Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Arnold Förster
Anwendung der hochauflösenden Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie zum Studium von Halbleiterschichtsystemen. - (Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich / Kernforschungsanlage ; 2247)
Förster, Arnold (1988)
Jülich : Zentralbibliothek der Kernforschungsanlage 1988. - 104 S. : graph. Darst.
Magazine article
Intrinsic bandgap of cleaved ZnO(112¯0) surfaces
Sabitova, Aizhan ; Ebert, Ph. ; Lenz, Andrea ; Schaafhausen, S. ; Ivanova, L. ; Dähne, M. ; Hoffmann, A. ; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E. ; Förster, Arnold ; Grandidier, B. ; Eisele, H. (2013)
Applied physics letters. . Vol. 102 (2013). Seite: 021608
1077-3118 (E-Journal)
0003-6951 (Print)
Forschung „zwischen“ den Disziplinen: das Institut für Nano- und Biotechnologien
Schöning, Michael Josef ; Biselli, Manfred ; Selmer, Thorsten ; Öhlschläger, Peter ; Baumann, Marcus ; Förster, Arnold ; Poghossian, Arshak (2012)
Analytik news : das Online-Labormagazin für Labor und Analytik. Ober-Ramstadt : Dr. Beyer Internet-Beratung. Publ. online (2012). - 11 Seiten
Microfluidic chip with integrated microvalves based on temperature- and pH-responsive hydrogel thin films
Bäcker, Matthias ; Raue, Markus ; Schusser, Sebastian ; Jeitner, C. ; Breuer, Lars ; Wagner, P. ; Poghossian, Arshak ; Förster, Arnold ; Mang, Thomas ; Schöning, Michael Josef (2012)
Physica Status Solidi (a). Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. 209 (2012), H. 5. Seite: 839 - 845
Hot electron injector Gunn diode for advanced driver assistance systems
Förster, Arnold ; Lepsa, M. I. ; Freundt, D. (2007)
Applied physics A: materials science and processing. 87 (2007), H. 3. Seite: 545 - 558
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1432-0630 ; Special issue
Ultrafast and Highly Sensitive Photodetectors With Recessed Electrodes Fabricated on Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs. Mikulics, M.; Wu, S.; Marso, M.; Adam, R.; Förster, A.; van der Hart, A.; Kordos, P.; Lüth, H.; Sobolewski, R.
Förster, Arnold ; Mikulics, M. ; Wu, S. ; Marso, M. (2006)
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 18 (2006), H. 7. Seite: 820 - 822
Ultrafast Phenomena in Freestanding LT-GaAs Devices. Marso, M.; Mikulics, V. V.; Adam, R.; Wu, S.; Zheng, X.; Camara, I.; Siebe, N. Y.; Förster, A.; Güsten, R.; Kordos, P.; Sobolewski, R.
Förster, Arnold ; Marso, M. ; Mikulics, V. V. ; Adam, R. (2005)
Acta physica Polonica / A. 107 (2005), H. 1. Seite: 109 - 117
Resonant tunneling in nanocolumns improved by quantum collimation. Wensorra, J.; Indlekofer, K. M.; Förster, A.; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Wensorra, J. ; Indlekofer, K. M. ; Lüth, H. (2005)
Nano Letters. 5 (2005). Seite: 2470 - 2475
High frequency investigation of graded gap injectors for GaAs Gunn diodes / Simone Montanari ; Arnold Förster ; Mihail Ion Lepsa ; Hans Lüth
Förster, Arnold ; Montanari, Simone ; Lepsa, Mihail Ion ; Lüth, Hans (2005)
Solid-state electronics. 49 (2005), H. 2. Seite: 245 - 250
Photomixers fabricated on nitrogen-ion-implanted GaAs
Mikulics, M. ; Marso, M. ; Cámara Mayorga, I. ; Gusten, R. ; Stancek, S. ; Michael, E. A. ; Schieder, R. ; Wolter, M. ; Buca, D. ; Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. ; Lüth, H. (2005)
Applied physics letters. 87 (2005). Seite: 041106-1 - 041106-3
Ultrafast low-temperature-grown epitaxial GaAs photodetectors transferred on flexible plastic substrates
Mikulics, M. ; Adam, R. ; Kordos, P. ; Förster, Arnold ; Lüth, H. ; Wu, S. ; Zheng, X. ; Sobolewski, R. (2005)
IEEE photonics technology letters : IEEE PTL. 17 (2005), H. 8. Seite: 1725 - 1727
Generation of THz radiation by photomixing in low-temperature-grown MBE GaAs
Mikulics, M. ; Camara, I. ; Hardt, A. van der ; Fox, A. ; Förster, Arnold ; Gusten, R. ; Lüth, H. ; Kordos, P. (2004)
Fifth International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems : conference proceedings ; Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, October 17 - 21, 2004 / [organizers: Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava and Microelectronics Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava]. Ed. by J. Osvald. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Operations Center. (2004). - XI, 325 S. Seite: 231 - 234
International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems <5, 2004, Smolenice> ; ASDAM <5, 2004, Smolenice> ; IEEE catalog numer: 04EX867
On the spectrometric performance limit of radiation detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs
Zatko, B. ; Dubecký, F. ; Bohacek, P. ; Gombia, E. ; Frigeri, P. ; Mosca, R. ; Franchi, S. ; Huarn, J. ; Nescas, V. ; Sekacova, M. ; Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. (2004)
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research, Section A. 531 (2004), H. 1-2. Seite: 111 - 120
Study of d-doped GaAs layers by micro-Raman spectroscopy on bevelled samples
Srnanek, R. ; Geurts, J. ; Lentze, M. ; Irmer, G. ; Donoval, D. ; Brdecka, P. ; Kordos, P. ; Förster, Arnold ; Sciana, B. ; Radziewicz, D. ; Tlaczala, M. (2004)
Applied surface science . 230 (2004), H. 1 -4. Seite: 379 - 385
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0169-4332
Layer Deposition I
Förster, Arnold (2003)
Fundamentals of nanoelectronics / Stefan Blügel ... (ed.). - (Lecture manuscripts of the ... Spring School of the Department of Solid State Research ; 34). - (Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich : Materie und Material ; 14 ; 34). Jülich : Forschungszentrum, Zentralbibliothek. (2003). Seite: C2.1 - C2.13
61 UIM 2
Nonlinear charging effect of quantum dots in a p-i-n diode. Kiesslich, G.; Wacker, A.; Scholl, E.; Vitusevich, S.A.; Belyaev, A.E.; Danylyuk, S.V.; Forster, A.; Klein, N.; Henini, M.
Förster, Arnold ; Kiesslich, G. ; Wacker, A. ; Scholl, E. (2003)
Physical Review B. 68 (2003).
