Setting up the University Account

The university account is the user account for the central services at FH Aachen. For each student, a university account will be set up.

You need the university account to sign up for courses, to use the computer workstations of FH Aachen and to access your email account as well as the WiFi/WLAN.



Setting up a University Account

When you join the university, you will receive a unique FH Identifier, which is required for logging in to all online services of FH Aachen. The FH Identifier will be sent to you by email by the Registrar's Office together with your access data after registration, so that you can activate your account.


The university communicates with you exclusively via your FH email address. According to the Registration Regulations of FH Aachen, you are obliged to check the inbox of your FH email address regularly.


For further information and assistance, please contact the Data Processing Centre (DVZ, Datenverarbeitungszentrale) of FH Aachen.


WiFi on Campus

At all FH Aachen locations, you have free access to the WiFi/WLAN eduroam. You can connect to it using your access data.



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