Media Stock & Shelving
Acquisition Request
We are always interested in providing you with media that are missing from our collection. Please let us know what you would like us to acquire for you.
To do this, we offer you two options:
- online - send us your acquisition request at your convenience by filling in the form.
- in person - come to the library during service hours to submit your acquisition request in person.
Please check in advance whether the item is already available in the library. For this, please search our Catalogue PLUS.
What we can obtain for you
We are happy to order media for you that you need for:
- teaching and studies,
- research and development
- artistic and creative tasks
- as well as for further education
at FH Aachen.
The responsible colleagues will assess your request and get in touch with you. If we order the item for you, you are welcome to reserve it. As soon as it arrives at the library, you will receive a pick-up notification by email.
Special Locations
Some of the library's collections are placed in stacks that are not open to the public. If you find a title in Catalogue PLUS that is located in a stacks, you can order it.
As soon as the item is ready for you, you will receive an email from us. You can pick it up from the collection shelf and borrow it within seven days.
An overview of your orders is provided in your library account.

Non-Lending Collection
Some of our media are permanently available for you to use in the library. You can find out whether a media item is part of the non-lending collection in Catalogue PLUS under "Status". You can identify the non-lending collection by its red spine labels.
In compliance with copyright law, you can scan relevant content for use at home.
In exceptional cases, you can borrow items from the non-lending collection for a short period of time. In this case, shortened loan periods apply without the possibility of renewal. Please contact the library staff during service hours.
Course Reserve Collections
Upon your request, we set up course reserve collections with literature for individual courses at the start of the lecture period.
In Catalogue PLUS, the media are listed with the location " Course Reserve Collections". In order to give everyone equal access to this literature, they cannot be borrowed, but are available in the library for reading and scanning. In many cases, a short loan to seminar participants is possible.
In your library, you will find the course reserve collections on separate shelves. The name of the course reserve collection is shown in the shelfmark.
List of current course reserve collections (Login required)
Lab Reserve Collections
For a laboratory or research project, employees can set up a lab reserve collection.
In order to ensure that the media contained in the lab reserve collection can still be found, the name of the lab reserve collection as well as the head of the lab will be displayed in Catalogue PLUS.
If you are interested in a media item that is currently in a lab reserve collection, please do not hesitate to talk to us in the library.
Shelf Arrangement
For each shelf unit, the shelf arrangement goes from left to right, from the top shelf to the bottom shelf, with the next shelf unit following in the same order.
The shelving is arranged according to the shelfmark, i.e. first according to the letter combinations, then according to the consecutive book number.
The shelving system arranges all subject areas from the general to the specific. The basis of our media listing is the GHBS (shelf classification of the comprehensive university libraries of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia).
This means that you will find literature on the same subject in the same place.
Media Number
With the media number, each media item is assigned an individual code that contains information about its location. You will find the media number on the spine of the book, for example. It consists of the signature and a copy number.
21 TWR 143 (6) +1
21 ------> Branch library located here: Eupener Str.
TWR ----> Subject area
143 ---> serial number
(6) -----> edition
+1 -----> copy number
The media are sorted on the shelves first by subject area, then by serial number. This ensures that the same media are placed together on the shelves.
(1* = Library Bayernallee, 2* = Library Eupener Straße, 5* = Library Boxgraben, 6* = Library Jülich)