125331 (6 Seiten)
Quantum transport devices based on resonant tunneling
Maezawa, Koichi ; Förster, Arnold (2003)
Nanoelectronics and information technology : advanced electronic materials and novel devices / Rainer Waser (ed.).. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH. (2003). - 1001 S. : zahlr. Ill. und graph. Darst. Seite: 407 - 424
61 YFB 2
Photoresponse spectra in p-i-n diodes containing quantum dots. Belyaev, A.E.; Vitusevich, S.A.; Eaves, L.; Main, P.C.; Henini, M.; Förster, A.; Reetz, W.; Danylyuk, S.V.
Förster, Arnold ; Belyaev, A. E. ; Vitusevich, S.A. ; Eaves, L. (2002)
Nanotechnology. 13 (2002), H. 1. Seite: 94 - 96
Fabrication of GaAs symmetric pyramidal mesas prepared by wet-chemical etching using AlAs interlayer. Kicin, S.; Cambel, V.; Kuliffayova, M.; Gregusova, D.; Kovacova, E.; Novak, J.; Kostic, I.; Forster, A.
Förster, Arnold ; Kicin, S ; Cambel, V. ; Kuliffayova, M. (2002)
Journal of Applied Physics. 91 (2002), H. 2. Seite: 878 - 880
Preparation of patterned GaAs structures for MEMS and MOEMS. Cambel, V.; Kicin, S.; Kuliffayová, M.; Kovácová, E.; Novák, J.; Kostic, I.; Förster, A.
Förster, Arnold ; Cambel, V. ; Kicin, S. ; Kuliffayová, M. (2002)
Materials Science and Engineering: C. 19 (2002), H. 2. Seite: 161 - 165
Homogeneity analysis of ion-implanted resonant tunnelling diodes for applications in digital logic circuits. Malindretos, Jörg; Förster, Arno; Indlekofer, Klaus Michael; Lepsa, Mihail Ion; Hardtdegen, Hilde; Schmidt, Roland; Luth, Hans
Förster, Arnold ; Malindretos, Jörg ; Indlekofer, Klaus Michael ; Lepsa, Mihail Ion (2002)
Superlattices and Microstructures. 31 (2002), H. 6. Seite: 315 - 325
Thermal resistance of the semiconductor structures for a photomixing device. Darmo, J.; Schafer, F.; Forster, A.; Kordos, P.; Gusten, R
Förster, Arnold ; Darmo, J. ; Schafer, F. ; Kordos, P. (2002)
Conference proceedings : Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, October 14 - 16, 2002 / [organizers: Microelectronics Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava]. Ed. by Juraj Breza. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Operations Center. (2002). - XII, 379 S. Seite: 87 - 90
International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems ; (4, 2002, Smolenice). ASDAM '02 ; (4 : ; 2002.10.14-16 : ; Smolenice)
Generation of 460 GHz radiation by photomixing in low-temperature-grown MBE GaAs. Mikulics, M.; Siebe, F.; Fox, A.; Marso, M.; Forster, A.; Stuer, H.; Schafer, F.; Gusten, R.; Kordos, P.
Förster, Arnold ; Mikulics, M. ; Siebe, F. ; Fox, A. (2002)
Conference proceedings : Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, October 14 - 16, 2002 / [organizers: Microelectronics Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava]. Ed. by Juraj Breza. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Operations Center. (2002). - XII, 379 S. Seite: 129 - 132
International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems ; (4, 2002, Smolenice). ASDAM '02 ; (4 : ; 2002.10.14-16 : ; Smolenice)
Resonant tunneling effect in a periodically modulated electrical field. Vitusevich, S.A.; Forster, A.; Belyaev, A.E.; Sheka, D.I.; Luth, H.; Klein, N.; Danylyuk, S.V.; Konakova, R.
Förster, Arnold ; Vitusevich, S. A. ; Belyaev, A. E. ; Sheka, D. I. (2002)
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures : held at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, July 23 - 27, 2001 / MSS 10. Guest ed.: Günther Bauer .... Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier. (2002). - XXIX S., S. 96 - 1270, XXIX S. : Ill., graph. Dars Seite: 811 - 813
International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures ; (10, 2001, Linz). Zugleich: Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 13(2002)2-4. ISSN 1386-9477
Fabrication and subpicosecond optical response of low-temperature-grown GaAs freestanding photoconductive devices. Adam, R.; Mikulics, M.; Forster, A.; Schelten, J.; Siegel, M.; Kordos, P.; Zheng, X.; Wu, S.; Sobolewski, R.
Förster, Arnold ; Adam, R. ; Mikulics, M. ; Schelten, J. (2002)
Applied Physics Letters. 81 (2002), H. 18. Seite: 3485 - 3487
Perspectives of resonant tunneling diodes
Förster, Arnold ; Stock, J. ; Indlekofer, K. M. (2002)
Recent research developments in materials science & engineering/ 1,2. Trivandrum, India : Transworld Research Network. (2002). Seite: 527 - 556
Nebent.: Materials science & engineering
Density-matrix description of a quantum dot system with variable lateral confinement in the single-electron tunneling regime. Indlekofer, K.M.; Förster, A.; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Indlekofer, K.M. ; Lüth, H. (2002)
Physica B: Condensed Matter. 314 (2002), H. 1-4. Seite: 499 - 502
Low-temperature-grown MBE GaAs for terahertz photomixers. Mikulics, M.; Marso, M.; Adam, R.; Fox, A.; Buca, D.; Förster, A.; Kordos, P.; Xu, Y.; Sobolewski, R.
