Welding Laboratory
Laboratory for Coating Analysis
The practical trainings for the course "Manufacturing Processes 2 (Joining Processes)" take place in the welding technology laboratory. The focus is on practice-related engineering issues of manufaction. The trainings take place in a realistic environment and the students have the opportunity to learn about the various welding processes by doing them themselves under supervision. This way they are trained to get aware to the problems existing in practice and they acquire a constructive way of thinking that might be helpful at their later workplace. The variety of methods demonstrated gives students an overview of the possibilities in this field (see photos below).
In addition, the laboratory provides practical support for the central machine shop and other subject areas at the FH Aachen. Student projects, works for bachelor or master theses, and R&D projects are also carried out in the laboratory in cooperation with industrial partners.
In addition to trainings for curriculum courses that take place in our welding laboratory, we offer also advanced trainings at the Berufsbildung- und Gewerbeförderungseinrichtung (BGE) in Aachen. Experienced instructional welders teach interested students here in various welding processes.
Further events in the welding laboratory:
- Advanced training events as part of welding specialist and master craftsman courses in cooperation with the Aachen Chamber of Crafts and Trades
- Seminars, information events and advanced training courses for industrial partners
- Demonstrations and presentations as part of public relations work
- Practical courses for school groups
Joining and cutting processes:
- Laser welding (manual work station)
- Arc welding processes: MSG (incl. MSG brazing), TIG, plasma (incl. plasma powder), manual arc welding
- Stud welding
- Resistance spot welding
- Plasma cutting
- Oxyfuel process: Welding, cutting, flame spraying
- Plastic welding (hot gas, extrusion)
- VWTS (Virtual Welding Training System) for MSG, TIG, manual arc welding processes
Handling / Automation:
- Welding robot (8 axes)
- Cobot (6 axes)
- 3-axis handling systems
- Tractor system (self-propelled)
Component preparation:
- Sheet metal processing (shear, punch, bending)
- Welding edge former
- Grinding equipment
- Material analysis
- Hardness testing
- Metallography
- Surface crack testing
- Magnetic particle crack detection
- Microscopy
- High speed camera
Head of the Laboratory
Schleser, Markus, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Teaching Subject: Füge- und Trenntechnik / Lasertechnologie
© FH Aachen
Senat und Kommissionen - Senat
Room Goe 00308
52064 Aachen
Laboratory Staff
Lingens, Hans, Dipl.-Ing. MBA IWE
© FH Aachen
Room Goe 00305
52064 Aachen
Vollmann, Andreas

© FH Aachen
Room 00101
52064 Aachen

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann

FH Aachen | A. Vollmann