
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Feyerl

Magazine article

Advanced ECMS for hybrid electric heavy-duty trucks with predictive battery discharge and adaptive operating strategy under real driving conditions

Schulze, Sven ; Feyerl, Günter ; Pischinger, Stefan (2023)
Energies. Basel : MDPI. 16 (2023), H. 13. - 29 Seiten, Art. Nr.: 5171

Closed-loop platoon simulation with cooperative intelligent transportation systems based on vehicle-to-X communication

Meyer, Max-Arno ; Granrath, Christian ; Feyerl, Günter ; Richenhagen, Johannes ; Kaths, Jakob ; Andert, Jakob (2021)
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 106 (2021), H. Art. 102173.

Conference Papers

Adaptive energy management strategy for a heavy-duty truck with a P2-hybrid topology

Schulze, Sven ; Mühleisen, M. ; Feyerl, Günter (2018)
18. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium. Proceedings. Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg 2018. Seite: 75 - 89

Gender-specific perception and utilization of personal use vehicles

Roosen, Petra ; Feyerl, Günter (2015)
FISITA World Automotive Congress 2014 : Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2 - 6 June / [organised by the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA) ...]. Bd. 1. Red Hook, NY : Curran 2015. Seite: 418 - 425

Other publications

Elektromobilität - Verbundprojekt "COSTARTebus": Comprehensive strategy to accelerate the integration of electric-buses into existing public transport systems - Teilprojekt A : Berichtszeitraum: 01.01.2018-31.10.2020

Hebel, Christoph ; Merkens, Torsten ; Feyerl, Günter ; Kemper, Hans ; Busse, Daniel (2021)
Aachen : Fachhochschule Aachen- 219 Seiten
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