Förster, Arnold ; Mikulics, M. ; Marso, M. ; Adam, R. (2001)
2001 Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications ; [Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Measurements and Circuit Design, 15 - 16 November 2001, Vienna, Austria ; proceedings] / EDMO 2001. Organised by: Institute of Electrical Measurements and Circuit Design, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. With technical co-sponsorship from IEEE Electron Devices Society. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Operations Center. (2001). - 342 S.: Ill., graph. Darst Seite: 155 - 155
IEEE catalog number: 01TH8567
Control of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a AlGaAs/GaAs ring by asymmetric and symmetric gate biasing
Krafft, B. ; Förster, Arnold ; Hart, A. van der ; Schäpers, T. (2001)
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 9 (2001), H. 4. Seite: 635 - 641
Resonant spectroscopy of electric-field-induced superlattices
Vitusevich, S. A. ; Förster, Arnold ; Lüth, H. ; Belyaev, A. E. ; Danylyuk, S. V. ; Konakova, R. V. ; Sheka, D. I. (2001)
Journal of Applied Physics. 90 (2001), H. 6. Seite: 2857 - 2861
A Vertical Resonant Tunneling Transistor for Application in Digital Logic Circuits
Stock, J. ; Malindretos, J. ; Indlekofer, K.M. ; Pöttgens, Michael ; Förster, Arnold ; Lüth, Hans (2001)
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (T-ED). 48 (2001), H. 6. Seite: 1028 - 1032
Resonant tunneling diodes operating as modern quantum transport devices
Förster, Arnold (2000)
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices : (December 14 - 18, 1999) / ed.: Vikram Kumar ... - Vol. 2. New Delhi [u.a.] : Allied Publ.. (2000). - XXIII S., S. 755 - 1518 : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 966 - 966
International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices <10, 1999, Delhi>
Structural and Chemical Investigation of In-0.6Ga0.4As Stranski-Krastanow Layers Burried in GaAs by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Rosenauer, A. ; Oberst, W. ; Litvinov, D. ; Gerthsen, D. ; Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, R. (2000)
Physical Review B. 61 (2000), H. 12. Seite: 8276 - 8288
A novel InAlAs/InGaAs layer structure for monolithically integrated photoreceiver
Hodel, U. ; Orzati, A. ; Marso, M. ; Homann, O. ; Fox, A. ; Hart, A. v. d. ; Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. ; Lüth, H. (2000)
Conference Proceedings: 2000 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and related materials. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. (2000). - X, 582 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 466 - 469
International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials <12, 2000, Williamsburg, Va.>
Hot electron injection laser: vertically integrated transistor-laser structure for high-speed, low-chirp direct modulation
Hoskens, R.C.P. ; Roer, T.G. van de ; Tolstikhin, V.I. ; Förster, Arnold (2000)
LEOS 2000 : 2000 IEEE annual meeting conference proceedings; 13th annual meeting; IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 2000 annual meeting; 13-16 November 2000, The Westin Rio Mar Beach, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. Vol. 2. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. (2000). - XXVIII S., S. 393 - 898 : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 444 - 445
2000 IEEE LEOS annual meeting
Vertically integrated transistor-laser structure, take 2
Hoskens, R. C. P. ; Tolstikhin, V.I. ; Förster, Arnold ; Roer, T.G. van de (2000)
WOCSDICE 2000, 24th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe : May 29 - June 02, 2000, Aegean Sea, Greece.. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Univ. of Michigan. (2000). - Getr. Zählung [ca. 200 S.]
WOCSDICE ; (24, 2000) Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe ; (24 : ; 2000.05.29-06.02)
Beryllium doped low-temperature-grown MBE GaAs: material for photomixing in the THz frequency range
Darmo, J. ; Schäffer, F. ; Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. (2000)
ASDAM 2000 : conference proceedings / edited by Jozef Osvald ... [et al.]. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. (2000). - XI, 481 S.: Ill Seite: 147 - 150
International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems ; (3rd : ; 2000 : ; Smolenice, Slovakia)
Metamorphic InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT's on GaAs substrates using an InP buffer layer
Schmidt, R. ; Tonnesmann, A. ; Förster, Arnold ; Grimm, M. ; Kordos, P. ; Lüth, H. (2000)
8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications : EDMO 2000 ; [13 - 14 November 2000, University of Glasgow] / organised by Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow Scotland. MTT/ED/AP/LEO Societies Joint Chapter, United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section. With technical co-sponsorship from IEEE Electron Device Society. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Operations Center. (2000). - 280 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 95 - 98
EDMO <8, 2000, Glasgow> ; University / Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering ; IEEE catalog number 00TH8534
Fine structure of photoresponse spectra in a double-barrier resonant tunnelling diode
Vitusevich, S. A. ; Förster, Arnold ; Reetz, W. ; Lüth, H. ; Belyaev, A. E. ; Danylyuk, S. V. (2000)
Nanotechnology. 11 (2000), H. 4. Seite: 305 - 308
Critical dimensions for the formation of interfacial misfit dislocations of In0.6Ga0.4As islands on GaAs(001)
Tillmann, K. ; Förster, Arnold (2000)
Thin Solid Films. 368 (2000), H. 1. Seite: 93 - 104
Spectral Responsivity of single-quantum-well photodetectors
Vitusevich, S. A. ; Förster, Arnold ; Reetz, W. ; Lüth, H. ; Belyaev, A. E. ; Danylyuk, S. V. (2000)
Applied Physics Letters. 77 (2000), H. 1. Seite: 16 - 18
Tunneling Through X-Valley-Related Impurity States in GaAs/AlAs Resonant-Tunneling Diodes
Vitusevich, S. A. ; Förster, Arnold ; Indlekofer, K.-M. ; Lüth, H. ; Belyaev, A. E. ; Glavin, B. A. ; Konakova, R. V. (2000)
Physical Review . B. 61 (2000), H. 16. Seite: 10898 - 10904
Logic Circuits with reduced complexity based on devices with higher functionality / G. Janssen ; T. G. van de Roer ; W. Prost ... A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Janssen, G. ; Roer, T. G. van de (1999)
Proceedings / STW/SAFE 2nd Annual Workshop on Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics, Safe '99 - ProRISC/IEEE 10th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, ProRISC 99 : November 24 - 26, 1999, Mierlo, The Netherlands [Elektronische Ressource]. Utrecht : Technology Foundation, STW. (1999). - 1 CD-ROM (12 cm) Seite: 219
SAFE <2, 1999, Mierlo> ; Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing <10, 1999, Mierlo> ; Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen
Supression of the surface-inversion layer of p-type InAs. Lachenmann, S. G.; Fridrich, I.; Förster, A.; Schäpers, Th.
Förster, Arnold ; Lachenmann, S. G. ; Fridrich, I. ; Schäpers, T. (1999)
Journal of Applied Physics. 85 (1999), H. 12. Seite: 8242 - 8246
On-chip frequency domain submillimeter-wave transceiver. Zamdmer, N.; Hu, Qing ; McIntosh K. A. ; Verghise, S. ; Förster, A.
Förster, Arnold ; Zamdmer, N. ; Hu, Qing ; McIntosh, K. A. (1999)
Applied Physics Letters. 75 (1999), H. 24. Seite: 3877 - 3879
An InAlAs-InGaAs OPFET with responsivity above 200 A/W at 1.3-μm wavelength. Marso, M.; Gersdorf, P.; Fox, A.; Hodel, U.; Lambertini, R.; Kordos, P.
Förster, Arnold ; Marso, M. ; Gersdorf, P. ; Fox, A. (1999)
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 11 (1999), H. 1. Seite: 117 - 119
Die neue Welt
Förster, Arnold ; Lüth, Hans ; Schäpers, Thomas (1999)
Spektrum der Wissenschaft (1999). Seite: 90 - 93
Optically controlled 2D tunneling in GaAs delta-doped p-n junction / S. A. Vitusevich ; A. Förster ; A. E. Belyaev ...
Förster, Arnold ; Vitusevich, S. A. ; Belyaev, A. E. (1999)
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics (SQO) : International Scientific Journal. 2 (1999), H. 1. Seite: 7 - 10
Intrinsic bistability effect in delta doped tunneling diodes / S. A. Vitusevich ; A. Förster ; B. A. Belyaev ...
Förster, Arnold ; Vitusevich, S. A. ; Belyaev, B. A. (1999)
Proceedings of the XXVIII International School on Physics of Semiconducting Compounds : Jaszowiec, Poland, June 6 - 11, 1999 / Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics. Ed. of the proceedings Wojciech Szuszkiewicz. Warsaw. (1999). - S. 511 - 688 : Ill., graph. Darst.
