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Person of trust

The person of trust is nominated by the students and is the first point of contact in the event of deficiencies and problems in the area of teaching and study organisation which the students are unable to resolve satisfactorily with their lecturers and examiners. The task of the person of trust is to mediate between the parties concerned in such situations and, if necessary, to bring about a solution to the problem via the Dean of the faculty.

Person of trust: Prof. Dr. Nicola Stippel

Photo Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicola Stippel-Rosenbaum

Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Nicola Stippel-Rosenbaum Professorin

Fachbereich 7 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Teaching Subject

BWL, insbes. Rechnungswesen und Controlling
Eupener Straße 70
Room E231
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

nach Vereinbarung