Last examination achievements (Bachelor)
The practical project, the Bachelor thesis and the colloquium are the last examination achievements you have to take. We have compiled a list of the steps you need to take.
Please also note our download centre.
Our information events deal with the following questions: What happens in the practical semester? How do I organise my practical project and Bachelor's thesis?
Information events organised by the Academic Counselling Service
Our information events with an outlook for the winter semester 25/26 will deal with the following questions: What requirements must be observed when choosing specialisation modules?
The information events will take place on the following dates:
Business Studies:
8.5.2025 | 11.30 - 12.15 | Room E261
Business Law:
8.5.2025 | 11.30 - 12.15 | Room E263
Global Business and Economics:
8.5.2025 | 11.30 - 12.15 | Room E265
What happens during the mobility/practical semester? How do I organise my practical project and Bachelor's thesis?
The information events will take place on the following dates:
Business Studies:
6.5.2025 | 11.30 - 12.15 | Room E261
Business Law:
5.5.2025 | 11.30 - 12.15 | Room E263
Global Business and Economics:
5.5.2025 | 11.30 - 12.15 | Room E265
The presentations of the last semesters can be found in Ilias.
Detailed information on the different areas
Finding a topic
- Are you interested in a particular subject area, such as logistics, marketing or taxation? Then you can approach a professor who is responsible for the content of this subject area. Together you will develop a topic and plan the timetable.
- Would you like to work on a practical task? Then combine the practical project and/or the Bachelor's thesis with an internship in a company. Here, too, the first step will lead you to a professor who will supervise the content of the topic.
Decision on the first and second examiner
After determining the subject area, in the second step you agree with a professor on the supervision of your final examination and appoint him/her as the first examiner. As a rule, the second examiner is proposed by your first examiner. With the approval of the Examination Board, it is also possible to appoint an external second examiner. You can apply for this when you register your Bachelor's thesis. Please note that the external second examiner must have a degree that is at least equivalent to the one you are achieving.
Application for admission to the final examination
Please submit the completed application form (pdf fillable - pdf) for admission to the practical project by e-mail to the Examinations Office at pruefungssekretariat(a) This should be done at least one week before the start of the practical project. You may only start your final thesis once you have received official authorisation from the Examinations Office.
Practical project
Within the scope of the practical project, you will work on a practice-oriented task within or outside of a company. You will discuss detailed information on your assignment with your first examiner. The results you achieve within the scope of your practical project can be part of the Bachelor's thesis.
Please refer to your Examination Regulations for the admission requirements for the practical project.
Duration: 11 weeks | Credits: 15
Bachelor thesis
In the Bachelor's thesis, you are supposed to show that you can independently work out a task from a subject area within a given deadline. If you write your Bachelor's thesis in a company, the company may want to have a blocking notice in the Bachelor's thesis. If the blocking notice is not sufficient, both parties must sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Please refer to your Examination Regulations for the admission requirements for the Bachelor thesis.
Please submit the completed application form (pdf fillable - pdf) for admission to the Bachelor's thesis by e-mail to the Examinations Office at pruefungssekretariat(a) This can be done from the moment when, after consultation with your first examiner, it is clear when you will start the writing phase. However, the application must always be submitted before the writing period begins. You may only start writing your thesis once you have received official authorisation from the Examinations Office.
If your second examiner is not a lecturer at FH Aachen, pages 2-3 must be completed by the second examiner.
Duration: 9 weeks (minimum 6 weeks) | Credits: 12
Start of the processing time
After you have determined the topic together with your first examiner, the first examiner must communicate the topic to the Chairperson of the Examination Board. After reviewing the topic, the Examination Board officially announces the topic to the candidate and the processing period of nine weeks begins.
Extension of the processing time
In exceptional cases, the chairperson of the examination board may grant an extension of a maximum of four weeks. An extension can be requested by e-mail from the Examinations Office using the form (pdf fillable) (pdf blank). Please bear in mind that the date for the colloquium may also change if the processing time is extended.
Submission of the Bachelor thesis
The Bachelor thesis must be sent in full and on time, including abstract, attachments and online sources in one e-mail to the first examiner, the second examiner and the examination office (pruefungssekretariat(at) as a PDF file. It is not necessary to send it by post. If the thesis is not handed in on time, it will be counted as a failed attempt.
Mandatory guidelines for the preparation of written final theses
The guidelines for scientific work must be adhered to when writing the final thesis. Please read the guidelines carefully.
The colloquium complements and follows the Bachelor thesis. It serves to determine whether you can orally present and justify the results of your Bachelor thesis and assess their significance for practice.
Admission requirements: All core and advanced study modules, practical project and Bachelor thesis. For further information, please refer to your Examination Regulations.
Duration: 30 minutes | Credits: 3
Re-registration/ Enrolment
Please note that you must be registered to take all parts of the examination, i.e. both the practical project, the Bachelor thesis and the colloquium.
For example, if you write your final thesis in the summer semester and are registered for the summer semester, your registration is valid until 31 August. If your oral final examination takes place later (e.g. in the period from 1 September to 28 February), you must re-register for the winter semester and pay the fees due.
For example, if you write your final thesis in the winter semester and have registered for the winter semester, your registration is valid until 28 February. If your oral final examination takes place later (e.g. in the period from 1 March to 31 August), you must re-register for the summer semester and pay the fees due.
Refund of the semester fee
If your degree was obtained by the official start of lectures and an application for deregistration is submitted on the same day, the full social contribution/student activity fee will be refunded. An additional requirement here is the return of the registration certificates, the student ID card and the semester ticket. Regarding the reimbursement of the costs for the semester ticket, an application can be submitted to the AStA. Without an early exmatriculation application, the student remains registered until the end of the semester. Further information is available from the Registrar's Office.
To celebrate your graduation in a fitting manner, the Faculty of Business Studies organises a graduation ceremony once a year in the Coronation Hall of Aachen City Hall. The colloquium deadline for participation in the graduation ceremony is 31 August each year. All graduates who take their colloquium after this date are invited to the following ceremony.
In preparation for the graduation ceremony and for the production of the annual graduate book, we require a professional application photo from you. The photo will be shown at the graduation ceremony when you take the stage to receive your certificate. It will also be printed together with the topic of your final thesis in the graduation book.
Please send your photo to:
The photo must meet the following formal requirements:
File type: jpg (no larger than 1-2MB)
Photo quality: 300 dpi (important, please be sure to adhere to this)
File name: Last_name_First_name_graduation20XX.jpg