International School on Physics of Semiconducting Compounds <28, 1999, Jaszowiec> ; Acta physica Polonica : A ; 96, no. 5
Superconductor/semiconductor step junctions: the basic element for hybrid three terminal devices. Lachenmann, S. G., Förster, A.; Friedrich, I.; Uhlisch, D.; Schäpers, Th.; Kastalsky, A.; Golubov, A. A.
Förster, Arnold ; Lachenmann, S. G. ; Friedrich, I. ; Uhlisch, D. (1999)
Applied Superconductivity. 6 (1999), H. 10-12. Seite: 681 - 688
Resonant tunneling effect in delta p-n GaAs junction. Vitusevich, S. A.; Förster, A.; Belyaev, A. E.; Indlekofer, K. M.; Lüth, H.; Konakova, R. V.
Förster, Arnold ; Vitusevich, S. A. ; Belyaev, A. E. ; Indlekofer, K. M. (1999)
Microelectronic Engineering. 46 (1999), H. 1-4. Seite: 169 - 172
International Conference on Micro- and Nanofabrication
Single electron transport in resonant tunnelling diodes laterally confined by ion implantation. Griebel, M.; Indlekofer, K.M.; Förster, A.; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Griebel, M. ; Indlekofer, K.M. ; Lüth, H. (1999)
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 32 (1999), H. 14. Seite: 1729 - 1733
Magnetoresistance in low-temperature grown molecular-beam epitaxial GaAs. Betko, J.; Morvic, M.; Novak, J.; Förster, A.; Kordos, P.
Förster, Arnold ; Betko, J. ; Morvic, M. ; Novak, J. (1999)
Journal of Applied Physics. 86 (1999), H. 11. Seite: 6243 - 6248
Characterization of low-temperature GaAs by conductivity, Hall effect and magnetoresistance measurements. Morvic, M., Betko, J.; Novak, J.; Förster, A.; Kordos, P.
Förster, Arnold ; Morvic, M. ; Betko, J. ; Novak, J. (1999)
2nd Symposium on Non-Stoichiometric III-V Compounds : [4th - 6th October 1999, Erlangen] / [ed. by T. Marek ...] Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Erlangen : Lehrstuhl für Mikrocharakterisierung. (1999). - 133 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 79 - 85
Symposium on Non-Stoichiometric III-V Compounds <2, 1999, Erlangen>
Atomic scale analysis of the indium distribution in InGaAs/GaAs (001) heterostructures: segregation, lateral indium redistribution and the effect of growth interruptions. Rosenauer, A. ; Oberst, W. ; Gerthsen, D. ; Förster, A.
Förster, Arnold ; Rosenauer, A. ; Oberst, W. ; Gerthsen, D. (1999)
Thin Solid Films. 357 (1999). Seite: 18 - 21
Mode-Discriminating Photoconductor and Coplanar Wave-Guide Circuits for Picosecond Sampling. Zamdmer, N.; Hu, Qing ; Verghese, S. ; Förster, A.
Förster, Arnold ; Zamdmer, N. ; Hu, Qing ; Verghese, S. (1999)
Applied Physics Letters. 74 (1999), H. 7. Seite: 1039 - 1041
DX Centers in Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs Analyzed by Point Contact Measurements. Hauke, M.; Jakumeit, J.; Krafft, B.; Nimtz, G.; Förster, A.; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Hauke, M. ; Jakumeit, J. ; Krafft, B. (1998)
Journal of Applied Physics. 84 (1998), H. 4. Seite: 2034 - 2039
Transport properties of gated resonant tunneling diodes in the single electron regime. Griebel, M.; Indlekofer, K. M.; Förster, A.; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Griebel, M. ; Indlekofer, K. M. ; Lüth, H. (1998)
Journal of Applied Physics. 84 (1998), H. 12. Seite: 6719 - 6724
Hybrid superconductor/semiconductor step junction with three terminals. Lachenmann, S. G.; Kastalsky, A.; Förster A.; Uhlisch, D.; Neurohr, K.; Schäpers, Th.
Förster, Arnold ; Lachenmann, S. G. ; Kastalsky, A. ; Uhlisch, D. (1998)
Journal of Applied Physics. 83 (1998), H. 12. Seite: 8077 - 8079
Annealing effect on concentration of EL6-like deep-level state in low-temperature-grown molecular beam epitaxial GaAs. Darmo, J.; Dubecky, F.; Kordos, P.; Förster, A.
Förster, Arnold ; Darmo, J. ; Dubecky, F. ; Kordos, P. (1998)
Applied Physics Letters. 72 (1998), H. 5. Seite: 590 - 592
550 GHz bandwidth photodetector on low-temperature grown molecular-beam epitaxial GaAs. Kordos, P., Förster, A.; Marso, M.; Rüders, F.
Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. ; Marso, M. ; Rüders, F. (1998)
Electronics Letters. 34 (1998), H. 1. Seite: 119 - 120
Spontaneous formation of tilted AlGaAS/GaAs superlattice during AlGaAs growth. Hartmann, A.; Dieker, Ch.; Hollfelder, M.; Hardtdegen, H.; Förster, A.; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Hartmann, Arno ; Dieker, Christel ; Hollfelder, Martin ; Hardtdegen, Hilde ; Lüth, Hans (1998)
Applied Surface Science. 123-124 (1998). Seite: 704 - 709
= Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces
Transport through a buried double barrier single electron transistor at low temperatures
Förster, Arnold ; Griebel, M. ; Indlekofer, M. ; Lüth, H. (1998)
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2 (1998), H. 1-4. Seite: 502 - 506
Vertical transport and relaxation mechanisms in d-doping superlattices. Malzer, S.; Heber, J.; Peter, M.; Eckl, S.; Elpelt, R.; Doehler, G. H.; Förster, A.; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Malzer, S. ; Heber, J. ; Peter, M. (1998)
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2 (1998), H. 1-4. Seite: 349 - 352
Composition evaluation by lattice fringe analysis. Rosenauer, A.; Fischer U.; Gerthsen D.; Förster A.
