Veröffentlichungen von

Prof. Dr. Ilya Digel


Symposium Proceedings; 4th YRA MedTech Symposium 2024 : February 1 / 2024 / FH Aachen

Staat, Manfred ; Digel, Ilya ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Sielemann, Stefanie ; Erni, Daniel ; Zylka, Waldemar (2024)
Duisburg : Universität Duisburg-Essen 2024. - 40 Seiten

Biological, physical and technical basics of cell engineering

Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Zhubanova, Azhar A. ; Digel, Ilya (2018)
Singapore : Springer 2018. - xxiv, 481 Seiten ; Illustrationen, Diagramme
61 RSDA 34

Visual Virology

Digel, Ilya ; Zhubanova, Azhar Ahmetovna ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. (2012)
Almaty 2012. - 144 S. : zahlr. Ill.

Enhancement of microbial adhesion onto solid surfaces using transition metals and water-soluble polymers : academic PhD dissertation in microbiology, Division of Applied Microbiology, Department of Microbiology, Biology Faculty, Kazakh National State University, Almaty, Kazakhstan / Ilya Digel

Digel, Ilya (1998)
Almaty 1998.

Kapitel in einem Sammelwerk

Role of vitamins in maintaining structure and function of intestinal microbiome

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Razzaque, Mohammed S. (2022)
Comprehensive Gut Microbiota. Amsterdam : Elsevier 2022. Seite: 320 - 334

Vitamin D and Phosphate Interactions in Health and Disease

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Sherelkhan, Dinara K. ; Razzaque, Mohammed S. (2022)
Phosphate Metabolism. Cham : Springer 2022. Seite: 37 - 46

Biocomposite Materials Based on Carbonized Rice Husk in Biomedicine and Environmental Applications

Mansurov, Zulkhair A. ; Jandosov, Jakpar ; Chenchik, D. ; Azat, Seitkhan ; Savitskaya, Irina S. ; Kistaubaeva, Aida ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet (2020)
Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment. Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. 2020. Seite: 3 - 32

Functionalization of Carbon Based Wound Dressings with Antimicrobial Phytoextracts for Bioactive Treatment of Septic Wounds

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Zhanadilovna, Abdieva G. ; Ualieva, Perizat S. ; Abaihanovna, Zhusipova D. ; Digel, Ilya ; Savitskaya, Irina S. ; Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet (2020)
Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment. Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing 2020. Seite: 211 - 228

Prospective Use of Probiotics Immobilized on Sorbents with Nanostructured Surfaces

Savitskaya, Irina S. ; Kistaubayeva, Aida S. ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Shokatayeva, Dina ; Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet (2020)
Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment. Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing 2020. Seite: 229 - 267

Use of Advanced Nanomaterials for Bioremediation of Contaminated Ecosystems

Zhubanova, Azhar A. ; Mansurov, Zulkhair A. ; Digel, Ilya (2020)
Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment. Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing 2020. Seite: 353 - 378

Microbial Sampling from Dry Surfaces: Current Challenges and Solutions

Digel, Ilya ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Kistaubayeva, Aida ; Zhubanova, Azhar A. (2018)
Biological, Physical and Technical Basics of Cell Engineering. Singapore : Springer 2018. Seite: 421 - 456

Changes in intestinal microflora in rats induced by oral exposure to low lead (II) concentrations

Digel, Ilya ; Sadykov, R. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard (2015)
Lead Exposure and Poisoning: Clinical Symptoms, Medical Management and Preventive Strategies. : Nova Science Publ. 2015. Seite: 75 - 99

Heterogeneous Composites on the Basis of Microbial Cells and Nanostructured Carbonized Sorbents

Digel, Ilya ; Mansurov, Zulkhair ; Biisenbaev, Makhmut ; Savitskaya, Irina ; Kistaubaeva, Aida ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Zhubanova, Azhar (2012)
Composites and Their Applications. London : Intech 2012. Seite: 249 - 272


Biotechnological potentials of surfactants in coal utilization: a review

Akimbekov, Nuraly ; Digel, Ilya ; Zhubanova, Azhar ; Tastambek, Kuanysh T. ; Tepecik, Atakan ; Sherelkhan, Dinara (2024)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Berlin : Springer. 31 (2024). Seite: 55099 - 55118
Corresponding author: Ilya Digel

Structural and viscoelastic properties of bacterial cellulose composites: implications for prosthetics

Pogorelova, Natalia ; Parshin, Daniil ; Lipovka, Anna ; Besov, Alexey ; Digel, Ilya ; Larionov, Pyotr (2024)
Polymers. Basel : MDPI. 16 (2024), H. 22. , Art.-Nr.: 3200
This article belongs to the Special Issue "Advances in Cellulose-Based Polymers and Composites, 2nd Edition"

Correction: Zhantlessova et al. advanced “Green” prebiotic composite of bacterial cellulose/pullulan based on synthetic biology-powered microbial coculture strategy. Polymers 2022, 14, 3224

Zhantlessova, Sirina ; Savitskaya, Irina ; Kistaubayeva, Aida ; Ignatova, Ludmila ; Talipova, Aizhan ; Pogrebnjak, Alexander ; Digel, Ilya (2024)
Polymers. Basel : MDPI. 16 (2024), H. 13. - 2 Seiten
This article belongs to the Special Issue Cellulose Based Composites

Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in coal-bearing environments: Methane production, carbon sequestration, and hydrogen availability

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Tastambek, Kuanysh T. ; Kozhahmetova, Marzhan ; Sherelkhan, Dinara K. ; Tauanov, Zhandos (2024)
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. New York : Elsevier. 52 (2024), H. Part D. Seite: 1264 - 1277
1879-3487 (online) , 0360-3199 (print)

Effect of dehydration method on the micro- and nanomorphological properties of bacterial cellulose produced by Medusomyces gisevii on different substrates

Pogorelova, Natalia ; Rogachev, Evgeniy ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya (2024)
Journal of materials science. Dordrecht : Springer Science + Business Media. 2024 (2024). - 13 Seiten
1573-4803 (Online) , 0022-2461 (Print)
Corresponding author: Ilya Digel

Field-Based planetary protection operations for melt probes: validation of clean access into the blood falls, antarctica, englacial ecosystem

Mikucki, Jill Ann ; Schuler, C. G. ; Digel, Ilya ; Kowalski, Julia ; Tuttle, M. J. ; Chua, Michelle ; Davis, R. ; Purcell, Alicia ; Ghosh, D. ; Francke, G. ; Feldmann, Marco ; Espe, Clemens ; Heinen, Dirk ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Clemens, Joachim ; Lyons, W. B. ; Tulaczyk, S. (2023)
Astrobiology. New York, NY : Liebert. 23 (2023), H. 11. Seite: 1165 - 1178
1557-8070 (online) , 153-1074 (print)

Prebiotic cellulose–pullulan matrix as a “vehicle” for probiotic biofilm delivery to the host large intestine

Savitskaya, Irina ; Zhantlessova, Sirina ; Kistaubayeva, Aida ; Ignatova, Ludmila ; Shokatayeva, Dina ; Sinyavsky, Yuriy ; Kushugulova, Almagul ; Digel, Ilya (2023)
Polymers. Basel : MDPI. (2023), H. 16(1). - Artikel 30
This article belongs to the Section "Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites"

Bacterial cellulose produced by Medusomyces gisevii on glucose and sucrose: biosynthesis and structural properties

Digel, Ilya ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Rogachev, Evgeniy ; Pogorelova, Natalia (2023)
Cellulose. Dordrecht : Springer Science + Business Media. (2023). - 15 Seiten
1572-882X (Online) , 0969-0239 (Print)
Corresponding author: Ilya Digel

Advanced “Green” prebiotic composite of bacterial cellulose/pullulan based on synthetic biology-powered microbial coculture strategy

Zhantlessova, Sirina ; Savitskaya, Irina ; Kistaubayeva, Aida ; Ignatova, Ludmila ; Talipova, Aizhan ; Pogrebnjak, Alexander ; Digel, Ilya (2022)
Polymers. Basel : MDPI. 14 (2022), H. 15. - Artikel 3224
This article belongs to the Special Issue "Cellulose Based Composites"

Biotechnology of Microorganisms from Coal Environments: From Environmental Remediation to Energy Production

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Tastambek, Kuanysh T. ; Marat, Adel K. ; Turaliyeva, Moldir A. ; Kaiyrmanova, Gulzhan K. (2022)
Biology. Basel : MDPI. 11 (2022), H. 9. - 47 Seiten
This article belongs to the Special Issue "Microbial Ecology and Evolution in Extreme Environments"

Lignite biosolubilization and bioconversion by Bacillus sp.: the collation of analytical data

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Abdieva, Gulzhamal ; Ualieva, Perizat ; Tastambek, Kuanysh (2021)
Biofuels. London : Taylor & Francis. 12 (2021), H. 3. Seite: 247 - 258

Epipelagic microbiome of the Small Aral Sea: Metagenomic structure and ecological diversity

Alexyuk, Madina ; Bogoyavlenskiy, Andrey ; Alexyuk, Pavel ; Moldakhanov, Yergali ; Berezin, Vladimir E. ; Digel, Ilya (2021)
MicrobiologyOpen. Weinheim : Wiley. 10 (2021), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 10
Corresponding author: Ilya Digel

Low-rank coal as a source of humic substances for soil amendment and fertility management

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Tastambek, Kuanysh T. ; Sherelkhan, Dinara K. ; Jussupova, Dariya B. ; Altynbay, Nazym P. (2021)
Agriculture. Basel : MDPI. 11 (2021), H. 12. - 25 Seiten
This article belongs to the Special Issue "From Waste to Fertilizer in Sustainable Agriculture"

Mechano-pharmacological testing of L-Type Ca²⁺ channel modulators via human vascular celldrum model

Bayer, Robin ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Digel, Ilya ; Falkenstein, Julia ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Creutz, Till ; Hescheler, Jürgen (2020)
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. Düsseldorf : Cell Physiol Biochem Press. 54 (2020). Seite: 371 - 383

Dental plaque removal by ultrasonic toothbrushes

Digel, Ilya ; Kern, Inna ; Geenen, Eva-Maria ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. (2020)
dentistry journal. Basel : MDPI. 8 (2020), H. 28. Seite: 1 - 13

The effect of leonardite-derived amendments on soil microbiome structure and potato yield

