; Burkett, B. (2010)
Forschung Innovation Technologie : das F.I.T.-Wissenschaftsmagazin der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln. Köln : Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln Seite: 45 - 47