Förster, Arnold ; Rosenauer, A. ; Fischer, U. ; Gerthsen, D. (1998)
Ultramicroscopy. 72 (1998), H. 3-4. Seite: 121 - 133
On the hopping and band conductivity in molecular-beam epitaxial low-temperature grown GaAs / M. Morvic ; J. Betko ; J. Novák ... A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Morvic, M. ; Betko, J. (1998)
Physica status solidi / B, Basic research. 205 (1998), H. 1. Seite: 125 - 128
Heterojunction band offsets and Schottky-barrier heights: Tersoff’s theory in the presence of strain / C. Ohler ; C. Daniels ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Ohler, C. ; Daniels, C. (1998)
Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 58 (1998), H. 12. Seite: 7864 - 7871
Hot electrons in n-i-p.i-based devices / G. H. Döhler ; J. Heber ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Döhler, G. H ; Heber, J. (1998)
Hot electrons in semiconductors : physics and devices / ed. by N. Balkan. - (Series on semiconductor science and technology ; 5). Oxford : Clarendon Press. (1998). - XVI, 512 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 478 - 504
Strain determination in mismatched semiconductor heterostructures by the digital analysis of lattice images / A. Rosenauer ; T. Remmele ; U. Fischer ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Rosenauer, A. ; Remmele, T. (1997)
Microscopy of semiconducting materials 1997 : proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference held at Oxford University, 7 - 10 April 1997 / ed. by A. G. Cullis ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 157). Bristol [u.a.] : Institute of Physics. (1997). - XVI, 709 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 39 - ff.
MSM <10, 1997, Oxford> ; Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials <10, 1997, Oxford> ; Institut of Physics
Properties of LT MBE GaAs for photomixing up to THz frequencies / P. Kordos ; F. Ruders ; M. Marso ; A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. ; Ruders, F. (1997)
Proceedings : 8 - 11 December 1996, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia / ed.: C. Jagadish. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. (1997). - XIII, 501 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 71 - ff.
Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices <1996, Canberra> ; IEEE catalog number: 96TH8197
Pixel X-ray detectors in epitaxial gallium arsenide withhigh-energy resolution capabilities (Fano factor experimentaldetermination) / G. Bertuccio ; A. Pullia ; J. Lauter ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Bertuccio, G. ; Pullia, A. (1997)
IEEE transactions on nuclear science. 44 (1997), H. 1. Seite: 1 - 5
Characterization of low-temperature GaAs by galvanomagnetic an photoluminescence measurements / J. Novák ; M. Kucera ; M. Morvic ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Novak, J. ; Kucera, M. ; Morvic, M. (1997)
Materials science and engineering B: Solid state materials for advanced technology. 44 (1997), H. 1-3. Seite: 341 - 344
Single-electron transport in small resonant-tunneling diodes with various barrier-thickness asymmetries / T. Schmidt ; R. J. Haug ; K. v. Klitzing ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Haug, R. J. (1997)
Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 55 (1997), H. 4. Seite: 2230 - 2236
Charge transport in superconductor/semiconductor/normal-conductor step junctions / S. G. Lachenmann ; I. Friedrich ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lachenmann, S. G. ; Friedrich, I. (1997)
Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 56 (1997), H. 21. Seite: 14108 - 14115
Cryogenic picosecond sampling using fiber-coupled photoconductive switch / S. Verghese ; N. Zamdmer ; Qing Hu ; A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Verghese, S. ; Zamdmer, N. ; Hu, Qing (1997)
Applied physics letters. 70 (1997), H. 20. Seite: 2644 - 2646
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
Space-charge controlled conduction in low-temperature-grown molecular-beam epitaxial GaAs / P. Kordos ; M. Marso, ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. ; Marso, M. (1997)
Applied physics letters. 71 (1997), H. 8. Seite: 1118 - 1120
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
Composition evaluation of InxGa1 – xAs Stranski-Krastanow-island structures by strain state analysis / A. Rosenauer ; U. Fischer ; D. Gerthsen ; A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Rosenauer, A. ; Fischer, U. ; Gerthsen, D. (1997)
Applied physics letters. 71 (1997), H. 26. Seite: 3868 - 3870
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
Band offsets at heavily strained III - V interfaces / C. Ohler ; A. Förster ; J. Moers...
Förster, Arnold ; Ohler, C. ; Moers, J. (1997)
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 30 (1997), H. 10. Seite: 1436 - 1441
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1361-6463
Spectroscopy of the single-particle states of a quantum-dot molecule / T. Schmidt ; R. J. Haug ; K. v. Klitzing ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Haug, R. J. (1997)
Physical review letters. 78 (1997), H. 8. Seite: 1544 - 1547
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1079-7114
Observation of the local structure of landau bands in a disordered conductor / T. Schmidt ; R. J. Haug ; Vladimir I. Fal'ko ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Haug, R. J. (1997)
Physical review letters. 78 (1997), H. 8. Seite: 1540 - 1543
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1079-7114
Atomic scale strain measurements by the digital analysis of transmission electron microscopic lattice images / A. Rosenauer ; T. Remmele ; D. Gerthsen ... A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Rosenauer, A. ; Remmele, T. (1997)
Optik : international journal for light and electron optics. 105 (1997), H. 3. Seite: 99 - 107
Properties of Nb/InAs/Nb hybrid step junctions / S. G. Lachenmann ; A. Kastalsky ; I. Friedrich ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lachenmann, S. G. ; Kastalsky, A. (1997)
Journal of low temperature physics. 106 (1997), H. 3-4. Seite: 321 - 326
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1573-7357
Optimization of III/V binary growth with RHEED in MOMBE / C. Ungermanns ; M. v. d. Ahe ; R. Carius ; A. Förster ...
Ungermanns, C. ; Ahe, M. v. d. ; Carius, Reinhard ; Förster, Arnold (1997)
Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 358 (1997), H. 1-2. Seite: 101 - 104
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1432-1130
33 Z 662-1997,1
Barrier height at clean Au/InAs(100) interfaces / C. Ohler ; C. Daniels ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Ohler, C. ; Daniels, C. (1997)
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 15 (1997), H. 3. Seite: 702 - 706
AlGaAs/GaAs avalanche detector array -1 GBit/s X-ray receiver for timing measurements / J. Lauter ; A. Förster ; H. Lüth ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lauter, J. ; Lüth, H. (1996)
1995 IEEE conference record : October 21 - 28, 1995, San Francisco / Patricia A. Moonier, guest ed. - Vol. 1. Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center. (1996). - LI, 666 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 579 - ff.
Nuclear Science Symposium <1995, San Francisco, Calif.> ; Medical Imaging Conference <1995, San Francisco, Calif.> ; IEEE catalog number: 95CH35898
Imaging the local density of states in a disordered semiconductor / T. Schmidt ; R. J. Haug ; V. I. Fal'ko ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Haug, R. J. (1996)
23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors : Berlin, Germany, July 21 - 26, 1996 / ed.: Matthias Scheffler ... - Vol. 3. Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific. (1996). - XXX S., S. 1663 - 2566 : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 2251 - ff.
International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors <23, 1996, Berlin>
Annealing characteristics of native defects in low-temperature-grown MBE GaAs / J. Darmo ; F. Dubecky ; P. Kordos ; A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Darmo, J. ; Dubecký, F. ; Kordos, P. (1996)
Semiconducting and insulating materials 1996 : proceedings of the 9th Conference on Semiconducting and Insulating Materials (SIMC '9), April 29 - May 3, 1996, Toulouse, France / [IEEE]. Piscataway, NJ [u.a.]. (1996). - XVII, 379 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 67 - ff.
