Sportutensilien wie Hanteln, Medizinbälle und Seile
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Health Programme WiSe 2023/24

The Health Programme WiSe 2023/24 starts in October!

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues,

In October, the WiSe 2023/24 health programme will start with new conceptual developments and ideas that were jointly drafted with the WG BGM and positively decided in the steering committee.

For the first time, the WorkLifePortal (WLP), which was activated for the FH on 1 June 2023, can be integrated into the health programme. In addition to the numerous digital offers available there, the health programme will continue to provide qualified courses and workshops on site in presence. Further information on the portal can be found on the FH homepage under WorkLifePortal (WLP).

The BGM already offered a qualification for health ambassadors in summer semester 2023, which was well received. However, since we are still looking for "reinforcements", there are now further workshops for interested parties. Health ambassadors act as guides to inform colleagues about the programmes and services offered by BGM. At the same time, they bring valuable ideas from the staff to health management.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved, both in the working groups and in the steering committee.

We hope that you will find one or two attractive offers in this programme. New ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

I wish you a lot of fun and success with our health offers
and workshops!

You can find the courses and workshops on offer as well as a brief description of each in the programme link below.

Health Programme WiSe 2023/24

For all questions regarding the health programme and the course offers, please contact the BGM of the FH Aachen.

The programme is supported by Techniker Krankenkasse and BARMER.


Important information


All users: inside the worklife portal can conveniently register for the individual courses and workshops of the programme via the app itself using the event calendar.
Registration process: Open the event calendar via the icon at the top right of the app homepage with the red dot or go to "Upcoming events - All events". Click on the desired event - more details - and register.

Colleagues who do not want to use the health app can get there via Click here to go directly to the registration to the WLP event calendar, where they can also register themselves. Please use your first and last name and your FH e-mail address.

Or you can register directly with the WLP and, in addition to your course attendance, receive lots of valuable health information and can take part in numerous other offers. Information on the WLP and registration can be found at WorkLifePortal (WLP).

Participation requirements

The programme's offers are generally aimed at all employees in science, technology and administration, unless the target group is specifically identified in the description. If you have health restrictions, please do not hesitate to ask. The BGM enables you to participate in the events of the health programme according to your needs.

The course leaders keep attendance lists, as the FH is obliged to provide proof of who has attended which courses and workshops. On request, you will receive corresponding certificates of attendance.

Working time

All "Movement and Relaxation" courses take place outside working hours.

The "moving break - online" is working time, but the break walk cannot be counted towards working time.

All workshops on "Health literacy, training and counselling" take place within working hours due to their continuing education and training nature. Please discuss your participation with your manager.

All events on "Health and Leadership" take place during working hours.

Participation in the "company run and other sporting events" generally takes place during free time.

The regulations on working hours have been laid down by the university management.

Course fees

Payment transactions for BGM are handled via the Eveeno platform.
You will receive information on the transfer of course fees for events requiring payment via link after your registration and in good time before the start of the course via email. The BGM will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Geldwerter Vorteil im BGM

Im BGM gibt es für alle Nutzer:innen des Gesundheitsprogramms eine jährliche Freigrenze von 600,00 € pro Jahr. Entgegen der Handhabung bei Sachbezügen, müssen im BGM tatsächlich nur Beträge, die über dieser Grenze liegen, versteuert werden.

Ein Beispiel:
Eine Beschäftigte hat den Freibetrag von 600 € überschritten und an Gesundheitsmaßnahmen im Wert von 650 € teilgenommen, so dass 50 € nunmehr versteuert werden müssen. Dieser Betrag wird darauf hin auf die Bemessungsgrundlage zur Lohnsteuer und zur Sozialversicherung angerechnet. Wie hoch der zu zahlende Betrag genau wäre, hängt von den finanziellen Voraussetzungen im Einzelfall ab. Hier können Ihnen die Kolleg:innen aus Dez. I unter weiterhelfen.

Die gute Nachricht: Seit Einführung des BGM in 2017 ist es noch nicht vorgekommen, dass die Freigrenze überschritten wurde!


Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the health programme and the courses offered, please do not hesitate to contact the head of BGM at FH Aachen:

Workplace Health Management at FH Aachen
Sabine Gärtner-Schwadorf
Eupener Straße 70
Room B128
52066 Aachen

Phone: +49.241.6009 51355

Photo Dipl. Soz.-Päd. Dipl. Supervisorin Sabine Gärtner-Schwadorf M.A.

Dipl. Soz.-Päd. Dipl. Supervisorin
Sabine Gärtner-Schwadorf M.A.

Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Zentralverwaltung - Dezernat IV - Facility Management - IV.4 - Ressourcen- und Sicherheitsmanagement
Eupener Straße 70
52066 Aachen