Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

Study specialisations and elective options

Individual specialisations and many open study options

Not all students are the same. Interests, career dreams and preferences are individual. We want to cater to this as much as possible and give our students many options.

The core studies are still the same for all students. This is important so that you can assume the same basic knowledge in higher semesters. Many of the elective options also build on the content of the core studies.

Focal points

After the core studies, Bachelor students have a wide range of electives to choose from, allowing them to put together their specialisations according to their interests. In electrical engineering, for example, students can choose from the areas of specialisation automation, electrical vehicle systems, digital energy and information and communication technology.

Students often ask which specialisations are in demand in computer science. In general, we make sure that we regularly adapt our specialisations to changing requirements in business practice so that all the specialisations on offer are future-proof. Through interdisciplinary projects and group work, also with higher semesters, we enable our students to exchange ideas and thus become aware of their own interests at an early stage.

Job or practical experience

Not everyone has the same amount of time to study. If you want to start your career quickly, you can do so after just 3 years with a professionally qualifying degree. If you would like to use your studies for experience abroad or a practical semester, you can keep this option open until the 5th semester. An internship or semester abroad can then be added in the 6th semester.

FH or university?

For students who are still hesitating whether a university of applied sciences or perhaps a university is the better path to their electrical engineering career, we offer an electrical engineering bachelor's programme with an orientation semester. As this starts in the summer semester, it also offers the additional option of adapting the start date to your own needs.

Continue studying

We offer 2 consecutive Master's degree programmes for all those who aspire to management positions from the outset or who would like to deepen their application-oriented knowledge even further.