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Committees & Commissions

Various committees and commissions support the faculty in its strategic development.

Appointment committees

Appointment committees are convened when a professorial position is advertised. The focus is on a fair, transparent and gender-equitable appointment procedure. The appointment committee draws up a catalogue of criteria and the advertisement for the professorship, reviews application documents and invites applicants to give presentations and interviews. The committee then decides which applicants will be evaluated and prepares a proposal for appointment, which the Faculty Council then decides on and submits to the Rector.

Evaluation commissions

The central task of the Evaluation Commission is the improvement of studies and teaching as well as their quality assurance. To this end, the results of the student course surveys are analysed every semester, among other things. Based on these analyses, concrete measures for improvement are decided upon as needed and agreed upon between the respective lecturers and the Dean/Dean of Studies.

Advisory Board

The faculty's advisory board is made up of external company representatives. The members are elected by the Faculty Council on the proposal of the Dean. The advisory board meets once a semester at the invitation of the Dean's Office. The meetings serve to exchange information and experience between the faculty and the business community as well as to build regional networks. The advisory board promotes the practical relevance of teaching and brings the perspective of companies and organisations into departmental issues.

Members of the faculty advisory board:

  • Dr. Christian Burmester | Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Sparkasse Aachen and Chairman of the University Council of FH Aachen
  • Alexander Coir | Auditor and Tax Consultant | KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
  • Yvonne Jussen | Director Human Resources and Deputy Chairwoman of the FH Aachen University Council | MAEURER & WIRTZ GmbH & Co. KG
  • Laura Mahr | Human Resources Manager | Mahr Heizung
  • Ines Oud | Executive Director | SIMCON kunststofftechnische Software GmbH
  • Tax Consultant Carsten Sobotta | Partner Tax Performance Advisory | Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
  • Lothar Steyns | Executive Director | SUMMIT IT CONSULT GmbH

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council is made up of elected professors, academic and nonacademic staff and students. The Faculty Council elects the Dean's Office and, as a further body of the faculty, is responsible for all fundamental and concrete questions of teaching, research and finances of the faculty. The most important tasks include ensuring the curriculum, the range of courses and the lawful operation of studies by drawing up examination and study regulations and appointing new professors. To this end, the Faculty Council avails itself of the support of committees which prepare discussions and decisions.

Members of the Faculty Council:


Prof. Dr. Andreas Bernecker
Prof. Dr. Markus Focke
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fritz
Prof. Dr. Mark Knüppel
Prof. Dr. Gisela Maercker
Prof. Dr. Philipp Schmitz
Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider (deputy chair)
Prof. Dr. Meike Utzerath (chair)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Vieth
Prof. Dr. Christoph Weigand

Staff members:

Monika Krings
Dipl.-Vw. Melanie Reinders
Selin Toksöz B.Sc.
Verena Vierhaus M.A.


Rojan Ahghari
Simon Paul
Gordon Pieper
Christina Schmitz

Meeting dates 2024:

22.4.2024 | 8.15 - 10 Uhr | Raum E253
3.6.2024 | 8.15-10 Uhr | Raum E253
10.6.2024 | 9.30-10 Uhr | Raum E253


Pedagogical Aptitude Commission

Pedagogical aptitude committees serve to assess the professor's pedagogical aptitude during the one-year probationary period. The impressions from the probationary teaching courses are used for the assessment. On the basis of the reports and opinions of the commission, the Rectorate decides on the tenure of the professor or on the degree of permanent employment.

Examination Board

The Examination Board ensures that the provisions of the Examination Regulations are observed and that the examinations are conducted properly. In particular, it examines appeals in examination procedures. In addition, the Examination Board reports to the faculty at least once a year on the development of examinations and study times. It makes suggestions for reforming the Examination Regulations and the study schedule and discloses the distribution of grades and overall grades.


Prof. Dr. Eva Bracht (Chair of the Examination Board)
Prof. Dr. Michael Timme (Deputy Chair)
Prof. Dr. Philipp Schmitz
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Vogt
Dipl.-Vw. Melanie Reinders
Stud. Christina Schmitz
Stud. Simon Paul

Quality Improvement Commission

In order to continuously improve teaching and study conditions, the faculty ensures internal reporting and quality monitoring. The Quality Improvement Commission advises and makes planning proposals for the appropriate use of financial resources. The commission includes representatives of the students, professors, Research Assistants and a non-voting member from the department administration. The Dean's Office has an advisory vote.

Advisory Board

The Academic Advisory Board advises the Faculty Council and the Dean's Office in particular on matters of study reform, the evaluation of studies and teaching as well as on the enactment and amendments of Examination Regulations.