2. ISBN: 0-7803-3179-6 ; Conference on Semiconducting and Insulating Materials <9, 1996, Toulouse> ; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; IEEE Cat. No.96CH35881
Growth-induced interface roughness of GaAs/AlAs-layers studied by X-ray scattering under grazing angles / U. Klemradt ; M. Funke ; M. Fromm ... A Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Klemradt, U. ; Funke, M. ; Fromm, M (1996)
Physica B: condensed matter. 221 (1996), H. 1-4. Seite: 27 - 33
Optical investigation of impurity bands in a delta-doped n-layer / J. Schönhut ; C. Metzner ; S. Müller ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schönhut, J. ; Metzner, C. (1996)
Solid state electronics. 40 (1996), H. 1-8. Seite: 701 - 705
Single-electron-tunneling spectroscopy of asymmetric laterally confined double-barrier heterostructures / T. Schmidt ; M. Tewordt ; R. J. Haug ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Tewordt, M. (1996)
Solid state electronics. 40 (1996), H. 1-8. Seite: 15 - 19
Subpicosecond coherent carrier-phonon dynamics in semiconductor heterostructures / T. Dekorsy ; A. M. T. Kim ; G. C. Cho ... A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Dekorsy, Thomas ; Kim, A. T. M. ; Cho, Gyu C. ; Kurz, Heinrich ; Kuznetsov, Alex V. (1996)
Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 53 (1996), H. 3. Seite: 1531 - 1538
Theory of single-electron tunneling in resonant-tunneling diodes including scattering and multiple subbands at finite temperature / K. M. Indlekofer ; J. Lange ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Indlekofer, K. ; Lange, J. (1996)
Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 53 (1996), H. 11. Seite: 7392 - 7402
Electron interference in a T-shaped quantum transistor based on Schottky-gate technology / J. Appenzeller ; Ch. Schroer ; Th. Schäpers ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Appenzeller, J. ; Schroer, C. (1996)
Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 53 (1996), H. 15. Seite: 9959 - 9963
Wet chemical separation of low-temperature GaAs layers from their GaAs substrates / J. Novák ; M. Morvic ; J. Betko ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Novák, J. ; Morvic, M. (1996)
Materials science and engineering / B, Solid state materials for advanced technology. 40 (1996), H. 1. Seite: 58 - 62
DX centres, conduction band offsets and Si-dopant segregation in heterostructures / A. Leuther ; A. Förster ; H. Lüth ...
Förster, Arnold ; Leuther, A. ; Lüth, H. (1996)
Semiconductor science and technology. 11 (1996), H. 5. Seite: 766 - 771
Peak-to-valley ratio of small resonant-tunneling diodes with various barrier-thickness asymmetries / T. Schmidt ; M. Tewordt ; R. J. Haug ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Tewordt, M. ; Haug, R. J. (1996)
Applied physics letters. 68 (1996), H. 6. Seite: 838 - 840
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
An optical correlator using a low-temperature-grown GaAs photoconductor / S. Verghese ; N. Zamdmer ; Qing Hu .... A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Verghese, S. ; Zamdmer, N. ; Hu, Qing (1996)
Applied physics letters. 69 (1996), H. 6. Seite: 842 - 844
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
Hall mobility analysis in low-temperature-grown molecular-beam epitaxial GaAs / J. Betko , M. Morvic ; J. Novák ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Betko, J. ; Morvic, M. ; Novak, J. (1996)
Applied physics letters. 69 (1996), H. 17. Seite: 2563 - 2565
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
High-frequency (f ~ 1 THz) studies of quantum-effect devices / Qing Hu ; S. Verghese ; R. A. Wyss ... A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Hu, Quing ; Verghese, S. (1996)
Semiconductor science and technology. 11 (1996), H. 12. Seite: 1888 - 1894
Spectroscopy of local density of states fluctuations in a disordered conductor / T. Schmidt ; R. J. Haug ; V. I. Fal'ko ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Haug, R. J. (1996)
Europhysics letters. 36 (1996), H. 1. Seite: 61 - 66
Determination of segregation, elastic strain and thin-foil relaxation in InxGa-1-x As islands on GaAs(001) by high resolution transmission electron microscopy / K. Tillmann ; A. Thust ; M. Lentzen ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Tillmann, K. ; Thust, M. (1996)
Philosophical magazine / Letters. 74 (1996), H. 5. Seite: 309 - 315
AlGaAs/GaAs avalanche detector array-1 GBit/s X-ray receiver fortiming measurements / J. Lauter ; A. Förster ; H. Lüth ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lauter, J. ; Lüth, H. (1996)
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (T-NS). 43 (1996), H. 3, Part 2. Seite: 1446 - 1451
Novel hybrid Nb/InAs/Nb step junctions / S. G. Lachenmann ; A. Kastalsky ; I. Friedrich ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lachenmann, S. G. ; Kastalsky, A. (1996)
Czechoslovak journal of physics . 46 (1996), H. S2. Seite: 659
Morphological transformations of MBE-grown In0.6Ga0.4As island on GaAs(001) substrates / K. Tillmann ; D. Gerthsen ; P. Pfundstein ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Tillmann, K. ; Gerthsen, D. (1995)
Microscopy of semiconducting materials 1995 : proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference held at Oxford University, 20 - 23 March 1995 / Ed. by A G Cullis ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 146). Bristol [u.a.] : Institute of Physics. (1995). - XVII, 795 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 195 - ff.
MSM <9, 1995, Oxford> ; Institut of Physics
Strain relaxation of lattice-mismatched In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs superlattices on GaAs(001) substrates / M. Lentzen ; D. Gerthsen ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lentzen, M. ; Gerthsen, D. (1995)
Microscopy of semiconducting materials 1995 : proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference held at Oxford University, 20 - 23 March 1995 / Ed. by A G Cullis ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 146). Bristol [u.a.] : Institute of Physics. (1995). - XVII, 795 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 357 - ff.
MSM <9, 1995, Oxford> ; Institut of Physics
Depth resolved investigations of the relaxation behaviour in strained GaInAs/GaAs superlattices using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction / Rose, D. ; Pietsch, U. ; Förster, A. ; Metzger, T. H.
Förster, Arnold ; Rose, D. ; Pietsch, U. ; Metzger, T. H. (1995)
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research / Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 97 (1995), H. 1-4. Seite: 333 - 336
Ultrahigh frequency measurements of magnetic penetration length and surface impedance of YBa2Cu3O7–x microstriplines on Si and GaAs substrates . Rüders, F; Hollricher, O.; Copetti, C. A. ; Förster, A. ; Buchal, Ch. ; Prusseit, W. ; Kinder, H.