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Qiao, Xiaohui ; Digel, Ilya ; Abdieva, Gulzhamal ; Ualieva, Perizat ; Zhubanova, Azhar (2020)
Agriculture. Basel : MDPI. 10 (2020), H. Art. 147. Seite: 1 - 17

Vitamin D and the Host-Gut Microbiome: A Brief Overview

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Sherelkhan, Dinara K. ; Lutfor, Afzalunnessa B. ; Razzaque, Mohammed S. (2020)
Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica. Osaka : Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 53 (2020), H. 3. Seite: 33 - 42

Bacterial Cellulose Nanocomposites: Morphology and Mechanical Properties

Pogorelova, Natalia ; Rogachev, Evgeniy ; Digel, Ilya ; Chernigova, Svetlana ; Nardin, Dmitry (2020)
Materials. Basel : MDPI. 13 (2020), H. 12. Seite: 1 - 16

Synthesis, characterization, in vitro biocompatibility and antibacterial properties study of nanocomposite materials based on hydroxyapatite-biphasic ZnO micro- and nanoparticles embedded in Alginate matrix

Turlybekuly, Amanzhol ; Pogrebnjak, Alexander ; Sukhodub, L. F. ; Sukhodub, Liudmyla B. ; Kistaubayeva, A. S. ; Savitskaya, Irina ; Shokatayeva, D. H. ; Bondar, Oleksandr V. ; Shaimardanov, Z. K. ; Plotnikov, Sergey V. ; Shaimardanova, B. H. ; Digel, Ilya (2019)
Materials Science and Engineering C. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 104 (2019), H. Article number 109965.

Molecular genetics features of the epidemic season 2017-2018 on the influenza in Kazakhstan

Sagymbay, Altynay ; G.E., Nusupbaeva ; N.Zh, Tleumbetova ; A.S., Mutalieva ; Nurpeisova, Ainur ; D.B., Jussupova ; Digel, Ilya (2019)
Eurasian Journal of Ecology. . 58 (2019), H. 1. Seite: 50 - 60

Antimicrobial and wound healing properties of a bacterial cellulose based material containing B. subtilis cells

Savitskaya, I.S. ; Kistaubayeva, A.S. ; Ignatova, L.V. ; Digel, Ilya (2019)
Heliyon. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 5 (2019), H. 10. Seite: Artikelnummer e02592

Suspension depletion approach for exemption of infected Solanum jasminoides cells from pospiviroids

Digel, Ilya ; Wehlitz, V. ; Kayser, Peter ; Figiel-Lange, A. ; Bassam, Rasha ; Rundstedt, F. von (2018)
Plant Pathology. Oxford : Wiley. 67 (2018), H. 2. Seite: 358 - 365

Physicochemical and Antibacterial Properties of Composite Films Based on Bacterial Cellulose and Chitosan for Wound Dressing Materials

Savitskaya, I. S. ; Kistaubayeva, A. S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Shokatayeva, D. H. (2017)
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. . 19 (2017), H. 3. Seite: 255 - 264

Navigation technology for exploration of glacier ice with maneuverable melting probes

Kowalski, Julia ; Linder, Peter ; Zierke, Simon ; von Wulfen, Benedikt ; Clemens, Joachim ; Konstantinidis, Konstantinos ; Ameres, Gerald ; Hoffmann, Ruth ; Mikucki, Jill A. ; Tulaczyk, Slawek M. ; Funke, Oliver ; Blandfort, Daniel ; Espe, Clemens ; Feldmann, Marco ; Francke, Gero ; Hiecker, S. ; Plescher, Engelbert ; Schöngarth, Sarah ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Eliseev, Dmitry ; Heinen, Dirk ; Scholz, Franziska ; Wiebusch, Christopher H. ; Macht, Sabine ; Bestmann, Ulf ; Reineking, Thomas ; Zetzsche, Christoph ; Schill, Kerstin ; Förstner, Roger ; Niedermeier, Herbert ; Szumski, Arkadiusz ; Eissfeller, Bernd ; Naumann, Uwe ; Helbing, Klaus (2016)
Cold Regions Science and Technology. Amsterdam : Elsevier. (2016), H. 123. Seite: 53 - 70

Species composition and injuriousness of stranger xylophilous fauna affecting indigenous urban dendroflora of Central Asia

Turaliyeva, M. ; Yeshibaev, A. ; Saparbekova, A. ; Akynova, L. ; Abildayeva, R. ; Sadenova, M. ; Sartayeva, K. ; Schieffer, Andre ; Digel, Ilya (2016)
Asian journal of microbiology, biotechnology & environmental sciences : AJMBES. : EM International. 18 (2016), H. 2. Seite: 359 - 366

Dynamics of accumulation of lagochirzin in Lagochilus setulosus phytomass during the growing season and also features of its cultivation in the conditions of a typical sierozem

Aimenova, Zh. E. ; Digel, Ilya ; Eshibaev, А. А. (2016)
KazNU Bulletin. Biology series. Almaty : Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 69 (2016), H. 4. Seite: 4 - 11
Original in russischer Sprache

A lander mission to probe subglacial water on Saturn's moon enceladus for life

Konstantinidis, Konstantinos ; Flores Martinez, Claudio ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Ohndorf, Andreas ; Dykta, Paul ; Bowitz, Pascal ; Rudolph, Martin ; Digel, Ilya ; Kowalski, Julia ; Voigt, Konstantin ; Förstner, Roger (2015)
Acta astronautica. Amsterdam : Elsevier. Vol. 106 (2015). Seite: 63 - 89
1879-2030 (E-Journal) , 0094-5765 (Print)

