Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Virtual Visit to FH Aachen

Short film: Study opportunities at FH Aachen in pictures

Short film: Teacher Training BK - Be an Engineer - Become a Teacher

The faculties present themselves and their degree programmes in short films and lectures or offer virtual tours - explore the FH Aachen digitally!

(Kopie 2)

Central contact points and topics

Central counselling centres at the FH Aachen present themselves and their services.

Short lecture: Finding the right field of study during your time at school (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Short lecture: Start. Smart. Successfully through the first semesters! (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Short lecture: The dual studies at the FH Aachen (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Short lecture: The way via FH Aachen to the teaching profession at vocational colleges - being an engineer, becoming a teacher (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Infofilm: Lost in information - Your Library helps!

Short lecture: Prof. Knüppel from the Faculty of Business Studies explains: How do I account for my studies to the tax office? (Virtual Info Day 2021)


Faculty of Architecture

Virtual tour

Short film: Insight into the subject of design

Short lecture: Architecture (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Virtual tour

Educational video about the Bachelor's degree programmes of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

Short presentation: Civil Engineering (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Course film: BIOS - Civil Engineering with orientation semester

Short presentation: BIOS - Civil Engineering with Orientation Semester (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Course film: Wood Engineering

Portrait film: "Pauline" Wood Engineering

Short lecture: Wood Engineering (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Image film: Smart Building Engineering

Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology

Faculty of Design

Short lecture: Shaping the digital future (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Virtual tour

Course film: Computer Science

Explanatory video: Business Information Systems

Short film: Electrical Engineering

Short presentation: Electrical Engineering (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Image film: Media and Communications for Digital Business

YouTube playlists - insights into degree programmes, student projects, laboratories etc.:

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Faculty of Business Studies

Virtual tour

Imagefilm: Dive into the study of economics

Imagefilm: Business Studies at the FH Aachen

Short lecture: Business Administration/Business Studies (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Short lecture: Business Studies Praxis Plus (dual) (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Short lecture: International Business Studies (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Short lecture: Global Business and Economics (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Short lecture: Business Law (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics

Rail Vehicle Technology:

Course film: Rail Vehicle Technology

Rail Vehicle Technology: Best job opportunities!

Student project: Railway Challenge 2019

Short presentation: Rail Vehicle Technology (Virtual Info Day 2021)


Student project: Laser engraving station in the Industry 4.0 model factory

Student project: A-MoRo, the Awesome Mower Robot


Student project: Pro8

Research activities:

Digitalisation in Mechanical Engineering: Institute for Applied Automation and Mechatronics (IaAM)

Staff/Students report:

#fhmoments - Fabian Eichler

#fhmoments - Karim Abbas

Faculty of Medical Engineering and Technomathematics

Virtual tour of the Jülich campus

Course film: Physiotherapy

Course film: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Short presentation: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Virtual Info Day 2021)

Course film: Biomedical Engineering

Faculty of Energy Technology