Förster, Arnold (1995)
Journal of Applied Physics. 77 (1995), H. 10. Seite: 5282 - 5286
Electrical and structural characterization of MBE GaAs grown at temperatures between 200 and 600 °C / P. Kordos ; J. Betko; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. ; Betko, J. (1995)
Compound semiconductors, 1994 : proceedings of the twenty-first International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors held in San Diego, California, 18 - 22 September, 1994 / ed. by Herb Goronkin ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 141). Bristol [u.a.] : Institute of Physics. (1995). - XXVII, 912 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 295 - ff.
International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors <21, 1994, San Diego, Calif.> ; Institute of Physics
Comparative investigation of electrical and optical characteristics of AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs structures deposited by LP-MOVPE and MBE / H. Hardtdegen ; M. Hollfelder ; C. Ungermanns ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Hardtdegen, Hilde ; Ungermanns, C. (1995)
Compound semiconductors, 1994 : proceedings of the twenty-first International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors held in San Diego, California, 18 - 22 September, 1994 / ed. by Herb Goronkin ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 141). Bristol [u.a.] : Institute of Physics. (1995). - XXVII, 912 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 81 - ff.
International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors <21, 1994, San Diego, Calif.> ; Institute of Physics
Growth morphology and misfit relaxation of MBE-grown In0.6 G0.4 As on GaAs(001) / K. Tillmann ; D. Gerthsen ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Tillmann, K. ; Gerthsen, D. (1995)
Thin solid films. 261 (1995), H. 1-2. Seite: 139 - 147
Structural transformations and strain relaxation mechanisms of In0.6Ga0.4As islands grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) substrates / Tillmann, K. ; Gerthsen, D. ; Pfundstein, P. ; Förster, A. ; Urban, K.
Förster, Arnold ; Tillmann, K. ; Gerthsen, D. ; Pfundstein, P. (1995)
Journal of applied physics. 78 (1995), H. 6. Seite: 3824 - 3832
Epitaxial gallium arsenide for nuclear radiation detector applications / J. Lauter ; E. Bauser ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lauter, J. ; Bauser, E. (1995)
Nuclear physics B / Proceedings supplements. 44 (1995), H. 1-3. Seite: 381 - 385
AlGaAs/GaAs SAM-avalanche photodiode : an X-ray detector for low energy photons / J. Lauter ; D. Protic ; A. Förster ; H. Lüth
Förster, Arnold ; Lauter, J. ; Protic, D. ; Lüth, H. (1995)
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A: Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment. 356 (1995), H. 2-3. Seite: 324 - 329
Effect of electron-electron interaction on hot ballistic electron beams / Th. Schäpers ; M. Krüger ; J. Appenzeller ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schäpers, T. ; Krüger, M. ; Appenzeller, J. (1995)
Applied physics letters. 66 (1995), H. 26. Seite: 3603 - 3606
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
Semi-insulating GaAs layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy / P. Kordos ; A. Förster ; J. Betko ...
Förster, Arnold ; Kordos, P. ; Betko, J. (1995)
Applied physics letters. 67 (1995), H. 7. Seite: 983 - 985
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
Electron-electron interaction in ballistic electron beams / F. Müller ; B. Lengeler ; Th. Schäpers ... A. Förster...
Förster, Arnold ; Müller, F. ; Lengeler, B. ; Schäpers, T. (1995)
Physical Review B . 51 (1995), H. 8. Seite: 5099 - 5105
2. ISSN: 1098-0121 ; ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1095-3795
Quantum-dot ground states in a magnetic field studied by single-electron tunneling spectroscopy on double-barrier heterostructures / T. Schmidt ; M. Tewordt ; R. H. Blick ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schmidt, T. ; Tewordt, M. ; Blick, R. H. (1995)
Physical Review B . 51 (1995), H. 8. Seite: 5570 - 5573
2. ISSN: 1098-0121 ; ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1095-3795
Investigation of deep-level states in bulk and low temperature MBE semiinsulating GaAs by admittance transient spectroscopy / F. Dubecky ; J. Darmo ; M. Darviras ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Dubecký, F. ; Darmo, J. (1994)
Semi-insulating III-V materials, Ixtapa, Mexico 1992 : proceedings of the 7th Conference on Semi-insulating III-V Materials, Ixtapa, Mexico, 21 - 24 April 1992 / ed. by C. J. Miner .... Bristol [u.a.] : Inst. of Physics Publ.. (1994). - XVI, 344 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 265 - 272
Conference on Semi-Insulating III-V Materials <7, 1992, Ixtapa>
Deep-level states and electrical properties of GaAs grown at 250 °C / J. Darmo ; F. Dubecký ; P. Kordos ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Darmo, J. ; Dubecký, F. ; Kordos, P. (1994)
Materials science and engineering B: Solid state materials for advanced technology. 28 (1994), H. 1-3. Seite: 393 - 396
Electrical properties of molecular beam epitaxial GaAs layers grown at low temperature / J. Betko ; P. Kordos ; S. Kuklovsky ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Betko, J. ; Kordos, P. ; Kuklovsky, S. (1994)
Materials science and engineering B: Solid state materials for advanced technology. 28 (1994), H. 1-3. Seite: 147 - 150
Depth resolved investigation of the relaxation behaviour in strained GaInAs/GaAs superlattices / Rose, D. ; Pietsch, U. ; Förster, A. ; Metzger, H....
Förster, Arnold ; Rose, D. ; Pietsch, U. ; Metzger, H. (1994)
Physica B: condensed matter. 198 (1994), H. 1-3. Seite: 256 - 258
Hydrostatic pressure sensors based on solid state tunneling devices / H. Brugger; U. Meiners ; R. Diniz ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Brugger, H. ; Meiners, U. ; Diniz, R. (1994)
Solid state electronics. 37 (1994), H. 4-6. Seite: 801 - 804
Strain dependence of the valence-band offset in InAs/GaAs heterojunctions determined by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy / C. Ohler ; R. Kohleick ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Ohler, C. ; Kohleick, R. (1994)
Physical Review B . 50 (1994), H. 11. Seite: 7833 - 7837
2. ISSN: 1098-0121 ; ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1095-3795
The effect of growth temperature on AlAs/GaAs resonant tunnelling diodes
Förster, Arnold ; Lange, J. ; Gerthsen, D. (1994)
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 27 (1994), H. 1. Seite: 175 - 178
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1361-6463
Control of ballistic electrons in (AlGa)As/GaAs heterostructures by means of superconducting niobium gate structures / T. Schäpers ; F. Müller ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schäpers, T. ; Müller, F. (1994)
Surface Science. 305 (1994), H. 1-3. Seite: 460 - 464
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0039-6028
Resonant tunneling diodes : the effect of structural properties on their performance
Förster, Arnold (1994)
Festkörperprobleme = Advances in solid state physics. 33 (1994). Seite: 37 - 62
Review ; 2. ISSN: 0430-3393
Microstructure of the AlAs/GaAs and AlAs/InGaAs resonant tunneling diodes and its correlation with the electrical properties / C. Dieker ; D. Gerthsen ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Dieker, Christel ; Gerthsen, D. ; Lange, J. ; Lüth, Hans (1993)
Microscopy of semiconducting materials 1993 : proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference held at Oxford University, 5 - 8 April 1993 / ed. by A. G. Cullis ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 134). Bristol [u.a.] : Institute of Physics. (1993). - XVIII, 788 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 253 - ff.