Adsorption of bacterial lipopol ysaccharides on carbonized ri ce husks obtained in the batch experiments

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; O’Heras, C. ; Tastambek, K.T. ; Savitskaya, I.S. ; Ualyeva, P.S. ; Mansurov, Z.A. ; Zhubanova, A.A. (2015)
KazNU Bulletin. Biology series. . 60 (2015), H. No 1/2. Seite: 144 - 148

Phenotyping date palm varieties via leaflet cross-sectional imaging and artificial neural network application

Arinkin, Vladimir ; Digel, Ilya ; Porst, Dariusz ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard (2014)
BMC bioinformatics. . 15 (2014), H. 55. Seite: 1 - 8

IceMole : A maneuverable probe for clean in situ analysis and sampling of subsurface ice and subglacial aquatic ecosystems

Dachwald, Bernd ; Mikucki, Jill ; Tulaczyk, Slawek ; Digel, Ilya ; Espe, Clemens ; Feldmann, Marco ; Francke, Gero ; Kowalski, Julia ; Xu, Changsheng (2014)
Annals of Glaciology. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 55 (2014), H. 65. Seite: 14 - 22

Molecular-genetic identification of emerged novel invasive pathogens of Asiatic Elm Ulmus pumila L

Turaliyeva, M. ; Yeshibaev, A. ; Digel, Ilya ; Elibayeva, G. ; Sydykova, A. ; Uspabayeva, A. ; Dosybayeva, G. ; Zhylysbayeva, A. ; Lakhanova, K. (2014)
Life science journal. New York : Marsland Press. 11 (2014), H. Spec. iss. 5s. Seite: 171 - 175

Nanostructured carbon materials for biomedical use

Mansurov, Zulkhair A. ; Jandosov, J. M. ; Kerimkulova, Almagul R. ; Azat, Seitkhan ; Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet ; Digel, Ilya ; Savistkaya, I. S. ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Kistaubaeva, A. S. (2014)
Eurasian chemico-technological journal : quarterly journal of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences. Almaty : Institute of Combustion Problems. 15 (2013) (2014), H. 3. Seite: 209 - 217

Advantages of creation of e-books in training of specialists biologists and biotechnologists

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Zhubanova, A. A. (2014)
KazNU Bulletin. Biology series.. Almaty : Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 60 (2014), H. 1. Seite: 249 - 252

Adsorption of bacterial lipopolysaccharides on carbonized rice husks obtained in the batch experiments

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; O´Heras, C. ; Tastambek, K.T. ; Savitskaya, I.S. ; Ualyeva, P.S. ; Mansurov, Z.A. ; Zhubanova, A.A. (2014)
Experimental Biology. Almaty : Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 60 (2014), H. 1/2. Seite: 144 - 148
Original in russischer Sprache

Wound healing activity of carbonized rice husk

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Mansurov, Zulkhair ; Jandosov, J. ; Digel, Ilya ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Zhubanova, Azhar A. (2013)
Bäch : Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. (2013).

Effects of spermine NONOate and ATP on protein aggregation: light scattering evidences

Bassam, Rasha ; Digel, Ilya ; Hescheler, Jürgen ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard (2013)
BMC Biophysics. London : BioMed Central. (2013). Seite: 1 - 14

Optical coherence tomography : a potential tool to predict premature rupture of fetal membranes

Micili, Serap C. ; Valter, Markus ; Oflaz, Hakan ; Ozogul, Candan ; Linder, Peter ; Föckler, Nicole ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2013)
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H : Journal of engineering in medicine. London : Sage. Vol. 227 (2013), H. No. 4. Seite: 393 - 401
0046-2039 (Print) , 2041-3033 (E-Journal)

Usage of Carbonized Plant Wastes for Purification of Aqueous Solutions

Digel, Ilya ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Turalieva, M. ; Mansurov, Z. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Eshibaev, A. ; Zhubanova, A. (2013)
Journal of Industrial Technology and Engineering. . 2 (2013), H. 07. Seite: 47 - 54

Designing of Heterogeneous Nanobiocomposites for Biotechnology

Zhubanova, А. ; Mansurov, Z.A. ; Digel, Ilya ; Saviskaya, I.S. ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. (2013)
KazNU Bulletin. Biology series. . 59 (2013), H. No 3/1. Seite: 89 - 93

Investigation the Influence of Carbonized Material Based On Rice Husk on Viability and Migration of Fibroblasts in T3B3 Cell Culture

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Zhubanova, A. A. (2013)
KazNU Bulletin. Biology series. . 59 (2013), H. 3/1. Seite: 20 - 23
Original in russischer Sprache

Biocompatibility of carbonized rice husk with a rat heart cells line H9c2

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Tastambek, K. T. ; Zhubanova, A. A. (2013)
Experimental Biology. . 59 (2013), H. 3/1. Seite: 23 - 25
Original in russischer Sprache

Investigations of LPS endotoxin elimination in the flowing column conditions with the sorbent on the basis of carbonized rice husk

