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Civil Engineering M.Eng.

The faculty of civil engineering offers the master's degree programme "civil engineering" with a prescribed period of study of three semesters (90 CP). It aims to provide an application-oriented consolidation of the technical and methodological skills already acquired in a university degree programme and, where applicable, in practical professional practice. It is aimed at managers with professional responsibility in companies and projects. At this level, both high technical and high management qualifications are required. In addition to in-depth practical engineering knowledge, both the construction industry and planning offices expect a sound knowledge of economic and legal contexts.

The consecutive degree programme guarantees an education that imparts these qualifications in both technical and business management terms. Students can choose between the areas of specialisation construction management, structural engineering and infrastructure, with a focus on transport & water and waste management. The programme can be started in both the winter and summer semesters. The aim of the programme is a professionally qualifying master's degree with the title "master of engineering" (M.Eng.).

Degree Programme Civil Engineering M.Eng.

Civil Engineering
Location of Study
Start of Studies
each summer an winter semester
Prescribed Period of Study

3 semesters

Credit Points


Teaching Language

directly to FH Aachen

Similar Degree Programmes

Facility Management M.Eng.

Examination Regulations for the Master's degree programme in Civil Engineering

Zugangsordnung Masterstudiengang Bauingenieurwesen

Broschüre Bauingenieurwesen

Head of degree programme

Photo Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Vismann

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Ulrich Vismann Professor

Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen

Teaching Subject

Baustatik einschl. Technische Mechanik sowie Massivbau
Bayernallee 9
Room 02209
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

siehe Aushang

Head of degree programme

Photo Dipl.-Ing. Sara Keimer

Sara Keimer Wissenschaftliche Angestellte

Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen
Institute - Institut für Baustoffe und Baukonstruktionen (IBB)

University function

Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau
Bayernallee 9
Room 02207
52066 Aachen

Faculty Administrative Office

Photo  Sabine Eckert

Sabine Eckert Angestellte in der Fachbereichsverwaltung

Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen
Personalrat und Gruppenvertretungen - Personalrat der Beschäftigten in Technik und Verwaltung

University function

Bayernallee 9
Room 00119
52066 Aachen

Consultation Hours

Mo und Do: 8:00 – 15:00 und nach Absprache