
Training Offers for your Courses

We get your students up to speed on how to use the library.

This can include a guided tour of the library premises, research in subject-specific literature databases, literature management with Citavi, and much more.



Depending on the academic and knowledge level, we offer various teaching units that can be integrated into your courses. The contents can be tailored to your personal wishes.

Please feel free to contact us.

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Reserve Collection

Your personal reserve collection can contain up to 100 media items. The media are on loan for you for the duration of your employment and will continue to be listed in the library catalogue with an extended loan period.

If university members are interested in a medium that is in your reserve collection, you are obliged to return it to the library within ten days. If you would like to borrow the item from your reserve collection again, we will be happy to reserve it for you. As soon as the item is ready for pick-up in the library again, we will inform you by email.

Media, such as standard works, tables books and reference works, which you continually need for your teaching and research activities, are not affected by this regulation. These media items do not have to be returned in the case of a reservation, but must be made available for inspection within a period of ten days.

Lab Reserve Collection

For a lab or research project, you can have a lab reserve collection set up in the library. This must be accessible to interested university members for inspection and can contain a maximum of 100 media items. There is no personal liability for the media.  

To ensure that the media in the lab reserve collection can still be found by interested members of university, the name of the lab reserve collection and the head of the lab are displayed in Catalogue PLUS.

If you are interested in a medium that is currently in a lab reserve collection, please contact us in the library.

Setting up Lab Reserve Collection

If you would like to set up a lab reserve collection, please complete the form and send it to us.

Course Reserve Collection

At the start of the lecture period, we will set up course reserve collections with literature for your courses upon your request. The media are listed in Catalogue PLUS with the location "Course Reserve Collections". In order to give everyone equal access to this literature, the items cannot be borrowed, but are available in the library for reading and scanning. If you would like your seminar participants to be able to borrow them, please contact us.

In your library, you will find the course reserve collections on separate shelves. The name of the course reserve collection is shown in the shelfmark.

Setting up a Course Reserve Collection

If you would like to set up a course reserve collection, please contact the colleagues in the library or send an email to bibauskunftfh-aachen.de. Please submit a list of all titles well in advance of the start of the semester and let us know how long the course reserve collection is to be maintained. Only items from FH Aachen holdings can be placed in a course reserve collection. This includes all borrowable physical media listed in Catalogue PLUS. Literature that is not yet listed in our catalogue can be suggested for acquisition. Please note that, in this case, the item is intended for a course reserve collection.

List of Current Course Reserve Collections (login required)


All electronic offers licensed for FH Aachen are only available to members of FH Aachen (campus-wide, via VPN or via Shibboleth) in the context of studies, teaching and research. Commercial use is expressly excluded.


When using the electronic resources, please observe the applicable copyright law. The relevant paragraphs for science can be found from § 60 a UrhWissG ff. onwards.

Please note: The content presented here is for information purposes only and is not legally binding information.

Which materials may be made available electronically in university teaching?

Tips & Further Links

Links Instead of Dissemination

In many cases, the library has already acquired licences for FH Aachen to use copyrighted material. This includes, for example, journals and e-books from major German and international publishers, standards (such as DIN standards, VDE regulations and VDI guidelines) as well as subject-specific databases (Engineering Source, RSWB, Wiso ...).
If you have a campus licence, you should link to these contents and never post their contents again in their entirety in the form of PDFs. This ensures that you are on the safe side in terms of copyright.


Using Photos and Images from the Internet

Quickly available image material from the internet is by no means copyright-free. Scientific and technical illustrations and depicitions such as plans, sketches, tables, general terms and conditions, rent indices as well as maps are all protected by copyright. Legal expenses of a warning notice for simple, non-designed photographs and photographic works with a high level of creative work can cost between 500 and 3,500 EUR. Therefore, use your own images or images that you have verified to be licence-free. This is why you should use free sources when searching for images, e.g. you can narrow down the search to free licences in the advanced Google image search.

On the website bildersuche.org you will find information and links to the respective offers.

Further Links

In cooperation with others, the lawyer Dr. Till Kreutzer runs a blog dedicated to the topic of copyright law in the digital world - Urheberrecht in der digitalen Welt.

Podcast on online teaching by the Institut für Informations-, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht - Zivilrechtliche Abteilung (Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law - Civil Law Department) - Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren of the University of Münster.

The Legal Information Office of the Digital University NRW - a project of the itm - offers a newsletter with current expert opinions.

On the homepage of the Ministry of Education and Research, a brochure 'Urheberrecht in der Wissenschaft' (Copyright in Science) (as of 08/2020) is available for download under 'Publications'.

The video 'Digitale Lehre & Urheberrecht. § 60a UrhG, Zitate, OER & Co.' (Digital Teaching & Copyright. § 60a UrhG, Citations, OER & Co.) provides information on the relevant copyright framework for university teachers who want to impart their teaching content digitally. Authors: Dorothée Wagner, Andrea Schlotfeldt, Julia Bieck [Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg]. Licence: CC BY