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Savitkaya, I.S. ; Zhubanova, A.A. ; Tastambek, K.T. (2013)
KazNU Bulletin. Biology series. . 57 (2013), H. 1. Seite: 124 - 127
Original in russischer Sprache

Thermal fluctuations of haemoglobin from different species : adaptation to temperature via conformational dynamics

Stadler, Andreas M. ; Garvey, G. J. ; Bocahut, A. ; Sacquin-Mora, S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Schneider, G. J. ; Natali, F. ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Zaccai, G. (2012)
Journal of the Royal Society Interface. London : The Royal Society. 9 (2012), H. 76. Seite: 2845 - 2855

Effects of spermine NONOate and ATP on the thermal stability of hemoglobin

Bassam, Rasha ; Hescheler, Jürgen ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya (2012)
BMC Biophysics. London : BioMed Central. 5 (2012). , Art.-Nr.: Art. 16

rhAPC reduces the endothelial cell permeability via a decrease of contractile tensions induced by endothelial cells

Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem ; Demirci, Taylan ; Linder, Peter ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Gierkowski, Jessica Ricarda ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Kayser, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2012)
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 113 (2012), H. 2. Seite: 212 - 219

Bio-composite material on the basis of carbonized rice husk in biomedicine and environmental applications

Mansurov, Zulkhair A. ; Digel, Ilya ; Biisenbaev, M. ; Savistkaya, I. ; Kistaubaeva, Aida ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet (2012)
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. Almaty : Institute of Combustion Problems. 14 (2012), H. 2. Seite: 115 - 131

Alterations in human hemoglobin structure related to red blood cell storage

Bassam, Rasha ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Hescheler, Jürgen ; Graef, T. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter ; Arinkin, Vladimir ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Digel, Ilya (2011)
. (2011).

Engineering technology for plant physiology and plant stress research

Preiß, C. ; Linder, Peter ; Wendt, K. ; Krystek, M. ; Digel, Ilya ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Bassam, Rasha ; Artmann, Gerhard (2011)
. (2011).

Ureplace: development of a bioreactor for in vitro culturing of cell seeded tubular vessels on collagen scaffolds

Seifarth, Volker ; Schehl, D. ; Linder, Peter ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Porst, Dariusz ; Preiß, C. ; Kayser, Peter ; Pack, O. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2011)
. (2011).

The emperor's new body : seeking for a blueprint of limb regeneration in humans

Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2011)
Stem cell engineering : principles and applications / Gerhard M. Artmann ... eds.. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer. (2011). - XLI, 541 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 3 - 37
61 RSD 81

Primary thermosensory events in cells

Digel, Ilya (2011)
Transient receptor potential channels / Md. Shahidul Islam, ed.. Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer. (2011). - XXIII, 1095 S. Seite: 451 - 468
(Advances in experimental medicine and biology ; 704)

Adsorption of bacterial lipopolysaccharides and blood plasma proteins on modified carbonized materials

Zhubanova, Azhar A. ; Aknazarov, S. K. ; Mansurov, Zulkhair ; Digel, Ilya ; Kozhalakova, A. A. ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; O'Heras, Carlos ; Tazhibayeva, S. ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2010)
International Journal of Biology and Chemistry. Almaty : Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. (2010), H. 1. Seite: 81 - 90

Contractile tension and beating rates of self-exciting monolayers and 3D-tissue constructs of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes

Kurz, R. ; Linder, Peter ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Rüffer, M. ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya ; Rothermel, A. ; Robitzki, A. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2010)
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. Cham : Springer Nature. 48 (2010), H. 1. Seite: 59 - 65

Adsorption of bacterial lipopolysaccharides on carbonized rice shell

Kozhalakova, A. A. ; Zhubanova, Azhar A. ; Mansurov, Z. A. ; Digel, Ilya ; Tazhibayeva, S. M. ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2010)
Science of Central Asia. . (2010). Seite: 50 - 54

Feasibility of an in-situ microbial decontamination of an ice-melting probe

Leimena, W. ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Digel, Ilya (2010)
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. Almaty : Institute of Combustion Problems. 12 (2010), H. 2. Seite: 145 - 150

Use of Carbonized Rise Shell for the local treatment of wounds

Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Zhubanova, A. A. ; Mansurov, Z. A. ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2010)
Eurasian ChemTech Journal. Almaty : Institute of Combustion Problems. 12 (2010), H. 2. Seite: 133 - 138

Hemoglobin senses body temperature

Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya ; Zerlin, Kay ; Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Linder, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Stadler, David ; Dikta, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2009)
European Biophysics Journal. Seite: 589 - 600

Oral lead exposure induces dysbacteriosis in rats

Sadykov, Rustam ; Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Savitskaya, Irina ; Zhubanova, Azhar (2009)
Journal of Occupational Health. 51 (2009) (2009), H. 1. Seite: 64 - 73

Gene expression profile analysis of 3T3/NIH fibroblasts after one hour mechanical stress

Demirci, Taylan ; Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Linder, Peter ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Sakizli, Meral ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2009)
IUBMB Life. 61 (2009), H. 3. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. (2009). Seite: 311 - 312
Abstracts: Turkish Society of Molecular Medicine, Third International Congress of Molecular Medicine, May 5-8, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

From powder to solution : Hydration dependence of human hemoglobin dynamics correlated to body temperature