Royal Microscopical Society Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials <8, 1993, Oxford> ; MSM <8, 1993, Oxford>
AlAs/GaAs Quantum well structures: Interface properties investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy / T. Walther ; D. Gerthsen ; R. Carius ; A. Förster ...
Walther, T. ; Gerthsen, D. ; Carius, Reinhard ; Förster, Arnold (1993)
Microscopy of semiconducting materials 1993 : proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society Conference held at Oxford University, 5 - 8 April 1993 / ed. by A. G. Cullis ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 134). Bristol [u.a.] : Institute of Physics. (1993). - XVIII, 788 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. Seite: 449 - ff.
Royal Microscopical Society Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials <8, 1993, Oxford> ; MSM <8, 1993, Oxford>
Quasi-two-dimensional plasmons of a single δ-doped layer in GaAs studied by high-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy / C. Lohe ; A. Leuther ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lohe, C. ; Leuther, A. (1993)
Physical Review B . 47 (1993), H. 7. Seite: 3819 - 3826
2. ISSN: 1098-0121 ; ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1095-3795
Ga segregation and the effect of Si and Ge interlayers at the GaAs(100)/AlAs heterostructure / R. Kohleick ; A. Förster ; H. Lüth
Förster, Arnold ; Kohleick, R. ; Lüth, H. (1993)
Physical Review B . 48 (1993), H. 20. Seite: 15138 - 15143
2. ISSN: 1098-0121 ; ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1095-3795
Reflection and transmission of ballistic electrons at a potential barrier / Schäpers, T. ; Müller, F. ; Förster, A. ; Lengeler, B. ; Lüth, H.
Förster, Arnold ; Schäpers, T. ; Müller, F. ; Lengeler, B. (1993)
Superlattices and microstructures . 14 (1993), H. 1. Seite: 57
Thermal desorption of amorphous arsenic caps from GaAs(100) monitored by reflection anisotropy spectroscopy / U. Resch ; S. M. Scholz ; U. Rossow ... A. Förter ...
Förster, Arnold ; Resch, U. ; Scholz, S. M. (1993)
Applied Surface Science. 63 (1993), H. 1-4. Seite: 106 - 110
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0169-4332
Effect of interface roughness and scattering on the performance of AlAs/InGaAs resonant tunneling diodes
Förster, Arnold ; Lange, J. ; Gerthsen, D. (1993)
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 11 (1993), H. 4. Seite: 1743 - 1747
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0734-211X
Strain dependence of the valence-band offset in arsenide compound heterojunctions determined by photoelectron spectroscopy / C. Ohler ; J. Moers ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Ohler, C. ; Moers, J. (1993)
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 13 (1993), H. 4. Seite: 1728 - 1735
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0734-211X
Growth mode and strain relaxation during the initial stage of InxGa1–xAs growth on GaAs(001) / M. Lentzen ; D. Gerthsen ; A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Lentzen, M. ; Gerthsen, D. (1992)
Applied physics letters. 60 (1992), H. 1. Seite: 74 - 76
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1077-3118
Modulated ellipsometric measurements and transfer-matrix calculation of the field-dependent dielectric function of a multiple quantum well / J.-Th. Zettler ; H. Mikkelsen ; K. Leo ... A. Förster
Förster, Arnold ; Zettler, J.-T. ; Mikkelsen, H. ; Leo, K. (1992)
Physical Review B . 46 (1992), H. 24. Seite: 15955 - 15962
2. ISSN: 1098-0121 ; ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1095-3795
Arsenic passivation of MBE grown GaAs(100): structural and electronic properties of the decapped surfaces / U. Resch ; N. Essera ; Y. S. Raptis ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Resch, U. ; Essera, N. ; Raptis, Y. S. (1992)
Surface Science. 269-270 (1992). Seite: 797 - 803
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0039-6028
High quality GaAs-based resonant tunneling diodes for high frequency device applications / H. Brugger ; U. Meiners ; C. Wölk ... A. Förster ...
Förster, Arnold ; Brugger, H. ; Meiners, U. (1991)
Proceedings : August 5 - 7, 1991, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York / R. J. Trew, General Chairman. Piscataway, NJ : Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. (1991). - 487 S. : Ill., zahlr. graph. Darst. Seite: 39 - ff.
Cornell Conference on Advanced Concepts in High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Circuits <1991, Ithaca, NY>
Epitaxial growth and characterization of Si/NiSi2/Si(111) heterostructures / Angela Rizzi ; A. Förster ; H. Lüth
Förster, Arnold ; Rizzi, Angela ; Lüth, H. (1989)
Surface Science. 211 - 212 (1989). Seite: 620 - 629
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0039-6028
Evaluation of dopant profiles and diffusion constants by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy
Förster, Arnold ; Layet, J. M. ; Lüth, H. (1989)
Applied Surface Science. 41 - 42 (1989). Seite: 306 - 311
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0169-4332
Surface reactions of trimethylgallium and trimethylarsenic on silicon surfaces
Förster, Arnold ; Lüth, H. (1989)
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 7 (1989), H. 4. Seite: 720 - 724
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0734-211X
The effect of inhomogeneous dopant profiles on the electron energy loss spectra of Si(100) /
Förster, Arnold ; Layet, J. M. ; Lüth, H. (1988)
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing. 47 (1988), H. 1. Seite: 95 - 97
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 1432-0630
Arsenic passivation of MOMBE grown GaAs surfaces / B. -J. Schäfer ; A. Förster ; M. Londschien ...
Förster, Arnold ; Schäfer, B.-J. ; Londschien, M. (1988)
Surface Science. 204 (1988), H. 3. Seite: 485 - 490
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0039-6028
The Schottky barrier at the InSb(110)–Sn interface
Förster, Arnold ; Tulke, A. ; Lüth, H. (1987)
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 5 (1987), H. 4. Seite: 1054 - 1056
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0734-211X
Investigation of the InSb(110)-Sn schottky barrier by means of electron energy loss spectroscopy
Förster, Arnold ; Lüth, H. (1987)
Surface Science. 189-190 (1987). Seite: 307 - 314
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0039-6028
The adsorption of fluor-carbon complexes on GaAs(110) studied by electron energy loss spectroscopy
Förster, Arnold ; Spitzer, A. ; Lüth, H. (1986)
Surface Science. 172 (1986), H. 1. Seite: 174 - 182
ISSN der E-Ausg.: 0039-6028
Conference Papers
Fabrication and characterisation of GaAs Gunn Diode Chips for applications at 77 GHz in automotive industry
Förster, Arnold ; Stock, Jürgen ; Montanari, Simone ; Lepsa, Mihail Ion ; Lüth, Hans (2006)