Stadler, Andreas M. ; Digel, Ilya ; Embs, Jan Peter ; Unruh, Tobias ; Tehei, M. ; Zaccai, G. ; Büldt, G. ; Artmann, Gerhard (2009)
Biophysical Journal. 96 (2009), H. 12. Cambridge, Mass. : Cell Press. (2009). Seite: 5073 - 5081

A concept of a probe for particle analysis and life detection in icy environments

Digel, Ilya ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Linder, Peter ; Funke, O. (2009)
Seite: 1 - 24
International workshop “Europa lander: science goals and experiments”, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia
9-13 February 2009

Contractile tension of endothelial cells: An LPS based in-vitro sepsis model

Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem ; Linder, Peter ; Demirci, Taylan ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2009)
IUBMB Life. 61 (2009), H. 3. Weinheim : Wiley. (2009). Seite: 307 - 308
Abstracts: Turkish Society of Molecular Medicine, Third International Congress of Molecular Medicine, May 5-8, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

Hemoglobin Dynamics in Red Blood Cells: Correlation to Body Temperature

Stadler, A. M. ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Embs, Jan Peter ; Zaccai, Joe ; Büldt, Georg (2008)
Biophysical Journal. 95 (2008), H. 11. Seite: 5449 - 5461

Hemoglobin Senses Body Temperature

Artmann, Gerhard ; Zerlin, Kay ; Digel, Ilya (2008)
Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.). Berlin : Springer. (2008). Seite: 415 - 447

Cytoplasmic water and hydration layer dynamics in human red blood cells

Stadler, Andreas M. ; Embs, Jan Peter ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Unruh, Tobias ; Büldt, Georg ; Zaccai, Guiseppe (2008)
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 50 (2008), H. 130. Seite: 16852 - 16853

Dynamics and interactions of hemoglobin in red blood cells

Stadler, Andreas M. ; Zerlin, Kay ; Digel, Ilya ; Büldt, Georg ; Zaccai, Guiseppe ; Artmann, Gerhard (2008)
Tissue Engineering Part A. 14 (2008), H. 5. Seite: 724 - 724
TERMIS EU 2008 Porto Meeting June 22–26, 2008 Porto Congress Center–Alfândega Portugal

Mechanism of haemoglobin sensing body temperature

Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya ; Linder, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz (2008)
Tissue Engineering Part A. 14 (2008), H. 5. Seite: 754 - 754
TERMIS EU 2008 Porto Meeting June 22–26, 2008 Porto Congress Center–Alfândega Portugal

Molecular processes in biological thermosensation

Digel, Ilya ; Kayser, Peter ; Artmann, Gerhard (2008)
Journal of Biophysics. 2008 (2008). Seite: 1 - 9

Controlling microbial adhesion : a surface engineering approach

Digel, Ilya (2008)
Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.). Berlin [u.a.] : Springer. (2008). - XXIX, 693 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 601 - 625
61 WBK 25

The use of bactericidal effects of cluster ions generated by plasma in medical biotechnology

Zhubanova, Azhar A. ; Digel, Ilya ; Nojima, H. ; Artmann, Gerhard (2007)

Physical discontinuities at body temperature in human red blood cells / Artmann, GM ; Zerlin, K ; Digel, I ; Stadler, A ; Zaccai, G ; Temiz, AA

Artmann, Gerhard ; Zerlin, Kay ; Digel, Ilya ; Stadler, Andreas M. (2007)
Tissue Engineering. 13 (2007), H. 7. Seite: 1778 - 1778
TERMIS-EU Meeting Abstracts London, UK September 4–7, 2007

Dynamics and interactions of hemoglobin in human red blood cells and concentrated hemoglobin solutions

Zerlin, Kay ; Digel, Ilya ; Stadler, Andreas M. ; Büldt, Georg ; Zaccai, Guiseppe ; Artmann, Gerhard (2007)
Regenerative medicine. 2 (2007), H. 5. Seite: 573 - 573
Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Regenerative Medicine. October 18-20, 2007. Leipzig, Germany

Protein dynamics in thermosensation

Digel, Ilya ; Zerlin, Kay ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Engels, S. (2007)
Regenerative medicine. 2 (2007), H. 5. Seite: 533 - 533
Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Regenerative Medicine. October 18-20, 2007. Leipzig, Germany

Structural transition temperature of hemoglobins correlates with species’ body temperature

Zerlin, Kay ; Kasischke, Nicole ; Digel, Ilya ; Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Linder, Peter ; Artmann, Gerhard (2007)
European Biophysics Journal. 37 (2007), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 10

Decrease in extracellular collagen crosslinking after NMR magnetic field application in skin fibroblasts

Digel, Ilya ; Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter (2007)
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 45 (2007), H. 1. Seite: 91 - 97

High-throughput testing of mechanical forces generated in thin cell and tissue layers

Linder, Peter ; Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Kayser, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Artmann, Gerhard (2007)
Tissue Engineering. 13 (2007), H. 7. Seite: 1778 - 1778
Meeting abstract 433

Body temperature-related structural transitions of monotremal and human hemoglobin

Digel, Ilya ; Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Zerlin, Kay ; Linder, Peter (2006)
Biophysical Journal. 91 (2006), H. 8. Seite: 3014 - 3021

NMR in vitro effects on proliferation, apoptosis, and viability of human chondrocytes and osteoblasts

Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Linder, Peter ; Kayser, Peter ; Digel, Ilya (2005)
Methods and findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 27 (2005), H. 6. Seite: 391 - 394

Polystyrene sulfonate/Polyallylamine hydrochloride microcapsules as potential artificial red blood cells - improvement of capsule flexibility

Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard (2005)
Biomedizinische Technik. 50 (2005), H. Erg.-Bd. 1. Seite: 324 - 326

Bactericidal effects of plasma-generated cluster ions

Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Nishikawa, K. ; Cook, M. (2005)
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 43 (2005), H. 6. Seite: 800 - 807

The use of bactericidal effects of cluster ions generated by plasma in medical biotechnology

Digel, Ilya ; Zhubanova, Azhar A. ; Nojima, H. ; Artmann, Gerhard (2004)
Biotechnologija : teorija i praktika (2004). Seite: 46 - 52

Free Radical Nature of the Bactericidal Effect of Plasma-Generated Cluster Ions (PCIs)

Digel, Ilya ; Demirci, Taylan ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Nishikawa, K. (2004)
Biomedizinische Technik. 49 (2004), H. Erg.-Bd. 2. Seite: 982 - 983

Cluster air-ion effects on bacteria and moulds

Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Nishikawa, K. ; Artmann, Gerhard (2004)
Biomedizinische Technik. 49 (2004), H. Erg.-Bd. 2. Seite: 1040 - 1041

Evaluation of lateral mechanical tension in thin-film tissue constructs

Trzewik, Jürgen ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Linder, Peter ; Demirci, Taylan ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard (2004)
Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 32 (2004), H. 9. Seite: 1243 - 1251

Response of fibroblasts to cyclic mechanical stress : a proteome approach / Digel, I. ; Trzewik, J. ; Demirci, T. ; Temiz Artmann, A. ; Artmann, G. M.

Digel, Ilya ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Demirci, Taylan ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2004)
Biomedizinische Technik. 49 (2004), H. Erg.-Bd. 2. Seite: 1042 - 1043

Mechanical Stimulation of 3T3 Fibroblasts Activates Genes: ITGB5 and p53 Responses as Quantified on the mRNA Level

Demirci, Taylan ; Trzewik, J. ; Linder, Peter ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2004)
Biomedizinische Technik . 49 (2004), H. Erg.-Bd. 2. Seite: 1030 - 1031

Immunostimulating activity of a saponin-containing extract of Saponaria officinalis

Bogoyavlenskiy, Andrey P. ; Berezin, Vladimir E. ; Ogneva, A. V. ; Tolmacheva, V. P. ; Digel, Ilya ; Khudyakova, S. S. (1999)
Voprosy virusologii. Seite: 229 - 232

Assessment of dot-blot ELISA sensitivity on membrane sorbent using various peroxidase substrates

Bogoyavlenskiy, Andrey P. ; Digel, Ilya ; Berezin, Vladimir E. (1997)


Utilization of fluorescence spectroscopy and neural networks in clinical analysis

Azar, Fouad ; Digel, Ilya (2019)
3rd YRA MedTech Symposium 2019 : May 24 / 2019 / FH Aachen. Duisburg : Universität Duisburg-Essen 2019. Seite: 40 - 41

Effects of nitric oxide (NO) and ATP on red blood cell phenotype and deformability

Schlemmer, Katharina ; Porst, Dariusz ; Bassam, Rasha ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya (2017)
2nd YRA MedTech Symposium 2017 : June 8th - 9th / 2017 / Hochschule Ruhr-West. Duisburg : Universität Duisburg-Essen 2017. Seite: 100 - 101
A young researchers track of the 7th IEEE Workshop & SENSORICA 2017

A randomized, observational thermographic study of the neck region before and after a physiotherapeutic intervention

de Honde, Lukas ; Porst, Dariusz ; Digel, Ilya (2017)
2nd YRA MedTech Symposium 2017 : June 8th - 9th / 2017 / Hochschule Ruhr-West. Duisburg : Universität Duisburg-Essen 2017. Seite: 122 - 123
A young researchers track of the 7th IEEE Workshop & SENSORICA 2017

Development and trials of a test chamber for ultrasound-assisted sampling of living cells from solid surfaces

Schneider, Oliver ; Al Hakim, Taher ; Kayser, Peter ; Digel, Ilya (2017)
2nd YRA MedTech Symposium 2017 : June 8th - 9th / 2017 / Hochschule Ruhr-West. Duisburg : Universität Duisburg-Essen 2017. Seite: 96 - 97
A young researchers track of the 7th IEEE Workshop & SENSORICA 2017

Fluorescence signatures and detection limits of ubiquitous terrestrial bio-compounds

Kuhlen, Max ; Digel, Ilya (2017)
2nd YRA MedTech Symposium 2017 : June 8th - 9th / 2017 / Hochschule Ruhr-West. Duisburg : Universität Duisburg-Essen 2017. Seite: 102 - 103
A young researchers track of the 7th IEEE Workshop & SENSORICA 2017

Performance of Bio-Composite Carbonized Materials in Probiotic Applications

Savitskaya, Irina S. ; Kistaubayeva, Aida S. ; Akimbekov, Nuraly S. ; Digel, Ilya ; Zhubanova, Azhar A. (2013)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2013. Seite: 685 - 689

IceMole - a maneuverable probe for clean in-situ analysis and sampling of subsurface ice and subglacial aquatic ecosystems : extended abstract / SCAR Open Science Conference 2012, Session 29: Advancing Clean Technologies for Exploration of Glacial Aquatic Ecosystems

Dachwald, Bernd ; Mikucki, Jill A. ; Tulaczyk, Slawek ; Digel, Ilya ; Feldmann, Marco ; Espe, Clemens ; Plescher, Engelbert ; Xu, Changsheng (2012)

Biophysical and Engineering Contributions to Plant Research

Artmann, Gerhard ; Digel, Ilya ; Linder, Peter ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2011)

Development and testing of a subsurface probe for detection of life in deep ice : [abstract]

Dachwald, Bernd ; Xu, Changsheng ; Feldmann, Marco ; Plescher, Engelbert ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard (2011)

rhAPC reduces the endothelial cell permeability via a decrease of cellular mechanical contractile tensions : [abstract]

Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem ; Linder, Peter ; Demirci, Taylan ; Gierkowski, Jessica R. ; Digel, Ilya ; Gossmann, Matthias ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2010)

The crucial role of water in a phase transition of hemoglobin at body temperature : [abstract]

Artmann, Gerhard ; Stadler, Andreas M. ; Embs, Jan Peter ; Zaccai, Giuseppe ; Büldt, Georg ; Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2010)

In-situ biological decontamination of an ice melting probe : [abstract]

Digel, Ilya ; Leimena, W. ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Linder, Peter ; Porst, Dariusz ; Kayser, Peter ; Funke, O. ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard (2010)

Nanostructured carbon-based column for LPS/protein adsorption : [abstract]

O\'Heras, Carlos ; Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2009)

Effect of nitric oxide on protein thermal stability : [abstract]

Bassam, Rasha ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard (2009)

A concept of a probe for particle analysis and life detection in icy environments

Digel, Ilya ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Linder, Peter ; Funke, O. (2009)

Water bridge phenomenon : [abstract]

Arinkin, Vladimir ; Digel, Ilya (2009)

Effect of nitric oxide gas on hydrogels : [abstract]

ElBashir, Rasha ; Digel, Ilya (2009)

The sorption of LPS toxic shock by nanoparticles on base of carbonized vegetable raw materials

Mansurov, Zulkhair ; Zhubanova, Azhar A. ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Savitskaja, Irina S. ; Kozhalakova, A. A. ; Kistaubaeva, Aida S. (2008)

Temperature transitions of hemoglobin and cytosolic water diffusion in human red blood cells : [poster]

Stadler, Andreas M. ; Embs, Jan Peter ; Zerlin, Kay ; Digel, Ilya ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Zaccai, Joe ; Büldt, Georg (2007)

Fibroblast response to mechanical stress: role of the adhesion substrate : [abstract]

Digel, Ilya ; Demirci, Taylan ; Trzewik, Jürgen ; Linder, Peter ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül (2004)

Plasma-generated cluster ions' effects on indoor microflora : [abstract]

Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Nojima, H. ; Artmann, Gerhard (2003)

Plasma cluster ions (PCI) influence on microbial cells viability : [abstract]

Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Artmann, Gerhard ; Nojima, H. (2003)

Effects of plasma generated ions on bacteria : [poster]

Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Nojima, H. ; Artmann, Gerhard (2003)

Some peculiarities of application of cluster ions generated by plasma in respect of indoor air purification :[abstract]

Digel, Ilya ; Temiz Artmann, Aysegül ; Nojima, H. ; Artmann, Gerhard (2003)

Konferenzposter- und Abstracts

Clean sampling of an englacial conduit at blood falls, antarctica - some experimental and numerical results

Kowalski, Julia ; Francke, Gero ; Feldmann, Marco ; Espe, Clemens ; Heinen, Dirk ; Digel, Ilya ; Clemens, Joachim ; Schüller, Kai ; Mikucki, Jill ; Tulaczyk, Slawek M. ; Pettit, Erin ; Berry Lyons, W. ; Dachwald, Bernd (2017)
19th European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2017, Vienna | Austria | 23–28 April 2017

In-situ biological decontamination of an ice melting probe

Digel, Ilya (2010)
38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany
Abstract unter

Weitere Publikationen

VirEx - Eliminierung von Quarantäne relevanten Viroiden aus Kulturpflanzen Abschlussbericht des Projektes KMU-innovativ-12: Teilprojekt 3

Digel, Ilya ; Kayser, Peter (2017)
Aachen : Institut für Bioengineering (IfB) der FH Aachen
Druck-Ausgabe: Schlussbericht für das BMBF-Forschungsvorhaben "VirEx - Eliminierung von Quarantäne relevanten Viroiden aus Kulturpflanzen"
Förderkennzeichen BMBF 031A400C

Enceladus Explorer : Schlussbericht — Version: 1.0

Blandford, Daniel ; Dachwald, Bernd ; Digel, Ilya ; Espe, Clemens ; Feldmann, Marco ; Francke, Gero ; Hiecke, Hannah ; Kowalski, Julia ; Lindner, Peter ; Plescher, Engelbert ; Schöngarth, Sarah (2015)
Aachen : FH Aachen
Förderkennzeichen BMWi 50NA1206